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Posts posted by Surasak

  1. 3 hours ago, DrDave said:

    The first time I did an extension based upon marriage, a home visit was required. This was in Phuket, about 3 years ago. When submitting the application, the immigration officer made it clear that he expected some sort of "compensation" when he would come for the visit the next day (a Saturday).

    He arrived with his wife in a new Fortuner, and never even entered the house. We had our neighbor come over with a copy of her tabien baan, and we all posed for a group picture outside of the house. The officer asked me to print a copy of the picture, and subsequently departed with the picture, tabien baan copy and an envelope.  No questions, no looking around - nothing.

    I wonder if the envelope sealed the deal??

  2. 6 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    The stupidity of their demands pretty much explains why the rules were put there in the first place.

    Give credit where it is due. After years of sitting on their hands and watching people die, the powers that be, are at least making an effort, small as it is.

  3. 3 hours ago, Suradit69 said:

    Might be some confusion with the word "change."  You don't want to change your current extension but rather you want an extension based on retirement once the current extension expires.

    There have been posts about some immigrations offices encouraging some applicants to opt for a retirement extension rather than continue with the marriage extension (supposedly because the retirement extension is less hassle for them as well as you).

    Obviously different offices (and different officers) have different views on how thing can and should be done, but I would think when your marriage extension expires you could change the reason for applying for a new extension from one based on marriage to one based on retirement without needing a new visa entry.



    Can be done. I changed from marriage to retirement about 4 years ago at Khon Kaen. With all the correct paperwork, easy as pie.

  4. 3 hours ago, wjhall said:

    In England it was always said as a  rule of thumb one hours tuition was needed per year of life ie the older you are the more time you needed

    What you are saying is 17 or 18 hours minimum is sufficient. The same may apply to Thailand if those hours were spent on the road. Sitting in a class room watching videos and doing the theory is not driving instruction.

  5. 3 hours ago, wjhall said:

    In England it was always said as a  rule of thumb one hours tuition was needed per year of life ie the older you are the more time you needed

    What you are saying is 17 or 18 hours minimum is sufficient. The same may apply to Thailand if those hours were spent on the road. Sitting in a class room watching videos and doing the theory is not driving instruction.

  6. 4 hours ago, onemorechang said:

    Not a good thing.

    Yes they have taken the piss for years ,

    But street food is part of Thai culture.

    Leave it alone  :jap:


    There are a few more bad things,   that are way more pressing,  that Thailand should address,

    like what goes on ,  on the roads of Thailand.



    They only know how to deal with static objects, moving objects are beyond their capabilities.

  7. 1 hour ago, yellowboat said:

    Thailand seems to have a knack for reinventing the wheel.  Perhaps they should hold the summit in Singapore or Vietnam.   They them selves  may in fact learn something. 

    They may well learn something, but would they put that learning into practice? Doubtful!

  8. 4 hours ago, fforest1 said:

    How about banning all motorbikes in Thailand..That would really reduce

    road deaths...If banning all motorbikes saves lives they should be banned


    You may well be right? I was very surprised not to see motorbikes in cities in Myanmar when I visited last year. Only motorbikes allowed were police and the electricity workers. And I will add, I didnt see one accident. 

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