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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. So Big Joke went trawling for the bad guys and netted a good catch. Sorry - I will now get my coat. ????
  2. The other difference is that influenza does not kill more than 5 million people in less than two years. ????
  3. Things have changed quite a bit since September. I have some guests who have tested positive for Covid and are asymptomatic, or have mild symptoms. They are in quarantine in private villas that they had booked. I also know that in December, other guests were transferred to hospitels (field hospitals?). All of these guests are foreign tourists. I suspect that it all depends on the seriousness of any symptoms. The villas do not have any medical staff but visits by doctors/nurses are available (for a price). I do not know what medical staff are available at hospitels, or even if they are still being used this month. Hospitels on the island are resorts that are converted to cater for Covid patients. Usually, no outside guests allowed. I think that there were only one or two - not a 100% sure.
  4. I bought some Vietnamese ground coffee yesterday, and to my (very basic) taste buds - tart describes it perfectly.
  5. Was the ice secured? Blocks of ice moving about in the back could also be an issue.
  6. There is a problem with Test and Go. (According to some of my guests) You go to the hotel for your one night quarantine. They test you and say that if your result is negative, you may leave the next day. They do not tell you if you are negative. You hear nothing. They only tell you if you are positive (and the men in their little white coats come and take you away ha ha). Day 2. You wake up. Wait for a while, hear nothing so go to your next destination believing that you are negative. You are not fleeing, you are just going where you said that you would go. This was the case of the other six 'absconders' from quarantine recently. The problem with the Test and Go system is very poor (or absence) of clear communication.
  7. I certainly would not recommend a large financial investment in a major project here under the current government. They have zero business acumen and even less ethical values.
  8. Actually, many of those doses were not full doses. My Pfizer booster was a half dose (at best)!!! I did not even feel the needle go in. There was also some manipulation of the number of doses per bottle. (12 instead of 10)
  9. Good idea in theory but reality is a tad different. Not many Thais live on Koh Tao. (Population about 3,000 or less.) It is my experience that many Thais do not want to learn to swim. They are frightened of the water and they are unlikely to go on holiday to a small island just to learn to swim. I certainly agree with your idea that they should be encouraged to learn. I offer free swimming lessons to my staff and Thai neighbours. (A friend is a qualified swimming instructor. We live on an island for goodness sake.) In the last 10 years, only one staff member took up the offer.
  10. The problem is not the Covid situation. The problem is the illegal government's knee-jerk reactions and flip-flopping clampdowns in response to Covid. The government's determination to kill entertainment and nightlife, whilst people are struggling, is what will kill the economy. There is very little point in building 'economic corridors' if the businesses keep insisting on employing cheap overseas (and often illegal) labour.
  11. I went to one of my favourite restaurants with friends tonight. No one stopped us from drinking after 21.00. The northern beaches seem to be the most lively at the moment (more locals). Bangrak, Fisherman's, Maenam etc. Even Choengmon was a bit lively when I drove through on the way home. Not many bars there though.
  12. So some people are trying to scam some easy money. The government should be proud of themselves. Lead by example - and others will follow.
  13. I am not sure what your point is. The article is about expats. Not citizens. I do not want a Thai passport. I prefer my UK one. I pay taxes in both countries and have pensions in the UK. I just do not want to live there. In 20 years, I have never had an issue with immigration nor the labour department (work permit) nor Social Security. I have been involved in criminal and civil court cases as well as many discussion with the local police. Never a problem. Sorry, nearly forgot. About 20 years ago,when I wanted to renew my visa for the first time, a non government employee (based in the immigration office) asked me for a bribe in order to get my extension. I walked out and asked my accountant to do it. Job done. Yes, I am a guest here, just as I was in Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia etc. It could all go wrong but I am over 70, single with no 'baggage'. So there is no real problem and there is always plan B or plan C.
  14. From Samui there are currently two options. Lomprayah is using Lomlahk Khirin (Bangrak) Marine Passion (Big Buddha pier - where Seatran used to operate.) https://www.phanganferries.com/time-table/?from=2&to=4
  15. Difficult to answer that one. The situation is 'fluid' (Pun intended.) The law. No bars or entertainment venues are open. Some 200 plus restaurants can legally serve alcohol if they applied for the SHA + or whatever. No alcohol to be served after 21.00. The reality. (Last week.) Many bars/entertainment venues are open and serving alcohol. Most restaurants that used to serve alcohol still do. SHA + and non SHA + I have no idea what time they stop serving. I do not stay out late. I am out tonight - I can give an update tomorrow. (Provided that I am not arrested for illegal drinking!)
  16. "Do you ever feel really accepted as an expat in Thailand?" Yes, but there is a caveat on that. I live on a tourist holiday island. Also, I run a small business employing local staff. Most locals are in the tourism business and we all work together. Me - trying to bring them business and making my guests happy. They - trying to give good service, making my guests happy and becoming more rich. We have a common goal. I have been an 'expat' for just under 30 years, living in Thailand, Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore and back to Thailand for the last 21 years. My wife died here nearly six years ago. She was a teacher at the local International school. At her cremation, the head monk said that he had never seen so many people (local and foreign) at a 'farang' cremation before. (I had to feed just more than 200 guests.) When my wife and I moved here in 2000, we decided that we were never going to live in our country of origin again (the UK). Thailand is a beautiful country with some lovely people - warts and all. It is my home.
  17. "and adds that he also gave the hospital the address of the guesthouse he was staying at." So why did it take three days to find him??? He was where he said he would be.
  18. "No one is above the law as Judge is fined," I think that Red Bull Boss, Deputy PM Prawit along with a few thousand others may contradict that statement.
  19. Thank you - I am in Samui. Central here (PowerBuy) - no have.
  20. Tanks. Sorry, it would not occur to me to try and refill cartridges.
  21. I know that there was a topic on sourcing printer ink refills, but it seems to have disappeared with the introduction of Asean now. I went to buy some refill bottles from my usual 'go-to' place (InvadeIT) - out of stock at the distributor. Tried Lazada - 4-6 days and no delivery updates these days. Anyone out there to recommend a good supplier? Canon preferred.
  22. Yet here on Samui, I have some guests who are positive for Covid and yet they are asymptomatic. They are in quarantine in the private villa that they booked. Varies by province?
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