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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. And the Rse licking continues.
  2. Schools need to take road safety seriously. This won't solve all problems but is would be a start. At school we were taught how to cross roads safely. Stop, look listen. Cross when clear but keep on looking and listening. I am amazed these days when I see supposed adults crossing the road and not checking as they cross - rather, looking at their phones. The tricky one here in Thailand are those folk from countries where they drive on the right. The stop, look left, see an empty road and start to cross. I suspect that these two poor victims were not checking the traffic as they crossed.
  3. They were refugees seeking asylum but they entered Thailand illegally. Thailand treats all refugees that do this the same - deported back to their own country.
  4. Sadly, CPF have access to almost unlimited funds and we all know how justice works in Thailand. Anyway, good luck to the farmers.
  5. For comparison, on average, 1,249 mobile phones are stolen each day in London. https://mspoweruser.com/how-many-cell-phones-are-lost-each-day/
  6. Looks like one to me. I did not think that they were venomous though. I have been bitten by the little devils lots of times over the years whilst removing them from properties where I live. Including 7 in my roof space once.
  7. or how about More tourists = more accidents. Drink/drug driving no licences purchased licences ie did not really take the test not much policing speeding poorly maintained vehicles eyes on the phone zero consideration for other road users/pedestrians
  8. This translates as - brown envelopes please.
  9. The opposition should go for the throat on this one, but the People's Party will probably have to try and do it alone. Deals are being done with the rest of the opposition. So sad for the people of Thailand.
  10. That is meaningless. You cannot spend poker chips at the 7/11.
  11. Until Chinese tourists die of course. At the moment, they are fighting the kidnappings.
  12. Totally agree. That is why they could get them released - if Hamas knew where they were. My own view is that Hamas do not know. The way that Hamas spread the hostages around and bouncing them from one group to another and the fact that they have not been released under the terms of the ceasefire, would suggest that Hamas either do not know, or that they are in such a state that Hamas do not want Israel to know.
  13. Whilst I am not a fan of Qatar's record on Human Rights, I thank anyone who helps to release the hostages or remains of those who were killed, raped or taken by the murdering Hamas along with their 'pro Palestinian' supporters.
  14. But it does nothing to solve the man's problems. Symptom is fixed but not the cause.
  15. The unfortunate Burmese have little choice. With conscription in place, the military government has stopped all legal visa avenues for the Burmese to leave the country. Then, Thailand's very poor record with the way that it treats refugees, illegal crossings are now the only option.
  16. In my experience, after riding motorbikes in Thailand for 25 years, NO ONE gives way to motorbikes. Vans, trucks, car, lorries all expect the bike to give way. Even when the bike has right of way. I even get aggressive horn beeping when I do not stop and let vehicles out of a side road when I am on the main road. They try to edge out, I do not stop and they get angry! Wow!
  17. CP Foods v local farmers. No prizes for guessing who will win this one. ($$$'s).
  18. Totally agree. One negative side effect will also be the increase in basic costs for Thai people. If you think that the manufacturers and producers of the goods will not pass on the increased costs - think again. Thais in restaurants will still put salt on their food. I am on a salt free/sugar free diet and I really notice the difference when I eat out.
  19. They actually do not care about most Thai people - until election time and then just buy the votes.
  20. And the farce rumbles on. Do rich retired people still file tax returns?
  21. Absolutely horrific. It is sad to see the comments about riding motorbikes, wearing helmets and so on, but most Thai folk at this level are living hand to mouth. There is no spare cash for 'safety'. I have stopped buying motorcycle helmets for the staff - they just go and sell them the next day.
  22. Has anyone out there heard if the four Thai fishermen that were arrested back in November have been released yet? There were promises from the illegal military that they would be released in December, then again, they were to be released on January 4th, but according to the last press that I read, they were still in gaol. Thailand should keep this lot in gaol until the four Thai fishermen are released. This from an article in the Bangkok Post on 8th Feb
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