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Posts posted by Surasak

  1. 11 hours ago, geisha said:

    Well, if it was in EU , I live in France for example, everyone who works with the public, bars, restaurants, shops, bigger offices , etc etc must be vaccinated or present a negative PCR test every 72 hrs to their boss/ workplace. You also have a vaccination Pass, where your COVID vaccinations are noted with their dates, your name. This you show and your QR code is scanned before entering the establishment. It’s a government app. Paper copy can be used. It’s easy and rapid to do, hold up your phone/paper, they flash it. Personally I am reassured by this, and it doesn’t bother me in the least.

    Where Thailand is concerned, I’m not sure that they are capable of organizing this . 

    Exactly the point. However, they are more than capable of false promises.

  2. 4 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

    With the UK testing on average about 500,000 a day compared to less than 50,000 in Thailand, the chances are that the UK numbers are at least 10 times more accurate than Thailand's ! Underestimated or not. 


    Be honest the whole worldometer is a bit of a joke, test more , find more, hence most of the world's most tested countries appear in the top 10 for covid positives ! Apart from China who nobody on the planet believe any data from

    Sorry to have to correct you on that last sentence. Thailand believes all data coming from china.

  3. 12 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    Passbooks are just another level of Thai bureaucracy. Any other country use them? I don't know of any. I used to live in Bangkok and had my account at the main Bangkok Bank branch. Then I moved to Kalasin Province, but was unable to transfer my account to my local branch. When my book was full I asked at my local branch for a new book and they said, in all seriousness, that I had to travel from Kalasin to Bangkok to do it.

    And when I was in Bangkok I went into a branch other than my own to renew my book, and got the default reaction of any bank staff anywhere - Cannot. It was late in the afternoon and I didn't have enough time to get to my branch and would have had to make a lengthy trip back into the city the next day, so I decided to argue about why. Of course, the assistant had no idea, so she called the manager out to see me. And he decided to be helpful and issued the new book. So they could do it if they wanted to.


    Very often in Thailand, you have to argue to achieve anything. Of course, it can have to opposite effect and they'll just look right through you and act as if you aren't there.

    Your remark: They could do it if they wanted to, is very true. As to just looking through you as if you are not there, applies in many cases and not just banks.

    They keep they're mouth shut so as not to look stupid, knowing full well if they open it, they will prove the point. On the other hand, is it just dumb ignorance?

    • Like 2
  4. 57 minutes ago, PETERTHEEATER said:

    So, a medically qualified person accredited by that Embassy examined the patient, determined death had occurred and the reason, signed, and it was validated by the Embassy and issued? ????

    I find that rather strange. Surely the hospital had a doctor who was treating him. It would be that doctors responsibility to sign the death certificate?

    • Like 1
  5. Had this same arrive on Monday 16th.


    [email protected]
    Tue 17/08/2021 13:55
    This is an auto-generated email. Please do not reply.

    After reviewing your registration, it can not be further processed due to lack of required visas.

    Please note that this registration platform is ONLY for foreign residents in Thailand and are not Thai nationality.

    If you are a migrant worker or work under MoU with the Ministry of Labour, please wait for further information from the Ministry of Labour.

    Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand
    This is an automated message, please do not reply.


    On Tuesday 17th email from Bangkok KK hospital informing me of an appointment for Sat 21st August at KK hall Central Plaza.

    My opinion FWIIW, some are jumping the gun. This email of rejection is either a mistake or, it is to put people off from further registration in the hope of saving a few vaccination samples. Just a thought, but I wouldn't put anything past this government. 

  6. I would like to be asked, but whomever asks may not like the answer.

    It would be nice to give a positive answer, unfortunately at present it would be negative.

    I have just received an email from Expatvac stating: 'After reviewing your registration, it cannot be further processed due to lack of required visas.

    Please note that this registration platform is ONLY for foreign residents in Thailand and are not Thai nationality.

    If you are a migrant worker or work under MoU with the Ministry of Labour, please wait for further information from the Ministry of Labour.

    Thank you for your cooperation and understanding'


    So much for that little effort.

    • Confused 1
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