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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. Repairing faulty brakes is not a quick roadside repair. Especially if it is an intermittent fault. I had a new Audio 90 Quattro - top of the range. Driving on a dual highway, there was a traffic jam. I crashed straight into it. Took it to the garage - driver error. There is no problem with the brakes they said. Another time, on a winding road down hill, the car spun round and put me upside down in a ditch. Garage had to order a new body shell from Germany. They were test driving the 'fixed' car and had a crash. "Bluddy brakes are faulty' they said! It was a dodgy ABS system - sometimes froze. The car had had multiple services at the authorised Audi garage and been rebuilt after the two crashes.
  2. Yes, Thailand is third world. Immigrant workers salaries start at about 150 baht a day with free housing (a tin shack). More, depending on the job. They are the ones taking the jobs from the Thais who are now on a 'whopping' 400 baht a day (minium). Go to the tourist islands and in some areas, none of the restaurant workers etc speak Thai. It is all Burmese. (Many Burmese also have good English).
  3. But if your bags are checked through to the final destination??? I fly often from other countries back home. The last leg is always a domestic flight. If I have check in baggage, it is checked in through to the final airport and I am in transit at Bangkok. I buy the duty free at the start of my journey and carry it with my carry-on backpack. The only time that I had a problem was when the shop put the whisky in an 'open' duty free bag. It was confiscated by security in Bangkok as I was going to the gate for the domestic leg. Sealed duty free bag works every time.
  4. She will be OK to carry on if the duty free bag is sealed. I have done it many times.
  5. Make sure that it is in an official, sealed 'Duty Free plastic bag with the receipt inside. Should be no problem. The only times that I had whisky 'confiscated' was because the Duty free bag was not sealed. Sellers assumed that Bangkok was my final destination. They did not realise that I was only in transit there for another flight.
  6. And the critics are not wrong. But again, drug driving is ignored.
  7. And the hits for SME's keep on coming. More unemployed Thais and more Burmese workers.
  8. I was under the impression that if your mind stops thinking, then you are dead. My mind is also constantly on the go and my to do list is two A 5 columns - knock one off, and two more appear. Luckily, 5 minutes reading when my head hits the pillow and I am asleep. Unluckily, 10 years of an enlarged prostate have b*ggered up my bladder, so every 2 - 3 hours it is bathroom time again.
  9. For me, Tawandang IPA is very tasty. Strong hoppy taste. 54 baht for a small can is OK but only 60 baht for a large can (if I can find them) is even better. I also like the Dunkel but nowhere near as strong a taste as an IPA. Both are better than the lagers.
  10. Sadly, that is become more and more common. AirBnb invariably sides with the guest - not the host. The guest is their customer. The host is their supplier.
  11. According to an article in The Thaiger - Currently, officials charged the teenage driver with reckless driving causing damage to another person’s property, which carries a fine ranging from 400 to 1,000 baht The driver is also likely to face charges for driving without a licence. The penalty for this offence is imprisonment of up to one month, a fine of up to 1,000 baht, or both. His parents will later be summoned for questioning regarding the underage driving.
  12. Six private ones and one government one at the last count, although one of them is only open sometimes. A few clinics as well. Official population of Samui is about 60,000 people.
  13. To the OP, In my experience, Krungsri might be your best bet. Customers and friends here (Samui) have ball been successful with Krungsri. BBL and SCB were the least helpful.
  14. This is wrong. As always, it is the people at the bottom of the <deleted> pile that suffer. These folk have to pay their 'superiors' a monthly stipend to keep the plum jobs. And this goes on all of the way up the chain to the top dog, who needs to recover the money that he paid in order to get that job.
  15. But Pita cannot be PM. He has been banned from holding a political position. Oh - wait a minute..........
  16. Thank goodness for that. Otherwise the country would be run by someone with zero relevant experience.
  17. Here on Samui, trucks, minivans, lorries etc - almost never give way to bikes. They just pull out and expect us to stop. I have had drivers beeping their horn and shouting at me because I did not give way and let them out of the side road. Many bikes are blamed in accidents - for 'speeding' when it is the other driver's fault. The only places that I have seen where bikes have half a chance of surviving are Phuket, Chiang Mai and Bangkok.
  18. If it's yellow - let it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down. Saves a lot of water (and money).
  19. Very sad. On a hot day, the water can look so inviting until...........
  20. In the UK, most banks would replace badly damaged notes but probably not those that are completely incinerated. I have no idea if Thai banks do the same.
  21. I shared this story with the staff here (we do get a lot of snakes). One girl looked very worried and I asked why. "I am only 37 kilos" was the reply.
  22. I think that your age has affected your memory. From what I read, he left many of his people dead, towns levelled and the economy up the Swanny. All negative 'many things for his people'.
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