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Posts posted by Surasak

  1. Sort of off topic but computer nevertheless. I had to have Win 10 reinstalled about a month oga and everything was great for for about ten days. Then out of the blue the (at) that curly a won work and the apostrophe also stopped working. In fact the apostrophe now changes the language to Thai. It cant be the keyboard because two others produce the same result. Anyone got any ideas please.  

  2. 17 hours ago, kingofthemountain said:

    If someone can explain me how a foreigner accused of murder on

    a Thai woman, arrested and detained by the Thai police and after

    that he had confessed to killing her, has managed to fly back to

    his country ? It should be in a prison in Thailand waiting the trial

    or i have missed something?

    You haven't , but a lot of other people who should know better obviously have.

  3. 5 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    They're only sent to pensioners living abroad, UK pensioners living in the UK never get them.

    If you hadn't told them you were living overseas, you wouldn't be getting them either.

    If one does as you suggest, by not informing the DWP you live abroad, you must by definition, be committing an act of fraud. I think we all know it is done by some, but if found out, it could be very expensive.

    • Sad 3
    • Haha 1
  4. 5 hours ago, polpott said:

    Why can't we just use the pink card? Took me 30 minutes to get mine and at no point did I speak.


    Have never used it, as much use as a chocolate teapot.

    Dont agree with you. I was stopped by the police. Asked for passport which i don't ever carry. Showed my pink ID card, which he looked at then returned it to me. He just turned away, not so much as a smile of thank you, not that I expected anything different.

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