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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. Yet millions ride a bike every die and do not have accidents. I think that you have a problem.
  2. More die in one week, not 5+ years, on Thailand's roads due to bad driving. Why worry about the elephants? Leave the elephants alone.
  3. Good comment. The problem is that the sponsors have no heart.
  4. Not if HM the K supports the junta takeovers. (They have done so far.) Thais would never go against him.
  5. The one that our supplier uses definitely can and has done so in the past. We managed to prove it then by disconnecting the feeder pipe to the house and videoing the meter going round and with a hissing noise instead of water coming through the meter. But that is a hit and miss affair if it does not do it all of the time. I think that what happens maybe is that the supplier's pump is moving water to some houses, but those on the end of the lines are only getting air. Not water.
  6. More people today because immigration was closed from 4-6th May. Today first day open. Closed again 10-12th May so 13th will be busy again.
  7. Our water supplier is struggling to provide water for everyone in the development where I live. (> 100 houses) Many houses are buying water trucks yet the bills from the supplier show that usage is higher than normal. I suspect that the main water pump is pushing air to the properties, when the main water tank level is low. Is there a meter that I can install near the water meter that will tell me if there is air? Disconnecting the feeder pipe would be a hit and miss affair.
  8. I have no interest in electric vehicles. I think that road deaths will be higher because of them. I have less than 50% hearing and I never hear the little sods when they are racing up behind me when I am walking. They are silent killers. The rules for crossing the roads have always been Stop, Look,Listen. How the heck the visibly impaired manage I will never understand. Then I try really hard to never buy Chinese goods. EV no thank you.
  9. Seems cheap for a Mercedes. I think that is the estimate of the repair cost.
  10. The unfortunate young men will now have to look at either fighting, on one side or the other, or coming to Thailand (and others) illegally. Then the press will have a field day showing more 'illegal immigrants' being arrested. Thailand will send the poor guys back to Burma thus showing their support for the illegal military junta.
  11. Poor lady. Possibly scarred for life thanks to that nasty little man. Glad that he has been arrested.
  12. Yes it is a nice story. Only the conspiracy theorists will be disappointed. The people that count in Thailand, government and its employees, are happy with the findings of suicide. (As in the BP and others.) Mind you, they are even more happy that they are sniffing around looking to see if the poor French lady's company set up is valid or if it used nominee shareholders. The interior ministry will be looking to get their hands on the business if it is illegal and then they will be allowed to sell it's assets. Still, the maid will still have the 500k and any possible bank accounts and other items in the estate.
  13. It is even more rare in SE Asia. Not many Thais with O-
  14. "No one questions that it was a suicide." Apart from the AN bar-stool conspiracy theorists.
  15. A few articles on this story confirm the second quote. This article is about the value of the estate - not the suicide.
  16. The MEA have already admitted guilt in another article.
  17. Do you have proof of these dumb accusations? I assume that the brown squiggly thing at the end of your sentences is your signature.
  18. All other reports stated that the camera angle had been changed. Not disabled. If I read this report correctly, they are not questioning suicide (yet) but just the value of the estate. The poor maid will probably only end up with 2/6d.
  19. Very true here on Samui. Daytime highs are 37 C plus, slightly higher than previous years. But night time lows at midnight are still 31 to 32 C. (Higher in my bedroom.) The bigger change this year is the pollution here on the islands. Rarely seen in previous years - especially in May. We are not in the same league as the rest of Thailand, but it has been noticeable this year.
  20. Not just live music. I often go into an empty bar/restaurant for a quiet time and the first thing that they do is switch on the music and place a large fan blowing a gale into my ear.
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