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Posts posted by Surasak

  1. 24 minutes ago, MW72 said:

    A friend of the GF was killed driving her pick up home drunk one night. Went to the wake at the house and loads of visitors arrived in their cars or on bikes, proceeded to get drunk and drove home :shock1:. Until the police start enforcing laws the culture will not change.

    When does he'll freeze over?

  2. 4 hours ago, robblok said:

    A problem here in Thailand is that local organisation often only spring into action after they are forced too by people higher up. It is as if they are afraid to work and make some changes. So many incompetent people on posts that just want to collect salary and skim of budgets.. it would be too much to ask to do their job. 


    Look at the guy of the disaster prevention with warehouse full of boats.. not used... saying that they are already allocated and some are not working (then fix them.. its your job). It really looks like people don't want to do their job or are not good at it.

    A bigger problem IMHO, is that they are so sealed inside their own little boxes, they have no idea how to think outside it.

  3. 3 hours ago, jobwolf said:

    This form is as useless as a rotten tooth. Everything the ministry needs is on the first page of every Passport.

    The rest will be on the immigration stamps with duration of stay. officers are waisting lots of time comparing what is written on the form to passports and what for?


    Quite true, but immigration work on the premise of, Why be difficult, when with a little more effort you can be bloody impossible. Same in many of the local offices.

  4. We have a business in the wifes name of course. Applied for a loan of 1.5million from ktb. 3 days after making application, 2 people came to inspect property. 1 week later we were invited to the bank to sign the agreement. Wife had to take out a 10 year life insurance for a 5 year loan. No problems at all

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