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Posts posted by Surasak

  1. 7 minutes ago, Eindhoven said:


    Post ALL of the details here and I'll try to work it out for you. Ridiculous.

    Presumably you meant a Thailand VISA debit card.


    Remember the OP wrote PHONE (BILL), not debit or credit card. So you case looks like a case of card fraud, as opposed to a debit on a telephone bill.


    If of course the £45 charge was to her card and nothing to do with the phone at all; then that would be the OP's misreporting, wouldn't it?


    Clearer now? Yours seems like a simple case of your card details being sold or just used by someone who got hold of them.

    Thanks all the same, but it is in the hands of the Thai bank. I'll leave it to them to sort. I clearly stated it was a Thai card

  2. 1 minute ago, BritManToo said:

    ATM fraud is most likely, your card was scanned by a fake ATM front.

    Possible, except I don't use the card in any ATM. I always use another card from an internet bank, and never in my KrungThai bank ATM always Aeon, its cheaper.

  3. 12 hours ago, Eindhoven said:


    You cannot order by phone with Deliveroo. Also not aware that they can make a charge to someone's telephone/Internet bill. That doesn't sound right. 

    So, explain how they charged my Thai visa card when I have NEVER used that card for international payments, only ever local. The only company who has my card details is Lazada. Your thoughts please?

  4. 13 hours ago, CharlieH said:

    Ok, so I assume from that, the mother uses a landline, in which case no it wont work.


    Heres an idea, get a UK skype number, she dials a local number (cheaper) and you can have it ring (divert to) whatever number you choose.



    I'll hop in here and say, I call my sister in the UK using Skype. I have a UK Skype number @£38/year, then I pay £10.OO maybe two to three times per year for calls @1.3p per minute. Last month, same as the op, a payment to Delivroo  for 29,750Baht appeared on my KrungThai A/C I called the call centre in BKK and it turns out this was taken from my KT card with the security number. It is being investigated as I type, and intend to call today to check the progress with the ID number I was given. If and when I get any info, I will keep you posted.


    • Thanks 2
  5. 15 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    So conceivably one could travel from Dark red zone to Dark red zone with no worries and no restrictions other than what the CCSA has put in place.  Good to know that travel is back on, well within parameters and safety concerns addressed, like wearing a mask while driving.

    We get lots of visitors from Bangkok on a daily basis, Business would go under if we didn't.

  6. I opened a bank A/C at Kasikorn bank last Friday in Baan & Beyond Khon Kaen, no problems at all. It took about an hour of form filling, many signatures and my Thai ID card and passport, then a call to head office for confirmation for some reason. Biggest problem was setting up the phone app. it can't be done using your internet connection, only via the phone company internet. Here's the best bit, 958 swipes on the calendar to input my date of birth.

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