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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. If I was born today, knowing what I know now, yes - suicide at the earliest opportunity.
  2. This could possible seal the deal for Thailand becoming another remote Chinese state. This government have pizzed off their second 'bestest friend'.
  3. Vapes and cigarettes are not comparable. When folk buy fags, everyone knows what is inside them and they are taxed and controlled. When folk buy vapes, there is no control or tax and no one really knows what they are buying. Quite a few stories around the place about vapes containing 'drugs' in one form or another.
  4. Thank you for the update. Couldn't happen to a nicer chap.
  5. As the previous poster wrote - a good idea. But why do I get a slight whiff of a brown envelope here?
  6. I just tried that it it did not work. I always log in with my user name. I tried to log in with my email address but the same password and it failed. 'Display name or password incorrect' So I tried to sign in as a new user with my email address and the same password and it failed. 'Display name is used by another member' I guess that means that it is good bye AN
  7. No surprises there then. Orbán has long been known as a Putin 'yes' man.
  8. Well spotted https://thethaiger.com/news/national/thailands-submarine-project-to-finish-in-six-months-amid-delays
  9. If North Korea does invade South Korea, the local residents will wish that more exercises had been carried out 'in civilian populated zones'. That is where the heaviest fighting is likely to be. That is where laughing boy Kim will want to do most damage.
  10. The convoy of lies rumbles on. Other countries DID offer to take these refugees. Why should those countries have to ask China?
  11. Come on Thailand. Just admit that you do not gig a fig about the poor farmers. This is just a PR exercise to try and get your names in the papers.
  12. So the Chinese victim criminal knowingly purchased a forged Thai id card, with the intention of obtaining a Thai passport illegally. Not sure what the penalty is for have a forged id card.
  13. Could they use the same planes just to drop water on the fires?
  14. Pretty normal I think. My first wife attacked me when I told her that I was leaving and getting a divorce. The attacks continued for some years when I was visiting the kids - until she made sure that I did not see them again.
  15. Many of our customers buy slabs/boxes of beer for their stay in the villas. Some even stop at a 7/11 to buy a box whilst on the way from the airport.
  16. So, it is not a donation, it is extortion. Why should Hypnotized have to donate for something that he does not want?
  17. I love the photograph with a sign stating no photographs!
  18. In other words 'more brown envelopes please'.
  19. Well done to the DSI. Keep going for the throat. Thai politics needs a major shake up and I would like to think that this could be the start.
  20. The only folk that cannot get alcohol because of the ' selling times', are tourists. Even then, many tourists find a way around it. Those of us that live here usually have no problems buying alcohol any time, any day. (Even during the Covid ban.) Pubs and bars are the big losers. One crazy consequence - friends tried to buy zero alcohol Heineken between 2 - 5pm. Girl at the till said 'sorry, cannot sell beer.'
  21. When I came, I set up a small business about 23 years ago. Currently 13 full time Thai employees plus lots of suppliers etc make money from me and my customers. I pay taxes and SS for me and all of the staff, plus company tax and VAT. When wife and I came here, we invited friends and families for holidays. Some liked the place so much that two couples have lived here permanently for at least 15 years. We all built houses and live on the same development. So, lots of money going into the local economy. No Thai family. The wife was a Brummie. Quite a few Thai friends.
  22. Spur of the moment stuff. I had travelled all over Europe and Asia for the company that I worked for. We lived in a country for two years then moved to the next one. I realised that I was not spending much time with the wife. She was static at home and I was always in hotels or on planes so I said, I am going to retire. (49 years old.) I said for her to pick a country, anywhere in the world, and we will go and live there. She replied 'Thailand' and here I am.
  23. What is the point? We know that the government lies. These puppets are from the government. Never in a million years will they say anything that disagrees with the government on this one. A representative from the People's Party would be more independent.
  24. This might be a first for the courts.
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