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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. I do not think that you would be allowed to quarantine in an apartment. Too much risk for the other tenants and the 'management' may not allow it. I can only speak for Koh Samui. We have had a number of tourists that booked to stay in private villas, and they were allowed to quarantine there. The hospital asked if if it was OK from our side. But it should be noted that these 'Covid' cases had mild or zero symptoms. If there were more serious symptoms, you would want to stay in the hospital anyway. But the rest of the family stayed in the villa.
  2. Agreed. Hopefully the whales will not travel further north to where the spill is.
  3. I have a friend who is from Hong Kong. Her pronunciation of Don Quixote always made me laugh.
  4. A bit of a mistaken view. The common cold has not killed more than 5 million people in less than two years. Not really similar at all. More than 5 million people worldwide have died from Covid-19 less than two years after the novel pathogen was first documented, https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-11-01/covid-deaths-top-5-million-even-as-vaccines-slash-fatality-rate
  5. Book a villa? Can be cheaper than a hotel. Definitely cheaper than a hospitel and guests have been allowed to quarantine in the pre-booked villa.
  6. Call it whatever you like, but when a customer tells me (via email) that they have Covid and then I have to self quarantine for a week - I take that pretty seriously. Another customer called me today to say that he has Covid - but this customer is in hospital. I now go into self quarantine for the fifth time in a year. BTW the most popular phrase on this forum is 'I call BS on that'
  7. It's a problem with the system and poor communication. Yes - tourists have the second test, but they are only contacted if the test is positive. There is no contact with the tourist on a negative test. So - they have the test, go to bed, wake up and have breakfast and no one has contacted them. Ergo - they must be negative so they check out. Oops - the guest is positive (discovered in the afternoon in some cases). Of course the guest has checked out. Latest check out time is 11.00 But hey - lets blame the tourist. Easier than fixing a system that is not working.
  8. Here on Samui, one of the local commercial labs is doing the tests and they are more cheap than the hospitals. Hospitals approx 3,500 THB. Private clinic just under 3,000 THB Lab - I was told 2,500 THB Maybe look for a lab in Pattaya?
  9. And therein lies the problem. Money for maintenance just disappears.
  10. His record, whilst he was in power, would support Mr Meeseeks comment. He has more business acumen than this 'rigged' group of generals added together. At the time, I spoke to a lot of local Thais here on Samui and Thais from other provinces, and their common theme was that he was the first PM, in their lifetime, to do something for the people. All would say that they knew someone in their home town/village etc who had received something from Thaksin's policies. Vote buying? Of course. That is normal for Thailand. He was removed by the 'rich and famous' because the he was loved by the 'common people'. The criminal record was a political move. Every one of the leaders today could have a similar criminal record.
  11. Maybe some slander cases on the horizon? 'Our man in Dubai' is not making a possible return to Thailand any easier.
  12. TM 30 should be done as soon as you move. (Within 24 hours.)
  13. Guests that have been in the sandbox have been allowed booze. So they tell me.
  14. The warning buoy in the Andaman sea has been out of action for some years. Good to see that the PM is on top of his game.
  15. The old druggies excuse rises every time. No mention of the fact that cannabis leads to lots of mental issues and is a pretty good way for someone to become a schizophrenic. Then there are stoned people driving big trucks etc. Of course, it is all soooo totally safe. Until someone is killed by a pot head.
  16. I almost wished for a 9 pm alcohol ban on Sunday night. "Duff duff duff" music until after midnight coming from the Bangrak area.
  17. Probably sold out so quickly as people are buying them to re-sell at a later date - at a higher price.
  18. Yes, but your landlord or houseowner should do it and they need to be registered with immigration.
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