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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. The laws make craft beer brewing in Thailand almost impossible. All set up by the Big Boys Beer cartel and financial support for the government. A few good beers coming from the competition. Snowy, MM32, Dunkel, Tawandang etc. Then there are the Laos brewed 'Thai' beers - Maha Makhon.
  2. I think it was just over the 100 baht. (109ish?). I do not usually pay much more than that for a beer. As you say- the Dunkel is quite good (54 baht) and Tops has some Tawandang IPA in a large can at 60 baht. 54 baht for a small can. The Tawangang is 5.5%. (Fourth shelf in my previous photo.) After drinking cheap lagers here for 24 years, I could only manage 2 cans of the Nite Hunter before I started to feel the hit - big time.
  3. Large can only - about 109 baht from memory - Tops and Tops Daily.
  4. Try Nite Hunter IPA. 6.8% Third shelf - 3rd from the right. Very tasty but STRONG.
  5. No surprise really. Two young lads looking for a couple of hot girls to have some fun with. What could possibly go wrong.
  6. The accident happened whilst he was turning. That does not indicate a 'right of way'. He should wait until the road was clear. Nowhere does the article or the truck driver say that the bike was travelling in an illegal direction.
  7. From the headline, one's initial thoughts are 'thank God'. Then your read the details about the scumbag and the 15 year old.
  8. Is this an annual article? I think that they say the same every year.
  9. Brilliant description. Well done Pattaya Mail.
  10. So the drug flour dealer is changing horses again. Could be interesting. Not bad for an ex-con.
  11. Why only go for Thaksin? There are 1,000's of others doing exactly the same. Or the poorer ones that use rifles and tanks to secure power and privilege. Petty jealousy methinks.
  12. Or a previous tenant had a copy of the key made? Lots of options. I know a couple of guys who could get into that room and open the safe. (They are called locksmiths.)
  13. An alternative view is - Truck was turning right and assumed that the bike would give way. Just ignored the bike. Blame the bike rider for speeding. (This happens a lot where I live.)
  14. Yes, at Sepang. It wasn't a street race though.
  15. A good friend of mine has an account with Barclays in the UK. Sorry, I do not know the location. He has been a non resident for about 30 years. He now lives permanently in Thailand and Barclays keep writing to him telling him that he now has to close his account with them as he lives overseas. He refuses, telling them that he does not want it closed. He tells them that if they want it closed, they must close it. This has been going on for a couple of years now. He still has an account with Barclays. Back to the OP's original question - I too have an account in the UK with NatWest. I have had it since they were called Westminster Bank, before they merged (1960's?). I became non resident the UK in 1993 and told the bank. No problem. I have my pension paid into it. (They too know that I live overseas.) For post - they have my M-I-L's address for silly, non important stuff and my Thai address for anything that I want quickly. As others have said, I suspect that if one lives overseas, opening an account in the UK now would be very, very tricky.
  16. Maybe look on Facebook for an Ozzie ex pat group. We have one here on Samui, and there was one when I lived in Singapore.
  17. Easy if you ride a scooter or drive a car afterwards - which many do. The trouble is that Thai police do not test for these so they are just 'accidents'.
  18. Thanks for the suggestion, but I think that it would be uneconomical to buy a gas hob just for this job. I have nowhere to put it anyway. (I gave the cooker away when wifey died - to make space for the beer fridge.)
  19. The poor lad (and his mates?) were hanging off the crossbar. It is not designed for that.
  20. A death in the family always seems to bring the leeches out after the funeral. Very sad.
  21. I'm an old codger and totally disagree. Love, live and enjoy life to full. Take risks and chances and have fun whilst you can. No regrets. We never know when the sandman is going to come for that last visit.
  22. My concern is the future. The fact that supposedly intelligent, educated people believe that garbage does not bode well. The idiots are likely to take over the planet. Luckily I will not be around to see it. The world was a great place as I grew up and lived my life but now......
  23. Good try. A basic search shows LOTS https://insidepng.com/drunk-policemen-assault-healthcare-workers-at-st-johns-hospital/ https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/drunk-police-officer-gets-a-dui-after-trying-to-direct-nonexistent-traffic/ar-AA1voWV3
  24. You do seem to have more brown outs than most. We had a total outage the other day - Six Senses did something at their end and it took out a couple of transformers. Lasted about 5 hours.
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