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Posts posted by Surasak

  1. On my one and only visit to a government hospital, I presented my Thai pink ID. It was not refused but my passport was also required. The private room @ B1300 per night for 2 nights was about a quarter of the total price. The operation and ancillaries making up the remainder. This was KK General about 4 years ago and I have to say the service was first class. If needed again, I would certainly make it my first port of call.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 14 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    What is you basis of such a strange post.

    I use money in bank method and have a Will to pass that to Thai partner.

    Don't post such throw away lines without basic facts. 

    Not hard to find, but I suggest you have a quiet word with an honest bank manage.

    The police have to informed of a foreigners death, and we all trust the Thai police, don't we!

    I don't keep more than one months living expenses in a Thai bank for this very reason.

  3. I have had similar problems over the past couple of months, the sign in always directed me to confirm my details via email or SMS. No response from either which can be very frustrating.

    I found the Lazada phone number and got hing put right. However, I have had to phone them since, but they are very helpful.

    This is the Lazada number  02 018 0000

  4. 17 hours ago, Doctor Tom said:

    Oh smack handy Tom, naughty boy. 


    I was passing on my experience, that was then clarified  by Ubon Joe, which I acknowledged. I still maintain that if applying online you need to send your old passport to London before they issue a new one, they then return old and new passport to your UK address. The online instructions are very clear on this point.


    Happy now? 

    By sending you PP out of the country, if you are in Thailand, I believe you are committing an offence. Correct me if I'm wrong!

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