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Posts posted by Surasak

  1. 9 minutes ago, theoldgit said:


    I said they can be debated in Parliament, I never mentioned the House of Commons.

    Select Committees in both houses are part of Parliament, they can demand evidence from and make recommendations to the Government, the Goverment must respond.

    I didn't contradict your statement, I only pointed out a fact.

    I might also point out that a 'Select Committee', has nothing to do with petitions.

  2. 21 hours ago, theoldgit said:

    A slight correction, if the petition gains 10,000 signatures, then the Government will respond, if it reaches 100,000 signatures then a committee considers if it’s going to be debated in Parliament, most actually don’t get to debate.

    Petitions never get debated in the house of commons.  They are normally debated in another chamber within the parliament building by those who wish to attend. The outcome is never been put to parliament.

  3. 50 minutes ago, MrJ2U said:

    No, its the Sinovac that doesn't work.


    mRNA vaccines are very effective against the Delta variant.


    Moderna will only be available to the private hospitals and smart people who paid in advance.

    I really hope you are correct but, as these people change their minds more often than the weather changes in the UK, I'm not holding my breath.

    • Like 2
  4. 36 minutes ago, Tracyb said:

    I have a simple, three step plan to bring the country back to prosperity.


    If the population was vaccinated there would be no need for a lockdown.


    Step one:   Buy vaccines for everyone.

    Step two:    Inject vaccines into everyone

    Step three:  Sit back and watch the economy improve

    A simple solution to be sure BUT, where do they get the money to buy the vaccines? It has all been spent on military hardware and shipped to off shore accounts.

  5. 40 minutes ago, nobodysfriend said:

    AFAIK there is only one country that managed to effectively control the spread of the Virus . That is China . And how did they manage this ? Remember ? Strict lockdown for whole regions . And testing .

    But Thai government helped to spread the virus by allowing people to move to their home provinces from Bkk for Songkran etc .

    Instead of being hard and imposing tough measures when it was time for that , they did too little . And no foresight of what probably will happen , at all . 

    The mess they ( and us ) are in now could have been avoided by more intelligent measures when it was time for that .

    Foresight and intelligence!!?? There is a very serious lack of both. There always has been and I don't see it changing anytime soon. The ฿ beats any other consideration and always will.

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  6. 1 hour ago, DLock said:

    There is no irony at all, and it's not hard to comprehend.


    Thailand does not own any of those AZ vaccines. They are owned by Astra Zeneca as manufactured by their partner in Thailand, Siam Bioscience. The fact that they are manufactured in Thailand is irrelevant.


    Thailand thinking they can divert vaccines from more needy countries that have placed orders with AZ  to cover its disastrous handling of the vaccine program, is delusional.


    Having said that, would it surprise me if Thailand, given the owner of SB did that? No.

    If memory serves, I believe Italy stuffed Australia over vaccine exports?

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