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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. Or as when I bought helmets for all of my staff - within a week they had all been sold at the local market.
  2. Absolute rubbish, balderdash and poppycock. My wife and I relocated here 24 years ago. Very happy with that decision. Sadly, wifey is dead but I am still very happy here. I would not want to be anywhere else. Also sadly, my son is dead and there is no way that I want to be living near my daughter and her tribe. 7,000 miles apart is just enough.
  3. And that is why the 'military' will never give up their power in Thailand.
  4. Breaking news :- there are water shortages all over the country at the moment.
  5. Hmm. The tinfoil hat wearers are up early today.
  6. I would say that is a yes. They are doing it. Excavators working on both sides of the Bandon road clearing the land. To get to the airport from the Bandon road, you have to go back into Chaweng (past the temple school) and out towards Choengmon and then turn back down at Cocoon
  7. Quick update - I rode by there again this morning - the road works are more extensive but the road is still clear coming from Bandon to the temple/Chaweng. You just cannot get to the airport via the road with the Chinese graves. Definitely extending that road to probably come out by the roundabout near Tops.
  8. That does not help homeless people. How do they receive the advice? No phone, no internet, nothing. They are not going to receive the vote buying 10,000 baht yet they are still people and they are probably the ones who need it most.
  9. Oh you poor wee thing. That is what happens when you live in a box. You are still ahead of us here living on a private development where the price per unit for electricity is just below 10 baht. I pay for the electricity for some of my neighbours who live overseas. The bills range from 3,000 to 25,000 baht last month. This month will be higher. 3,200 baht is not 'whopping'.
  10. As the old saying goes (with a slight twist)...... Expert at everything, master of nothing.
  11. So are drugs. Luckily for many, the RTP do not usually test for drugs. They just assume alcohol or 'mental issues'. In many counties in the UK, drug driving is more common than drunk driving. We will never know here.
  12. When I rode by, just the road next to the Chinese graves was totally closed. That's where it floods if we ever get any rain again. The road from Bandon to Chaweng was open. Best to go up to Cocoon if coming from Chaweng or go via the arrivals hall if heading to departures.
  13. I love it when folk are in denial after reading an erroneous headline, in spite of the evidence. One can only assume that you are a troll-fol-de-rol. I live on Samui and I have been to that area a few times. It is not a hotel. It is a coffee shop with a few rooms to rent as shown in the photo that has been posted earlier. One can also see it on Google street view. (Difficult to fake that!) Booking.com sells more than hotel rooms, but most of their customers assume a hotel. Some of our customers advertise their private homes on Booking.com The Brit guy could not find the 'hotel' but he was more angry with Booking.com for being slow to refund the money for his second choice when they told him that it was full and he had to pay for a third choice. But hey, stay in the dark if you wish.
  14. They are putting in drainage - it always floods there and it looks like they might be making a direct road to Chaweng??? We can but dream. The area marked in red is/was the closed section.
  15. It was closed when I rode by 4 or 5 days ago.
  16. Err - I live on that tourist island. That is where the houses are. Anyone can rent and do rent those houses. There are cheaper ones but I picked these two because they are near where we work. As I said, not my cup of tea and the backpackers would be put off because there is no wifi. One has a/c and one is fan only.
  17. Why? I rent a couple of one bedroom Thai houses for 3,000 baht a month each. Price went up this year from 2,500 baht per month. Personally I would not want to live in one but staff are quite happy to stay there.
  18. Why? Hardly likely to be arson as the crew tried to extinguish the fire. Impressive that the jet ski rider was using the jet ski power water to try and help.
  19. I give Ferrero Rocher to the assistants. All Thais seem to love them. The surgeon got my 300,000+ baht but I do give chocs to my dentist. (She's cute.)
  20. Think about upgrading to one with an inverter. More economical. if you want to keep the old one, just call the Mitsubishi service people in your area but they will probably quote a high price for parts and hope to sell you a new one.
  21. I had the same problem when I wanted to open another account at SCB. 'Must get COR from immigration'. 'But they do not do any more!' 'Must get COR from immigration'. So I closed my first account and went back to Krungsri.
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