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Posts posted by Surasak

  1. 16 hours ago, joeyg said:

    I've spent a lot of time in India over the years involved in medical humanitarian work.  It was always bad.  It's really become hell on earth now.  It is a nightmare.

    On a stopover in india 20 odd years ago. On the way to the hotel, our driver pulled over and said he would be two minutes, dont open the doors. Within seconds of his departure the car was surrounded by dozens of kids wanting to sell us anything from newspapers to snakes. More than a bit of a fright for first time visitors

  2. 10 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    I wonder if this bullshit being offered up is connected to the recent headline stories in the UK papers ? It is about time they stopped with the denials, that no one believes and start a very serious and thorough investigation as to what and who is behind all the deaths. By now it is common knowledge that the island is mafia controlled and people there know, but are too scared to talk about it.


    A very serious and thorough investigation requires honesty and integrity. Are we likely to find that? Answers on the back of a postage stamp please.

  3. 11 hours ago, quadperfect said:

    Every day i see a few dozen familys on motorbikes and a few dozen moms with infants in bamboo seats in front of them.

    Why even bother with a article like this. 

    This is just another article that shows how far thailand is behind in road safety.

    I am guessing about 30 years from now thais will have similar road safety as to western worlds today.

    But in 30 years the west will have high speed guided transport and thailand will have baby car seats and law enforcement .

    A ratger optimistic assumption. Child car seats maybe, as to law enforcement???????

  4. When I received my proof of life form, I added that I was now married. I then received Bereivement forns which allowes my wife to claim an initial payment of £2500 and then a monthly payment of between £100 or £200 per month for 2 years.dependent on her age. I'm worth more alive than dead, before you all start thinking the worst??

  5. 10 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    Someone call the Chinese quick!!!  The Navy's going to placing an order soon for new airplanes...


    Along with the Chinese submarines, Chinese armored personnel carriers, Chinese tanks, and who knows what else...

    We have had the trains and boats, so why not planes to round things off? 

  6. 5 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    Another much needed action for safety on the roads, that if past operations are anything to go by, will run from today, until about Thursday. The cops will have got tired of it by then and will consider the job done. The carnage will continue, because there are just way too many @rseholes using the roads.

    The carnage on the roads is as you say, too many AHs on the roads. However, is this down to the driver directly, or the present or past governments? We are all fully aware of the situation but until that situation is properly addressed, we are stuck with what we have.

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