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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. The Samujana is a SHA Plus resort. You do your one night 'quarantine' there and get the results the next day.
  2. They do not hospitalise healthy foreigners who are asymptomatic - unless they are visitors staying in hotels. Tourists who booked holidays in private villas are allowed to quarantine in the villa. (Since November last year.) Foreigners with property (rented or 'owned') are also allowed to quarantine in their home. There is no automatic 'fleecing'.
  3. They can't if their credit cards have been cancelled and many have.
  4. If the Australian Embassy is similar to the British one, then yes. Almost useless in life but very supportive in death. (When my wife died suddenly.)
  5. I was similar to yourself. Felt a bit rough and tested positive on an ATK test. I take an ATK test every 3 or 4 days (I work in the tourism industry). Went into total self quarantine. No symptoms after day 3 and tested positive again. Day 5 tested negative. Day 7 tested positive. Contacted the hospital. They said - stay in quarantine for 10 days then good to go. No longer infectious. (tested negative again on day 9.) I have no plans to travel and I am back at work. I have a friend in a similar situation and she too was told to quarantine at home for 10 days, but she needs to go to Australia next month, and so she is having a PCR test today and starting the paper trail. Cheapest PCR tests here on the island (in order of low cost) are 1 a government clinic/hospital (but you need a social security number and be able to speak Thai). 2 a local lab that checks the results. 3 a local private clinic/doctor 4 various private hospitals.
  6. So stop sending the Burmese 'illegals' back. Register them, and make them legal. Duh. ????
  7. Locking up the youngsters for having different views to the oldies is not going to help to increase the birth rate.
  8. It is election time next year. Most of the press recently, regarding Uncle Tu, has been 'floss' showing him to be strong, decisive and being a good General. It will all stop when he is elected again.
  9. That is my understanding as well. The Americans had to ditch the bombs before landing.
  10. Mosquitoes love aftershave. I never wear it, but please carry on as they will flock to you.
  11. You were probably here in the dry season. How long were you here? Weeks, months, years? Monsoon season is when beaches everywhere are littered - which beaches is dependent upon whether is is easterly monsoons, or the westerly ones. Hotels have clean ups after every big storm. No hotels (or no guests) - no clean ups. One of the beaches near me was a mess - just like those photos, after the monsoon season. Six Senses organised a beach clean up with local volunteers. Since then - the beach is perfect - until the next monsoons. Most people do not come to the tropics in monsoon season. The OP 's photos were taken after a week of rain and strong winds.There were storms out at sea. We can tell because the fishing boats all came into the sheltered bays for 3 or 4 days.
  12. Ignoring the fact that these polluted beaches are happening the world over, but hey - lets just bitch about Thailand or whatever. This happens every time that there is a storm at sea. It is not garbage left on a beach by locals or tourists. Not denial - just nothing that one can do. It is everywhere. Clean the beach today and it will be back after the next storm. And the next one. And the next one ad infinitum.
  13. Meanwhile, just over the border in Burma......... Violence in abundance.
  14. All of the time in the software industry. That is the main reason I do not use Apps on my phone. And that is not taking into account how badly written most software is these days.
  15. Or the Thai representative pressed the wrong button and meant to follow China on the 'Abstain' vote.
  16. You probably could not have made a worse, inaccurate comparison. There is zero similarity. If you had said that Scotland invaded England and indiscriminately bombed civilian targets, murdering innocent women and children, then there could be a similarity. Again - inaccurate. Guess which country is next on the madman's list. Mind you, the brave Ukrainians may take out enough of his army to slow him down.
  17. They should isolate everyone that was on those two flights. More Covid cases tomorrow?
  18. That pretty much matches my findings after spending lots of cash on four different urologists. One on Samui, two in Bangkok and one in Suratthani. (The one in Suratthani kicked me out of his office and refused to treat me.)
  19. Wasn't one of them owned by a 'retired' policeman, and the other one owned by a soldier?
  20. Actually it is similar on beaches across most of the world. Why pick on only Thai ones? I saw the same thing after a storm on Seychelles's beaches back in '89. Again in Bali etc etc
  21. Maybe they should have turned off the TV before the photo opportunity?
  22. What makes them think that this time will be different? Another fail by the government.
  23. Same here in Samui. I am still sleeping under the duvet with the fan off! ????
  24. Bangkok hospital/clinics first, last and always. Sorry villagers. None for you.
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