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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. Whilst not common (hopefully), this is not unusual. My business partner (now deceased) had a similar situation. Her mother is a compulsive gambler and was deep in debt. The mother tried to sell the granddaughter's virginity to clear the debt. Luckily, my partner found out about it before the event and took her daughter away from the grandmother. Very sad situation.
  2. 'Weed' is only legal for medicinal purposes and in certain forms. It is legal to grow it and to sell it. After that, it is as clear as 'a cloud of smoke'. It is not 'legal' to smoke weed. However, many 'experts' posting on Asean Now will say otherwise. The powers that make up the rules are still trying to put this particular cat back in the bag. The rules are currently 'vague' and the law is clueless.
  3. Apparently, due to high seas, ferries to and from Samui were stopped at 14.00 today. The situation will be reviewed again tomorrow morning.
  4. Simple solution. When you arrive at the hotel and they see that you are not Thai, there is a surcharge on your half of the room!????
  5. Middle Eastern airlines are making a killing at the moment. The war in Ukraine means that long haul have to avoid the usual air space. So flights are longer and more expensive. Then you also have the increased fuel costs etc etc. The airlines in the Middle East are the shortest route now.
  6. According to the MOPH , public figures are not increasing substantially. Both actual case numbers and ATK results are down from yesterday. It is hospital cases that are increasing. There may be a hidden agenda here.
  7. And this is OK? (From wikiislam. net) Aisha's Age This question has already been adequately answered here and here. In sum, if the Islamic tradition is to be trusted at all, she was six years old when Muhammad married her and nine years old when Muhammad consummated the marriage.
  8. Thailand has some of the best food in the world. Maybe that will be changed to 'had some of the best food...' As my gran used to say 'if it ain't broken - don't fix it'.
  9. And the previous two days it was dropping to below 2,000 cases. Hype to induce panic amongst the population?
  10. You are correct. But does it really have to be headline news every day? We need to take sensible precautions. Same for dengue. Same for road accidents. They are all with us every day.
  11. Cases down below 2,000 today. Just an excuse for the CCSA to stay in control?
  12. Isn't that a bit like saying "if you don't like what's posted here - stop reading it"? Just asking. ????
  13. Strange story. Numbers this morning dropped below 2,000 Covid cases nationwide. Only 1,609 positive ATK/RAT results as well. A negative surge perhaps?
  14. Alcohol is banned at all of the temples that I have been to. Not sure about cannabis though. ????
  15. The press are going full steam ahead on the 'feel good' stories showing how good Prayut is. Must be an election coming up?
  16. I would think that any doctor on Koh Tao could provide one. Here is one on Samui. https://www.samuihomeclinic.com/service-page/medical-certificate-for-diving-padi
  17. No sign of alcohol. Marijuana 'debris' and cigarette makings on the dining room table. So they were drunk? Keeping selling the dream guys. Do not worry - it is totally harmless. In twenty years of being in the hospitality business, I have seen all kinds of drugs and yes, both the cleaning team and I know what we saw.
  18. A touch of reality. I recently check out five dosed-up reefer smokers from a villa. When I arrived at the villa, all five were comatose in their beds. They had to be out of the villa within 45 minutes - next guests were due and we needed to clean and disinfect the villa. It took 90 minutes to get them dressed, packed and out. It took one guest 10 minutes of 'wobbling' trying to put his feet in the legs of his pants. They then proceeded to get on their rental scooters (not an easy task) to return them to the rental company. One guest fell off before he got to the end of the road. Yes, an extreme case of 'too much wacky baccy' but they were a danger on the roads. I am 100% sure that this is not the only case of idiocy here in Thailand, but the majority of them will never make the newspapers.
  19. Try a similar booking just for one and see if the price changes?
  20. I do not dive, but this response from a friend who does, and he dives regularly :- "For a good dive school I recommend Roctopus or Master Divers depending on which end of the island they want to stay. All the dive schools will be able to book accommodation and usually get discounts. If they want a dive school that has their own accommodation then that will be one of the biggest - Banns or Big Blue. The reason I shy away from them is they have very big boats which means a lot of divers in the water wherever they go and a bit more impersonal."
  21. I had a Phillips air fryer for many years. Brilliant. Dropped it and replaced it with the one above from Big C. It works just as well and less than half the price. One year old now. I do chips, sausages, fish fingers, pies - everything in the air fryer. Most meat I cook on the BBQ. (Not work firing up for three sausages) Kicked the oven out and freed up space in the kitchen.
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