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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. Not any more. He was shot dead. He upset his business partner.
  2. But I thought that the dope heads were insisting on lots of in depth studies to prove that cannabis was harmful/not harmful. Now they want things rushed through. This is presumably before Mr flip-flop Anutin changes his mind again.
  3. In the former director-general of the Revenue Department's gold bars?
  4. They might need to do a regular stock check on the bars.
  5. I threw out the oven when wifey died. Bought an air fryer. That and a BBQ on the deck does everything that I want. Going to try crispy bacon and fried eggs next week in the air fryer!
  6. It must do. I have not done a 90 day report in person for over 20 years. The accountant handles all of my visa, work permit, 90 day reports etc when she does the accounts etc. I only do the TM 30's - on line. My trips to immigration are by appointment once a year - for 5 minutes. Just for the photograph.
  7. The sea can be very dangerous at this time of the year. I think that is about 9 reported drownings so far in Phuket this year.
  8. Not only that, but these types of tours have been frowned upon in the past. The Chinese drive to Thailand and bring all of their own food and drink. They only buy petrol here.
  9. Scams are hitting all of the banks. Not just that one. It is all down to the app developers not knowing how to write security systems and not knowing how to test the apps properly. Not only Thailand, but everywhere we are seeing apps being thrown out to the public and then having problems. ie not tested. I worked in software development for over 30 years and I am horrified by the systems that I see these day. No apps or even wifi on my phone. It's a telephone for goodness sake. Calls, SMS and photos only.
  10. Not only moral principals. The janitor wasn't driving the vehicle when it broke down. The owner of the vehicle is responsible for repairs. If not the owner, the driver that broke the thing should pay. Not this poor lad. Seems to a case of typical 'entitled' people taking it out on the poorest. This principal should be unemployed by tomorrow. Possible fines for unfair coerced dismissal?
  11. Someone lost 2.5 million baht so it would appear that the police did not ..........
  12. WTF? The banks covering their Rsses against bad publicity?
  13. Sad but so true. I am O negative and have donated blood since I was 18. A month before my 70th birthday, the nurse said 'this will be your last donation - sorry'.
  14. So the car went in backwards? That is some serious damage to the rear of that car.
  15. Celebrate PS Pita is the most popular politician according to the polls.
  16. Aren't these the senators that suck up to Anutin's party? Anutin who supported the appointment of Thammanat who is a cabinet minister. He is also an ex-convict having been caught smuggling cocaine flour into Australia and was gaoled there. But an Australian gaol does not count apparently
  17. Great in theory but we live in Thailand. There is a government road running through the development. The PEA refuse to consider it. The developer has an 'agreement' with them. PWA does not deliver water here either. It was the same with telephone lines back in the day. We had to buy them from the developer. When I first installed fibre optic for some customers, the developer made CAT remove them. Do not get me wrong - I have no real complaints about the situation. The view and location far exceed petty downsides. Happily lived here for 24 years. I just wondered how an electric vehicle could be cheaper than a petrol one when there is no control over electricity costs. On a development nearby, electricity was 29 baht per unit some 15 years ago.
  18. The lending bank has first call on the land where your house is. Are you paying the mortgage direct or through your friend?
  19. I own a couple of houses on a private development. The developer owns the utilities infrastructure. It is their only income. The developer puts the price of electricity up at will. Government utilities stop before the development.
  20. So do the fish markets in Phuket sell these fish live? Here, all of the fish in the markets are ice cold dead.
  21. Unlike others here I much prefer the drip method. Never had a problem with Always sits perfect. (Electrolux brand) I make three mugfuls of coffee in the morning. (9 - 6 on the water level. One mug pre breakfast (emails and staff meeting) One mug during breakfast and one post breakfast - catching up with the news. Every time that I pour a mug of coffee, I reset the 'on' button to keep the coffee hot. Coffee press coffee would be very cold by then. 2- 3 hours. Also, no coffee dregs in the bottom of the mug with the drip method. I use Sakoku coffee from Chiang Rai (Lazada).
  22. That jogged my memory on when I first came to Bangkok. Hotel had a security guard on every floor, behind a desk and opposite the lift. Large sign on the desk 'No outside visitors allowed'. As I was unpacking there was a knock on the door. Security guard asked if I wished to have a young lady visit for the night. I pointed to the sign. He said 'my ladies are allowed!'.
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