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Posts posted by Surasak

  1. 2 hours ago, hansnl said:

    You do know, I hope, many earn a living in the tourist industry, possibly a million people lost their job?

    Are their wishes also selfish?

    You think only the business owners have problems?

    And the government paying for all that might be difficult, less tax coming in, no income from tourism, less VAT incoming because people buy less (no money), and so on.

    Isn't your answer slightly egoistic?

    There you go. Damned if you do and damned if you don't. And your proposal is?

  2. Do not know in Thailand. My son in the UK was tested positive 10 days ago after being notified he had been in contact with another known virus sufferer. At present he is at home and he and his wife are under strict quarantine due to him being vulnerable due to other complications. So far he is feeling tired and cannot smell or taste anything, with flu like symptoms. He has twice been visited by a nurse and doctor in hazmat suits to check on his condition, but it is not so serious as to warrant hospitalisation, so far. Fingers crossed he comes through this with no lasting problems.  

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  3. On 10/28/2020 at 5:46 PM, Upnotover said:

    There's none of this to be found in Thailand though....


    The bottles shown are later models i believe. I remember them with spring loaded ceramic caps like the Grolsch beer bottles. Also the the labels were different. The Crown logo was at the top of the label in a fan shape. I am of course ancient and am casting back to the late 40s, early 50s, so if anyone knows different?

  4. 2 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    So if I do not read into this at all, then everyone who gets or got a 30 day extension regardless of when, will have that 30 days start on November 1st and end on the 31st.  This is either now a drop dead date for those visas to expire and folks to obtain a 1 year extension of stay or leave Thailand.  It will cause more overcrowding on the 31st of November if they do not roll over again. Or maybe this just become a new rolling 30 day period, Again speculation on my part.

    Dont like to nit pick, but I will. How long has November had 31 days? My calendar only ever has 30 days for that month.

    • Sad 2
  5. For what its worth, my take on this is, both sides have taken the wrong approach. No comment as to who is right or wrong, but the complainant appears to have been somewhat aggressive in his initial approach. This compounded with the postings on TripAdvisor obviously got someones back up at the hotel. Heat of the moment and all that.  Had Mr Barnes approached the manager initially in a calm and reasonable way, pointing out his grievances, he may have had his complaints settled in an amicable way???

    On the other hand, it would not them have become broadcast to the world, that Thailand has some very draconian and silly laws. I don't see Thailand catching up with the 21st century in the foreseeable future.      

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  6. 4 hours ago, yellowboat said:

    Only the feeble minded and petty talk about things all the time they cannot change.   Instead of moaning about the loss of tourism to the point of absurdity, how about overhauling the silly visa laws and allow for great foreign investment?



    Oh! Come on. It must have cost a great deal of soul searching just to admit they needed English speaking teachers. As to overhauling the Visa laws, How long have you got? As for allowing foreign investment, they are working on it, its likely to take another ten years to make it as complicated as possible.  

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