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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. So get your butts down there and buy their stuff. You are the problem and the solution.
  2. Good dog! Glad the folk are OK but sad that they have lost their home.
  3. It's a numbers game. Taxi drivers assume that most foreigners are tourists. They know that tourists very rarely report them. I had the same issues back in '93 when I lived in Asoke. No meter on - get out and catch another taxi. (Smart phones were not a thing back then.)
  4. I suspect that they are paid by the number of deliveries that they make (or the number of sacks that they sell). Same as the water truck drivers and the cement truck drivers. All driving like maniacs to make one more delivery before they finish for the day.
  5. And that is why so many younger folk are screwed up. They think that social interaction is with a phone.
  6. That looks like the rest of the ice truck that has become detached from the chassis. It looks like it has shot forwards from the impact and flattened the cab from behind. If it was full of ice, it would have been very heavy.
  7. Do you have the Bangkok Airways resident card? BHS should give a discount if you do. I had my cataracts replaced 18 months ago but I went to BHP in Phuket. At the Bright View Centre. Tri focal lenses - no more glasses. Absolutely brilliant. Cost me about 230,000 THB plus flights etc. If BHS are providing the same service, maybe go there. Always ask for a discount. (I self insure and get discounts.) https://www.brightviewcenter.com/
  8. But he is still banned from travelling abroad as a condition of his bail for the section 112 case??? Totally confused.
  9. 'Was that a well done steak sir? ' said a voice from the kitchen.
  10. Then how come I have seen postmen and tourist touts in Bangkok wearing such outfits? Thais Love uniforms.
  11. It does beg the question 'what on earth were they up to?' ?
  12. Unfortunately, I suspect that we will never hear the reporter's truthful view on this. She will know that any perceived criticism will invoke a swift, heavy and possibly life-changing response from the military.
  13. Sorry, but I cannot really see how giving people affordable medical care is deemed to be vote buying. The UK did it years ago. It is a genuine benefit to all citizens regardless of wealth. Giving cash handouts to some is definitely vote buying.
  14. Just like the Mary Rose, he was sunk, raised from the depths and restored for all of the world to see.
  15. You did the correct thing. If you had kept them, your previous honest life would have been a lie and you would spend the rest of your life knowing that you were a thief.
  16. I think that the fool is the one who wrote the dumb comment above.. Wrong. Thai tax laws are recent. Closing non domicile accounts is old. I suspect that it is the US trying to stop International money laundering across countries. (My UK Nat West account and HSBC account were stopped 23 years ago.)
  17. I never knew that one needed a licence to ride a jet ski. I learn something new every day.
  18. I wonder if having a criminal father and Aunt can be seen as an 'ethical violation'?
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