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Posts posted by Surasak

  1. 49 minutes ago, whatsupdoc said:

    Still waiting for a good reason why Brexit is such a fantastic idea... I mean one that compensates for the fall in the value of the pound, the expected job losses, rising prices, educated EU workers leaving the NHS, etcetera.


    Personally, I see only one advantage; that it will be cheaper for Europeans from the continent to have a holiday in the UK :smile:

    Do you regularly correspond with George Osborne?

  2. 26 minutes ago, Grouse said:

    Who are the losers pray?


    Have you travelled much around the UK and mainland Europe in recent years? You should! You would then have a better idea who is losing ?

    Look at the unemployment figures of Europe and those of the UK just as an example.

  3. 54 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

    These are the rounded figures, some in % terms. The total electoral role: 46,500,000. 

    Total turnout 33,500,000 (72%)


    Leavers          17,400,000 (37%)

    Remainers     16,100,000 (35%)

    Non-voters     13,000,000 (28%)


    Total                46,500,000 (100%)


    IMO, 37% of the total electoral role is not a majority or a blueprint for the Government to announce it is the 'will of the people' that we must enforce Brexit, because that is statistically incorrect. It is the will of those that voted to leave, but not the majority of the electorate. 

    Sorry to say, but that is the British electoral system. Rightly or wrongly the result stands.

  4. 1 hour ago, Mandox said:


    I think with them the needed reforms for the European Union would not be possible.

    I wish them the best to reanimate old times. 



    It's no a case of reanimating old times. More a case of not wishing to be dictated too by a bunch of losers.

  5. All down to planned water storage. A reservoir of a couple of square miles but only six feet deep is about as much good as a chocolate teapot. Water management is almost non-existent, as is proved year after year by the floods in Bangkok and other known vulnerable places. Could they ever organise a visit to the toilet for a person with diarrhea? Very doubtful.

  6. 20 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

    This morning I though TOT was having a problem with their signal as I couldn't get any web page to open. Turned off my VPN and internet works fine.

    Tried two other VPN's same problem. No internet at all.  Anyone else have this

    Had similar problem w weeks ago. We had a new wireless system installed and when finished my Zenmate VPN had stopped working. 3 days later I get an email from Zenmate to say sorry, their server was down. Just coincidence? Who knows, but all ok on 4th day.

  7. 23 hours ago, Rc2702 said:

    Been using a Samsung A7 for nearly 3 years and it's on it's last legs.


    Got another new Samsung about 6 months ago on a UK contract that lasted 5 weeks.


    I'm ready to explore the Thai Market for a phone. I have read good reports on lesser brands such as xiaomi. 


    If a new phone can give me 12-18 months of continual smooth operation I'd be pleased.


    I use the phone for

    Surfing web

    Typing content such as this

    Skype app

    Regular phone calls



    That's it really.


    So has anyone got a phone they are very happy with and purchased it in thailand and the cost/name of this device and any other info?


    Dual sim would be great.


    I like Android OS.



    Try the Asus Laser 4. Around 12000baht maybe less. Good touch screen. Good camera easy to use for internet, Skype and whatsapp. Had mine 18 months with no prolems

  8. 6 hours ago, cliveshep said:

    Nobody seems to be querying the obvious - and while I am in agreement with all of you about the treatment of paedophiles how did the Thai police find out about this unless they are snooping on people on their internet use?


    I mean - how private are my emails to my bank or accountants, or children, or anyone? Are my internet movements tracked secretly?


    Am I paranoiac? 


    Well, I use geo-location block and a VPN habitually as I value my privacy. Not that I do anything wrong but it's like the feeling of being violated when you come home after a burglary to find the thieves have gone through your underwear drawer and your wife's underwear.

    Just because your paranoid, doesn't mean they are not after you!

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