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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. There is no shortage .... in Bangkok! That is where the supplies are and that is why there is a shortage in the rural areas. This government thinks that Thailand is Bangkok. Nowhere else matters. ????
  2. There is also a transfer document that he will need to fill in - pass it to you and you fill in your details as the new owner. Send the book and document separately to the bike. I was told to never leave the book with the bike! As far as I remember, that is all that it needs.
  3. I have the same problem. I have been using Lazada for years. New security software - zero testing abilities. The only solution that I found was to set up a new account. ???? As you say - you cannot ask for help to sign in unless you are signed in. Useless.
  4. ATM's and bank branches etc are being closed down everywhere. It is the crashed economy. No tourists, no jobs, no need for poor performing branches or ATM machines. Banks often pay rent to put a machine anywhere that is not on their property. Here, my local branch has closed - as have others. (Ayudthaya, SCB etc) ATM's of all types being removed from shopping centres. It has no connection with the liquidity of the bank - just closing things that are losing money.
  5. Thank you for that khunPer. So I must have the newest variant - 'Delicron'? I had all of the Omicron symptoms, plus I had a runny nose and sore throat! ????
  6. This is not a Daily Mail nor a TOT issue. I use a private internet provider and I have no wish to read the DM. I receive this message every day when trying to read ASEAN NOW. This is the only website where I receive this message. Not usually all day though. It comes and goes. It is a right pain in the planet Uranus.
  7. FMP was on the 17th Feb this month. Between 18th and 25th there were :- Samui 158 reported cases. Population 50,000 - 60,000 KPN 213 reported cases. Population 10,000 - 12,000 (No Covid numbers for 22/2) That is a big spike in KPN considering the difference in the population between the two islands.
  8. By the time that this government actually do something, the headline will read "who may be evacuated from their workplaces in the New Russian Territories". They should have been evacuated days ago.
  9. And let us not forget the fiasco of the Boeing Starliner space crew transporter that failed a live test and missed the rendezvous with it's target. All becasue they forgot to synchronise the clocks - supposedly.
  10. Personally, I believe that they are. (2 x AZ and 1 x Pfizer) I work in the tourism industry and I have quite a few guests, villa owners etc who have had Covid. I have kept it at bay all of last year until now. Positive on Monday night. (I do regular RAT testing.) I am over 70 years old and have two chronic diseases. According to previous edicts from the government I should be in ICU or dead. I am in self quarantine at home. My symptoms are that of a very bad cold. Coughing, sneezing, slight temperature, sore throat etc. After 3 days it is just the sore throat and no temperature. In my opinion, the vaccine 'cocktails' work. To all of the anti vaccine people out there, remember the guy who fell off the top of the Empire State building. As he passed the 17th floor, he was heard to be saying - so far so good! Stay safe people.
  11. Like arresting tourists that were naive enough to rent electric scooters from Thais?
  12. Don't Panic. Uncle Tu is on the case. "When Thailand's current PM assumed power the best part of eight years ago he promised to end corruption in Thailand in 20 years."
  13. Well said. And (anti) social media is definitely NOT human contact.
  14. Sorry to read this Elena. Maybe travel a bit around Thailand before making a decision. Every 'hub' is different. Samui is very different (from what I read) to the more popular 'tourist and retirement' areas. I suspect that Phuket is as well. Hua Hin/Cha Am and so on. Here on Samui there seem to be a fair number of ladies who are single again - either through divorce or death and there are a few organisations that give them the chance to meet on a regular basis. I am sure that other towns are the same. I am surprised to hear that CM isn't. Good luck in whatever you do.
  15. What relevance does the law have for dictators and rich people in Thailand? It is only abused used to keep demonstrators in gaol.
  16. Mine is more than 10 years old and 60k. Most of that mileage in the last five years. Still good enough for use on the island and for popping over to the mainland from time to time.
  17. That will be a waste of time. So many people have a 'negative' RAT test on their phone already.
  18. Well that has put paid to any possibility of his return to Thailand. The powers that be here would have been hoping that he would just disappear into the Australian outback.
  19. Wow - Coco Tams is busy. It looks like the place has expanded since I was last there. It is a favourite with a lot of our Thai guests.
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