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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. I guess that the owner is not laughing now (Apologies for the corny joke, but someone had to say it.)
  2. So the government assumes that illegal owners care about a licence?
  3. Monday - PM says 'we want to encourage overseas investment (we are broke).' Tuesday - PM says 'we must stamp out foreign owners where they are too competitive for us' Wednesday - PM says 'we will allow Chinese in visa free' tomorrow - PM says 'we must stop nominee Chinese business owners'
  4. Isn't this the third time in the last month that the BOT 'is reviewing'.
  5. Or A pick up truck pulled out, right in front of me, without looking, and was still moving slowly.
  6. I not 100% sure but that may be the lovely lady doctor who gave me a medical (WP) earlier this year at Bandon Samui The name sounds familiar. Really nice and professional. We laughed about my results. She said my heart was very fit - similar to that of a 40 year old woman, not a 70+ year old man. It could last until I was 100. Unfortunately, the rest of my body will not.
  7. Why were all three ladies in the bathroom at the same time with the door closed?
  8. How does having dual citizenship 'deepen the situation'?
  9. So he is 'telling' people to do their jobs? Seems that good PR is difficult to find for this PM.
  10. Even more cheap Chinese imports on the way. Be very careful what you wish for Thailand.
  11. I have been told that she is opening her own pharmacy as well. Local pharmacies do not have some of the meds that she recommends - so she opening her own. I believe that it will be in Fisherman's Village.
  12. Totally agree on the cost of meds. I think that my name on my records at BHS is Patient Grumpy. The docs all automatically write my prescription on a piece of paper. Another very good clinic up here in the north of the island is Samui Home Clinic in Bangrak. I cannot remember the cost of a consultation but I am sure that it is less than 800 baht. Dr Bew has leased land on the other side of the road for parking. The clinic is next to Big Buddha pier (Haadrin Queen). When I needed an X-Ray for my medical, Dr Bew wrote a note to Wattanapat Hospital explaining X-Ray only, no need for a consultation. The new hospital on the ring road near Big C is also good. Wattanapat Hospital. Big purple building. Again sorry, I cannot remember the cost of a consultation but cheaper then BHS. Looking at a receipt for last year, Physician Evaluation was 400 baht. That was for a pre-colonoscopy consultation.
  13. The one from Back Home that I ignore is when turning right at a T junction. In the UK, you wait for someone who is turning into your road before you pull out. Here, Thais will pull out expecting the person turning off the major road to 'slip' behind them. Never mind about folk in the right hand lane who pull to the left before turning right (and vice versa) Then there is the Right of Way rule. Flashing headlights mean 'I am coming through - give way' 'I am bigger than you' give way. (I ride a motorbike.)
  14. Yes. Not trying to say it. No if's or buts. 100% saying it. For my address, they accepted a copy of my work permit. I also took the original to show them.
  15. Now there's a surprise. Both factories empty whilst the police raided them.
  16. Does that also include sex workers? They are definitely informal workers.
  17. I suspect that the rules depend on your regional office. I live on Koh Samui but I had to go to the Suratthani Land Transport office. It had to be a full five year Thai driving licence. No ifs or buts.
  18. I can confirm that. My wife worked for a private school here on Samui for many years and the SS office were more than happy to collect contributions from all of the teachers. It made their numbers look good. Her contributions were refunded when she died - it paid for her funeral. I have had a work permit since 2002 and always had a new SS card every year or two until 2012. Then I was told that I did not need one. Just remember the SS number. That was my last card.. It may have been about the time that directors were told to pay contribution via standing order from their bank accounts. Not sure of the dates. Sorry.
  19. As I said earlier. That is the theory. Unfortunately, the legal brethren do not give visa extensions on Koh Samui. Reading all of the blurb here on AN, and there is a lot, it varies by location and can even vary by individual immigration officer.
  20. Be afraid Doctor. Be very afraid. The people will decide eventually. You had better hope that the people who are sponsoring (ordering?) you will protect you when that day comes.
  21. I think that you flatter Thaksin too much. He is only one small (but influential) part of the government. The problem with the government is not him, it is control of the masses. They do not want people thinking for themselves and hoping for a better life. This, and previous governments, want the people to do as they are told. The people did not choose this or any military government, so they are not there for the people. That leaves them free to bleed the country dry and for the money to go into the same pockets that pay for the governments to stay in power. They have rigged the laws to gaol or neuter any real threats. They have convinced people, that thanks to the government, this is as good as it gets and any failings are down to outside influences.
  22. You are the foreigner staying there and yes, it is your address that they want. The TM 30 tells immigration where every foreigner is at one point in time. (In theory), Yes, fill in the TM 30 every time. Easy on the phone app apparently. This last sentence varies by the different immigration offices around Thailand or even individual officers. However, in our experience, Samui are quite adamant on this one.
  23. As the owner, you do the TM 30 when you get home. The hotel, AirBnb, hospital wherever will do the TM 30 for your temporary address.
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