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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. Not many straws left to grasp as the Junta used most of them up during their years of rape and pillage
  2. It has been very busy up to May but things are quietening down this month. As you say, it should be low season and that is reflected in the villa bookings that we see. Even though many owners are dropping prices, uptake is slow. I cannot speak for hotel rates. Less traffic on the roads (at last) and the quieter beaches are even more quiet.
  3. Great. A doll. That'll get them rushing to Thailand. Sorry TAT, your roadshows may be too late for this year. Chinese guests usually come in low season ie October/November. Lower room rates and air fares. Also Golden week (01/10 to 07/10).
  4. It has got great big holes in the side of the crate. She could not miss seeing the poor little cub.
  5. Whilst I agree with the removal of genuine illegal immigrants, as opposed to refugees, there is a lot of verbiage in the article for one little lass sneaking into the country to try and earn a living. I expected to read about truck loads.
  6. This is a very tricky subject. I am a strong advocate for assisted suicide. I watched my son die very slowly from brain cancer for two and a half years. His wife wanted to keep him live as long as possible for their children. I am adamant that I will not let that happen to me. I have a living will and friends and family are aware of my wishes, but as you say...... ........ I often think about the ones I will leave behind.
  7. All construction projects should have a penalty clause for late completion built into the contract. Under Thai law, for the contract to be legal, there also has to be an equivalent bonus for early completion. I had three houses built. All three were late (one by seven months) but in fairness, the last one was only three weeks late so I gave the workers a small bonus.
  8. Quite a few new members to the Pattaya Flying Club recently. I hope that they have finally found peace. RIP folks.
  9. Which is one of the reasons that there are many stray cats and dogs.
  10. Who will all be taxed on overseas earning/income/investments?
  11. So there you are folks. Numbers for the next lottery.
  12. Seeing as the last update that I read said that this bribe is available to all Thais (above a certain age) with less than 500,000 baht in their bank account. I respectfully suggest that if one has 499,999 baht in their account, then they are not 'fragile people'. (What if they have multiple accounts???)
  13. And the dinosaurs still clinging to power by means fair or foul. More often or not - foul.
  14. The rules vary slightly by location. Here on Koh Samui, hotels complained about unfair competition from private villa rentals and so we were all told that we must have villa licences plus separate pool licences. My accountant told me that there is no such thing as a 'Villa Licence'. When we received the licences, the word Hotel was crossed out and Villa was stamped on it. You need a list of things eg, fire alarms, fire extinguishers, pool sign of rules, depths, a safety ring for the pool and so on. Most owners ask their accountants to do the grunt work.
  15. In 1995 it was the only way. On Koh Samui, we could not even do inter branch or inter bank transfers. It was manual withdrawal and deposit. How else can one take out a large sum of money these days, or do an overseas transfer to a French bank account in USD? (Twice a year in my case.)
  16. I have had an account with Krungsri ever since they opened on the island. Always been asked for a copy of my passport. My original branch knew me so well that when I forgot the passport they copied and old photocopy of it. Since Choengmon closed, Central branch - not a chance. 3 trips to process some transactions (overseas payment) and always - passport. No exceptions. I do not use phone apps.
  17. Oh! So that is OK then? Bluddy heck. Lock him up you lazy skivers.
  18. From memory, that is not quite what happened. He escaped from hospital (surprise, surprise). The police found him in a hut out in the wilds and that was where the shoot-out happened. This was some time after his escape. Mind you, a shoot-out at the hospital does sound more dramatic.
  19. Not all tourists fly via Heathrow. In fact I suspect that most do not. Too many cheaper, easier, more comfortable options. I have flown to Thailand many, many times since the early 90's. Never once through Heathrow. I avoid it like the plague.
  20. Agreed And closing the area will do nothing for the coral's recovery. Bleaching is a natural phenomenon. Only nature can fix it. But hey - it makes the park folk look like they know what they are doing.
  21. Very brave man. The court actions will follow fast and furious as the dinosaurs try to remove him.
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