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Posts posted by Surasak

  1. 18 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

    So why make false claims?




    Just more lies from the corrupt EU. It reminds me of them claiming to act in good faith while negotiating a trade deal post Brexit. They cannot be trusted, as the recent corruption scandal has highlighted. Classic EU, pretending to hold the high ground while lying through their teeth. Lower than a snake's belly.

    Hep. and they can all walk upright under it belly with their top hats on, and the snake never noticed.

  2. 8 hours ago, MRToMRT said:

    It has nothing to do with "passport" it has to do with socio-economic standards and statistical likelihood of breaking visa conditions.


    If the HiSo's here want to have their "passport" recognised on an equal basis then they should do more to liberate the poor, raise living conditions, improve the judiciary, raise wages and have democracy here.

    In Thailand? Oh! Come on. The driver going the wrong way on a one way street and the police didn't stop him. He was walking.

  3. 21 hours ago, Joseph98765 said:

    every single thing here is about money, true... even the girls who are with 75 years old men and when they are having a meal she even don't look at his face (playing with her new iPhone that he bought ) when he is talking..but when the bill comes...she pass it to him.

    All so true. The thing which annoys me more, is the change from any purchase is always handed to my wife or the Thai person I am with.

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  4. 1 hour ago, AhFarangJa said:

    We need a committee, definitely need a committee. The only way forward is to set up a committee. 

    Is this so a meeting can be called to discuss the minute of the last meeting and then schedule the next meeting, add infinitum. How much to join this committee and what are the monthly fees????? 

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  5. On 11/12/2022 at 9:12 AM, DrPhibes said:

    Well someone better set the embassies straight.  This right off the British Thai Embassy:


    "If you would like to drive, either vehicle or motorcycle, while visiting Thailand, you are required by law to hold an international driving license. When asked for, you need to show your international driving license along with your passport and national driving license."


    Good to know, just need the above statement in Thai and be on the embassy website in the area where you get your Visa and such. 





    In the UK it is an International Driving Permit. Also in English, Licence is the correct spelling.

  6. On 12/18/2022 at 3:14 AM, Scouse123 said:

    You are paying an agent.


    That ' fee ' and many other ' fees ' from other people following this route is then divided between corrupt immigration officials and the agent and whoever else is ' in the loop ' to look the other way such as secretaries who enter the data etc.


    This is done to circumvent the rules and this is why many who are living in Isaarn are given an address in Pattaya for the benefit of obtaining a retirement extension. They must also use this fictitious address and pretend they live there for 90 reports etc.


    Therefore Smedley is correct. It's bribery and it is a corrupt practice.


    It is this behaviour that keeps ' tea money ' and ' corruption ' rife in Thailand and people who subscribe to it are part of that problem, as the point is, if there weren't people going along with this corrupt practice it would fizzle out and die.


    This is why when they get caught, the offending Immigration officers and their teams are broken up and moved all over the country and on occasion, to inactive posts.


    Just because it's the ' norm ' or we have done it this way a ' long time ' doesn't make it legal or correct and nor does it make it a ' service fee '

    "That ' fee ' and many other ' fees ' from other people following this route is then divided between corrupt immigration officials and the agent and whoever else is ' in the loop ' to look the other way such as secretaries who enter the data etc."

    If you think the 'small' amount I pay gets divided between so many people,  then they are not going to get rich very quickly.

    However, you are of course entitled to your opinion and I refuse to get dragged into an argument over a minor subject of the rights and wrongs of a 'service'.

  7. 6 hours ago, smedly said:

    by far the biggest corrupt practice involving IO I have observed over years is when people use agents to circumvent the financial requirements for 12 month extensions, pretty much every person I know uses an agent and does not meet the financial requirements "in Thailand" for either bank balance or income, bribes are paid to circumvent the rules

    There are other reasons for using an agent than the usual financial requirements. I now of a few people who use an agent, including myself who have the financial wherewithal. None of these people consider they are paying a 'bribe' for a service provided and I can say you would be met with total contempt if you suggested it. When mud is thrown some of it has a tendency to stick, might I suggest you be a little more careful when using a black pot of paint?

    • Thanks 2
  8. 3 hours ago, TheAppletons said:

    Not disputing that money was taken from your account but I am wondering how you link that to the Lazada purchase?


    In the one bank transfer I've conducted with Lazada, I didn't have to provide any of my bank details.  I went into my own account and authorized my bank to transfer money for a one time payment to the Lazada payment service.  The only thing Lazada and/or the vendor would see is that a payment was made that corresponded to an order number.  

    The only company in the world who had my bank details on file was "Lazada".

    Who else could it have been? Those details are now non-existent, the money was returned and the A/C closed. One and only, never again.

  9. A similar problem with Lazada some months ago. A first time allowing my bank details. 26K baht was taken and spent in Deliveroo in London.  The bank did get the money back for me, but how did Deliveroo in London get my Thai bank details. Needless to say C.O.D. now and my bank details stay with me and a new card.

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  10. At 80+ I'm full of the joys of spring. Just one problem, spring was a long time ago.

    I've been in hospital a couple of times where they wanted to take my leg off, but I told them I had had it a long time and I would rather keep it thank you.

    And of course I've just beaten Covid, so the devil can take a hike.

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