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Posts posted by Surasak

  1. 1 hour ago, coppywriter said:

    If you retire to the Philippines your UK pension will be increased each year as the Philippines and the UK have an agreement in law to maintain this. 

    If you give the DWP your Philippines bank details they will pay it to you in pesos. 

    Which you would find reduced due to the exchange in the UK before sending.

    Nothing to stop you continuing to use a UK bank and using a Philippines postal address, but they are not cheap.

  2. 2 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

    As with many of these kind of sensationalist reports, the OP does not state the reason why exactly there are 100 Countries Worldwide, where a pensioner cannot get the full entitlement.

    if it is indeed correct that some Older Citizens that retired some time ago are still receiving the pension they first received upon their retirement Day, the british Government should be ashamed of themselves.

    These are good hard working Folk that have paid their dues all their working lives, and are entitled to more respect than this from their own Government.

    Even the wetbacks get more respect and State Aid than a Pensioner

    The number of countries where UK pensioners do not get increases is over 150. As the UK government being ashamed of themselves, they now no shame ans possibly never will. This situation has gone on for the past 70 years or more and successive governments have done nothing. It was taken to the european court of justice some years ago and even they threw it out. What chance now?

    • Like 1
  3. 7 hours ago, smedly said:

    would you come here right now for a 3 week holiday ?


    considering how many people have omicron all over the world and how infectious it is - what are the chances of not catching it while travelling, I will bet the lady in the OP had no idea she had the virus in her body - did she develope "covid" ( the disease) ?, well if no symptoms then she didn't so why was she banged up





    To be honest, I don't regret any of my time spent here in Thailand both as a tourist and resident.

  4. On 4/11/2022 at 10:35 PM, Denim said:

    Yes. Never ever under any circumstances have sex or get involved with a Filipino woman. You will regret it.


    If this is a problem , seek out fellow expat females of your own age and form relationships with them.


    This is the absolute best advice you will ever get.


    Secondly , stay away from expat hotspots that are geared up to scamming foreigners


    Find a nice quite place far from the maddening crowds where you can live cheaply without being exploited.


    If you are not religious at least pretend to be some kind of Christian and things will go a lot better.


    This advice only applies if you are thinking of living in the Philippines until you die.


    If you were only thinking of a year or two , rent an apartment in Angeles City and let the chips fall where they may.


    Be wary of good women with degrees and good jobs. They will take you to the cleaners.

    You make that sound as if I need a chastity belt, or at least two sets of eyes in the back of my head. But I asked for it and you gave. Cheers

    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, chilly07 said:

    Many organisations refuse to send items to a mailbox especially banks and the  mailbox addresses are well known.

    It's not a Mailbox being asked for, but mailing service. The kind of thing where they open your mail, scan and forward to you. If you then require that info as and original, they forward to you.

    • Like 2
  6. Who needs a Still?

    It is quite possible to get 100% alcohol from home brewed wine. Its a very simple and not expensive.

    I've been doing it for sixty years with no additions of any kind.

    The brewed wine is still palatable but alcohol free.

    The alcohol can be used to fortify other wines, such as carrot whisky, parsnip wine and others.

    While still in the demijohn, after filtering place the demijohn into the freezer. What doesn't freeze is pure alcohol.



  7. 40 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

    Any particular area of the Philippines. 

    I've heard it's nice. 

    Never been there. 

    An area called San Fernando north of Manila. I was there three years ago for a short time. Very similar to Thailand in many ways, but a different kind of people who can think for themselves.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  8. 8 minutes ago, Antiparovian said:

    I live in Thailand and pay Income Tax on my UK earnings, I deserve to get free NHS treatment.

    What you think you deserve and what you are likely to get are two different things. My understanding is, you would not be refused, but you could have a very long wait before treatment unless an emergency.

  9. 1 hour ago, Card said:

    Get yourself several bank credit cards and invest in ISAs before u declare non residency. You won't be able to get them when a non resident but can legally keep them if u have them before u leave.

    I have not been a UK resident for the past 14 years, but thanks anyway.

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