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Posts posted by Surasak

  1. There are many expats who have invested money in Thailand in the way of housing and businesses. Some may have more to invest, but wont due to the very uncertainty of their visa status. Its not just the visa that could be a worry. I for one like so many others, was given very good advice in my early months here, which was 'Do not invest any more than you are prepared to walk away from'. It was and still is very sound advice. My wife and I have a reasonable business here, its not doing so well at the moment due to the Covid situation, but because I instilled the 'Save for a rainy day possibility', we are keeping our heads above water. We don't expect anything from the government, I would turn it down if they offered. What makes me angry are the people who have literally been thrown under the bus by the government, without a second thought. And now all they can think of is how to swell their own pockets at the expense of more rich retirees and anyone else with money they can fleece. Unfortunately, I am at a stage in life where a major upheaval of a move would not do me any favours, so I am destined to see out my days here. However, I have not for a number of years,  and will not bring another penny into Thailand. At least my wife and family will have enough to live on when I'm gone, and I have absolutely made sure lawyers or any government agency's wont see a brass farthing.      

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  2. 26 minutes ago, BangkokReady said:

    It's funny.  A lot of foreigners somehow take a view that only government, bureaucrats, police, army, hi-so, teachers, etc., display any of the corrupt, elitist, deceptive features of Thai society, while there is a huge group of "innocent" Thais who have nothing to do with it.

    We only have one pot of black paint and one paint brush. It's being spread as thin as possible so as not to appear selfish.????

  3. 6 hours ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

    You assume they know  how to turn it  on

    Oh Please. You know as well as they do, without a calculator they are like a ship without a rudder.

    Go into most shops for an item @82Baht. hand over 102Baht and get told 'you give too much'. I have been given back the extra a few times in Big C and Robinsons, where the till does the calculation. Dumb and Dummer are alive and well.

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  4. 11 hours ago, geisha said:

    Well, if it was in EU , I live in France for example, everyone who works with the public, bars, restaurants, shops, bigger offices , etc etc must be vaccinated or present a negative PCR test every 72 hrs to their boss/ workplace. You also have a vaccination Pass, where your COVID vaccinations are noted with their dates, your name. This you show and your QR code is scanned before entering the establishment. It’s a government app. Paper copy can be used. It’s easy and rapid to do, hold up your phone/paper, they flash it. Personally I am reassured by this, and it doesn’t bother me in the least.

    Where Thailand is concerned, I’m not sure that they are capable of organizing this . 

    Exactly the point. However, they are more than capable of false promises.

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