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Posts posted by Surasak

  1. 5 hours ago, RedArmy said:

    Why do you need to inform HMRC or the DWP of your new address ???

    Try to keep an address in the UK, maybe a relative or a close friend - The less they know about you, the better.


    Ps: Get yourself an online WISE account before you leave as this is a good way to transfer funds.

    Not sure about HMRC but DWP have been sending proof of life requests for the past 3/4 years. If not returned pensions are stopped.

    As to a Wise A/C, I have my own means of transferring money as and when the need arises, thanks

    • Haha 2
  2. 21 hours ago, khunpa said:

    It’s all about “Common sense”…


    “Common sense” would mean police doing their job to reduce the accidents.


    “Common sense” would require proper training before receiving a drivers license.


    “Common sense” would remind drivers to not drive too fast and too close to other.


    ”Common sense” would mean no need for lucky amulets and car-blessings.


    With “Common sense” drivers would blame themselves and not the brakes, when accidents happen.


    There is no “common sense” here and there will never be.



    There is a possibility of common sense arriving, but it will only be when kids a taught how to think and not what to think. It wont happen in my life time, but eventually Thailand will be dragged kicking and screaming into the 23rd century. Or maybe even later.

    • Like 2
  3. We have an LED sign running in both Thai and English affixed under a light box with Thai lettering. Its been up for almost 10 years and never been asked for any tax. We also have a coloured picture sign 6' X 2'6". Again, never asked for tax.

    I do remember some years back it being suggested hotels would be charged if the price was shown, but it was never imposed on us.

  4. 6 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Guess the sky is the limit with Omicron.  It has been elsewhere, but as quickly as it went up elsewhere it went downwards.  However, from when the first cases were found here in Thailand Omicron has not acted like it has elsewhere until just the past 5 days, so one has to ask themselves why?  What is so different about Thailand that the virus acts completely out of character before it takes off just like with Delta and the original strain.......

    From your number of posts I guess you have been in Thailand some time? So my thinking there is, you must know Thailand has to be different and doesn't follow convention.  "You don't understand the Thai way", has long been the mantra if you have to have simple things explained.????

    • Sad 1
    • Haha 2
  5. 4 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    OP, so your first report due 90 days after you obtain your annual extension.

    Be aware that report can be done in person up to 15 days prior to your due date and 7 days post due date.

    Your first report must be done in person or via mail.

    Subsequent reports can be done online.

    Note online report window is 15 days prior and up to due date. 

    If you ever exit and re-enter Thailand then your 90 report clock is reset and starts from date of reentry. 


    But only if you get a Re-entry permit before leaving, unless things have changed?

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