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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. No it wasn't. It was decriminalised. there is quite a difference. Google it if you do not understand.
  2. Being an ex-IT guy and spending years in Project Management, I use old fashioned spreadsheets and 'to do' lists. Unfortunately, being an old, forgetful guy now, it does not work so well. I forget to look at them. Maybe write all of the interests down on a spread sheet. Sort them into priority order and then plan your weeks allocating whatever time you want to spend on it.. Leave gaps in the times because there are always interruptions, distractions and things overrun. Do not forget 'chill out' time/activity.
  3. apologies - many interruptions. Should read 90 day report.
  4. Poor lass. 13 years old and supporting this lot. I wonder how many of the 13 family members will actually receive the 10,000 baht vote bribe. Are any likely to have smart phones/internet?
  5. I am very lucky to have met two very different Thai girls (according to your definition). First girl, from Isaan. Left school at 14 (pregnant) and ended up working in a bar until my friend bought her out. Her English was self taught. She became my business partner from 2004 until she died in 2018. Totally honest, diligent and hard working. I would trust her with my wallet and she became a very good friend to both my wife and I. Second girl, university educated living next door, became my new business partner. 2018 to now. Again, totally honest, diligent and very hard working. I also trust her with my wallet. Both ladies were/are absolute gems. Maybe not the relationship with me that you were looking for, but there are some really great people out there, if you look.
  6. Same old bleat from the cannabis users. Everyone recognises that cannabis is useful in medical use. That will not change. It is the recreational use that the government want to restrict. Tobacco and alcohol is controlled by law. Stop the dumb deflections.
  7. A very sad thing. Domestic violence, especially against women, seems to be on the increase everywhere. Articles in the SMH are often discussing this point. I do not have a subscription so I am limited in what I can see, but just search 'domestic violence' on their main page. One example. https://www.smh.com.au/national/more-than-550-people-arrested-during-nsw-police-blitz-on-domestic-violence-20240520-p5jew8.html The worst thing about domestic violence is Thailand, is it seems that the victim is more likely to die.
  8. The TM 30 is a legal requirement for all foreigners to register with immigration within 24 hours of arrival. This is regardless of the type of visa. The date of registering is less important as long as you are registered before anyone finds out. Some 'elite' visa holders have been caught out for not providing TM 90 reports. From memory, this occurred when they individual left the country and the visa was cancelled. Yes, the visa is for a year or more but 90 day reporting is still required. Anyway - that's just my understanding of the situation. I have been here for 24 years so that is almost 100 x 90 day reports. You have to love Thai bureaucracy.
  9. Maybe they should start with some recently retired Generals?
  10. Come on folks - this stuff is 'aged'. With added vitamins (bugs). One pays more for aged wine etc.
  11. I am not sure that the authorities want to address it. They seem happy to be a distant province under the CCP.
  12. Some contenders for that title? But you may be right. https://12tomatoes.com/worst-art-restorations-ever/
  13. Silly exaggeration. Most who opposed him were politicians and the army that took him down. How many of them were shot? I suppose that you believe that the Junta and Abhisit's lot were best friends with Thaksin supporters. Oh, but wait. Weren't they were both shooting innocent folk under the guise of lese majeste and democracy.
  14. Thailand was doing well under Thaksin. At the time, as many Thai people said "yes, he may be corrupt - they all are, but Thaksin is the first leader to do something for poor people" And we are not talking about a dodgy 10,000 THB handout to anyone with less than 500,000 baht in the bank.
  15. I am an old guy with 'bathroom' issues. At home, I am usually too busy to read (I run a business) so it is typically 2 - 4 pages whilst sitting on the loo. (I speed read.) When I travel, I read for most of the journey (plane or train). I never count pages. I read when I eat out on my own. When I go to immigration, police station, hospital etc I also read but again, I do not count the number of pages. Sorry. I read books at home. Everywhere else, Kindle.
  16. The only place that I found live coral off Samui was in Crystal Bay but that was probably 15 years ago or more.
  17. You can have mine. I ordered it on Fakebook. It should arrive soon.
  18. I could not find the bit in the article that mentions that he is exploited. Which event was unsettling?
  19. Seems like an amicable solution to the problem. Hope that the little lass recovers OK.
  20. The BP states that he has not returned. (According to someone close to his family.) Just fake news?
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