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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. Some people, who say that they have committed a crime, are paid to do so by the real criminals. The theory is that the re-enactment removes doubt. I stress the word in theory. A friend of mine was murdered many years ago. The first re-enactment showed that the person (heavily in debt) was not at the crime scene. The second re-enactment was with the true murderer.
  2. There are always at least two sides to a story. The police did not cause the sacking. That was 100% his employer. If you ran a hotel, would you want it to be known as the place where drunken staff pour beer over the heads of innocent girls?
  3. Hmm. U-Tapao International Airport is owned by the Royal Thai Navy. Some nice big fat military budgets up for grabs?
  4. As far as I recollect, there is no treatment to fix broken ribs. Just be careful, rest and pain killers if required.
  5. Good that they have done this - now. But how sad that so many poor or underprivileged Thais have died or been injured on zebra crossings and nothing was done.
  6. I was under the impression that the government were 'adjusting' the figures on a regular basis in order to suit its agenda on the day.
  7. For some time now, our guests have been allowed to quarantine in the private villa that they booked to stay in. The last 6 or 7 Covid positive guest have not had to go to hospital or hospitel. They were all asymptomatic or mild symptoms.
  8. The hotel stays on day one and day five, along with the two PCR tests, need to be prepaid in order to get the Test and Go. They can be different hotels, but they must be government approved ones.
  9. Lots of close encounters with our slithering friends, but we do not hear of many cases where people have been bitten by poisonous ones. I have seen lots of snakes over the years here, but I have only been threatened once. It was trapped and wanted out.
  10. I wonder how many of the 'not so young' watch social media - especially those that live outside of the cities.
  11. It must be a PCR test and is included in the price. (About 3,000 to 4,000 baht each in most places.) Good luck on trying to get into Thailand on an ATK.
  12. From scambusters.org The problem comes from the fact that some phone numbers in the "809" area code are "pay-per-call" numbers (such as 900 numbers in the US) - but there are no legal requirements that callers be informed that they are being charged extra in the Caribbean. When you return one of these "pay-per-call" 809 calls, the scamsters try to keep you on the phone as long as possible, and you may be charged very high rates for the call, reportedly up to $25 per minute.
  13. My understanding is that the two tests must be prepaid - through the hotel(s).
  14. I wear a mask for a number of reasons. Out of respect for the Thai people who live/visit here. Most wear masks all of the time. Out of respect for the staff that work for me. They all wear masks all of the time. (We are in the tourism industry.) And out of respect for the guests that we look after. It helps them to feel 'safe'.
  15. Ah memories. 21 years ago on Samui - go to a local restaurant and order a beer whilst deciding what to eat. The owner would jump on his bike and buy a cold one from the nearest 7/11. Then when you ordered the food - the owner's wife would go and buy it at the market!
  16. Not true. Some of our guests have been allowed to quarantine in their pre-booked private villa. As long as their symptoms are minor. 7 groups so far.
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