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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. In our work, we all make mistakes in life. No one is exempt. Luckily, for most of us, they are not life threatening. No one sues us for trillions of $$$. We get a slap on the wrist and told not to do it again. I feel sorry for medical workers - they are human too. Sadly though, it is often a life or death situation, that is why they are usually ultra cautious. That is why I agree with kbb above. (Minorities speaking out.) It is sad that the American 'sue 'til you are broke' culture has now morphed all over the world.
  2. And a dying economy, thanks to ignorance, does does not help either.
  3. It has been around since Noah was a lad. It is just that before social media, people just paid up. Now, people are more aware - which is probably the positive thing about social media.
  4. There was a recent case of a first responder at the scene of an accident (motorbike?) and his AED failed to work. However manual resuscitation revived her and they shipped her off to hospital. He saved her life. Sorry, cannot remember if it was printed here or in the BP.
  5. Are you serious? The life guards have zero authority to stop someone going into the water, never mind fining anyone.
  6. That's a tad unfair. Thailand has no control over when or where someone decides to make a U turn .
  7. Please tell that to Putin. He seems to ignore the rules. Same with red crosses.
  8. Surely, all that Srettha and Thaksin are doing is the same as the Red Bull heir. What was it, he avoided 4 or 5 hearings before he did a runner?
  9. Friends have just spent four days in Bangkok. They travel all over the city a fair bit. They said that in that time, not one taxi put the meter on. All fixed price. On the first day they would reject them if they said 'no meter'. After the fourth taxi they just gave up. These folk are not your usual 'easy target' tourists. The guy speaks fluent Thai and his wife is Chinese. Thais always think that she is Thai.
  10. And it will guarantee that the Chinese 'Big Boys' will be here in numbers. If you thought that the existing Chinese criminals were bad, wait until you see what this brings in.
  11. Koh Raham is 'different'. Definitely worth a visit but all day? I went there with a couple of young Thai girls (friends) and they loved it. Selfies all over the place. That is all there is though. Good snorkelling mind you.
  12. No mention yet in the Samui sections but Namuang II claimed another victim on 13th last. Luckily, he did not die. Italian guy with damaged hips and legs. https://thethaiger.com/news/national/ko-samui-waterfall-rescue-italians-ordeal-ends-with-a-splash Can anyone remember the count so far this year?
  13. Bali was one of the top three choices for wifey and I to retire. Number 2. The other two were Thailand (1) and Malaysia (3). We had visited 2 and 3 many times. Malaysia was a no because of the Muslim religious movement becoming more invasive. (Nothing against Muslim people but please do not tell me what to eat or drink.) Bali was much much more expensive than Thailand. Too many Aussies in the main areas but away from them - gorgeous countryside and people. Then again, Muslims were trying to take over from the Balinese. Wifey preferred Thais anyway. Ended up being a teacher here. Thailand is still a beautiful country with lovely folk. View from my place circa 15 years ago then view now. Trees have grown lots. This is why I do not travel too much any more. It is my 'bar stool'. 24 years here and still love that view.
  14. Salad Beach has more choice of restaurants. Only 2 on Mae Haad Beach.
  15. To answer the heading - Very dangerous. That is why many Thais (and folk in other Asian countries) have been wearing masks since before Covid.
  16. Lots of taxis/songteows at the pier. Walk to the road. Hotel pick ups tend to wait by the ferries. My 'go to' beach on KPN is Mae Haad Bay. (NW) Salad beach is also good. No idea on the taxi mafia prices though, I always rent a bike.
  17. There is a kite surfing school not too far from the pier. Head east.(walking distance). Head east. Lime 'n Soda resort. Not great. Not bad. Cold beer and food in the resort. Not sure if it is sand or reef.
  18. In 1938, Hitler promised peace, if the UK and France convinced Czechoslovakia to cede territory to Germany and the UK/France did not sign a pact with Russia. In 2024 Putin promised 'peace' if Ukraine ceded territory to Russia and did not sign a pact with NATO. Sound familiar?
  19. And now we know why Thailand is determined to keep conscription. No point in killing the golden goose.
  20. Unfortunately, Thailand has to adopt democracy before it can uphold it. We are still in the dinosaur age when it comes to democracy.
  21. I usually go to Bandon for medical certificates- same price. I was there in April for one for the work permit. Doc said that I have a very strong heart - I could live to be a hundred. My response 'I bloody hope not'.
  22. No it is not. The UN definition of genocide in article II is :- Killing members of the group; Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group It is a Hamas objective to kill all Jews. See 1, 2, 3 above. The have been sending rockets into Israel for years and on October 7th, they invaded Israel and murdered, raped and kidnapped innocent civilians at a rave. One report from a Hamas terrorist said something along the lines of "look Dad. Be proud of your son. Here I am killing Jews." THAT is genocide. Israel is responding and trying to rescue the hostages. Hamas hides them, and themselves, in and under hospitals, schools, and houses of their supporters. All of whom are 'Palestinians'. Do not believe everything that the enemy/press tells you. They have been conned by the Pro Palestinian terrorists supporters.
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