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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. They rest of the police at the station are going to have to do more than 10 squats to apologise on behalf of Police Senior Sergeant Major Nontasit.
  2. Listen to Sheryl and I recommend go MRI's and targetted. A doctor friend of mine said - do not do random biopsies - they put 'wounds' in the prostate. Also, if you do have cancer, the wounds help it to spread more quickly. He recommended MRI's on a regular basis. (I went once per year.) When they spotted an 'irregularity' they did a targetted biopsy.
  3. That says everything about you that we needed to know.
  4. It's not new. I used to see it when I first came to Bangkok back in the early 90's. Then, it was mostly German couples.
  5. To me, it would appear that the motorbike had the right of way. That road looks like a major road. The truck driver did not see him or did not care. Happens all of the time. The big trucks and vans just pull out assuming that the bike will give way as the truck is bigger. Then the driver blames the bike rider for speeding!!!
  6. Totally agree. Some of the pessimists here on AN would say 'but you lost your discount'.
  7. I agree with you with the exception of DHL. They are bigger crooks than UPS. Here on Samui friends and I have been having issues with the local DHL agents since early 2000's. We tell everyone NOT to use DHL. The best, reliable service is the post office, registered. FedEx have also ben good so far but it is down to the individual agent. EMS here always deliver. To the OP - sorry about your problem but in my experience, unless you pay the bribe, you will not get your documents.
  8. It was his place of work. In my home (office) I have 3 computers, printers, antique figures, paintings etc etc. One lap top alone cost more than 60,000 THB I do not hide them away every time that I go out to check in guests. Window cleaners, a/c guys, maintenance people etc all go in and out - even if I am not there. Less of the victim blaming - the problem is the thief, who is not the sharpest knife in the drawer by the sound of it.
  9. Sometimes, it depends on where you live. Lots of pollution coming with the north winds. I live on the coast and I get a dry cough when there is high humidity. 98% in the bedroom a few days ago and the dry cough is back.
  10. A lot of comments about the driver's age. I drove from Bangkok to Suratthani when I was that young. I had no accidents and didn't nod off. I never look at my phone when driving either. This driver crashed because he took his eyes off the road.
  11. I wonder if he also warned his wife?
  12. And the rich ones who oppose or have upset the current government at the time.
  13. Most folk use Google maps on their phone. Quite often unreliable off the main routes.
  14. I agree. A 9 mm bullet may be a more permanent solution.
  15. Not sure about the 'tourists follow him like lemmings' bit. Many bays on KPN do not have road access and travelling by boat is more of a taxi service and the main means of transport. I have done it a number of times. However, the 'captain' was well out of order.
  16. Presumably, the method for the 'count' of fatalities is still the same as previous years. ie only those dead at the roadside. Deaths in the ambulance or at the hospital afterwards are not included. They are counted as accident injuries. Sadly, the number of people who die in road accidents is higher than the published figures.
  17. And it is only going to get worse until 2nd Jan.
  18. That may take some explaining to his superiors. I see that there is no mention of alcohol/drug testing.
  19. I am surprised that folk put any amount of money, in a bag, in a locker that is often some way away from their seat. My money, wallet and passport are always with me when I fly. (I wear comfortable clothes with lots of pockets.)
  20. I think that it is very thoughtful of the farmers to grow food for the wild elephants.
  21. Similar to 2023.
  22. I am afraid that some accounts told by Thai 'eyewitnesses' are not accurate. I have experience of a few times when 'eyewitnesses' have said that I caused an accident when I had only stopped to help. One even called the police. In that particular case, I had arrived after the accident - found the guy lying in the middle of the road. The 'eyewitness' arrived after me and told the police that he had seen my car knock the guy off the bike. When the injured guy came round at the hospital, he admitted to police that no one else was involved. His bike hit a pot hole and he lost control.
  23. Come on Israel, stop pussyfooting around. Do WHATEVER it takes. Remember - Hamas (Palestinians the last time that I looked) are fighting in order to destroy Israel. Israel are fighting to recover hostages and avoid destruction. There is only one 'baddie' in this conflict and it is not Israel. Israel did not put supposedly 'innocent' people on top of, or in front of the terrorists. These innocent people are the ones who put Hamas in power. I wonder why
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