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About mauGR1

  • Birthday 06/13/1960

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  1. Thanks for your appreciation Tippaporn, it has some meaning to me, and it's reciprocal. It's fair, however, to be in doubt, at times, and personally, after been often accused to be dogmatic, i don't feel like expressing absolute certainties. I remember reading Don Juan words as a teen, " be sure that the path you choose has a heart", and since then, I'm trying. Although with different words and nuances, i think D.J. , Seth, Steiner and other masters put some emphasis on the same concept. Moreover, in this age of confusion, having no purpose at all, can make one an easy prey for the " dark forces" imho.
  2. Uhm, ok, it's no surprise to me, but maybe " the craziness and the chaos that surround us", depends by so many people having no purpose ???? Note that i say " maybe ", as it's quite possible that people with a purpose can be creators of chaos as well. Well, whatever one's stance on purpose is, i think it deserves some serious investigations. Perhaps, and this is just an intuition, which may be just a crazy idea, " purposes " can be portals to different kinds of incarnations..
  3. That's a quite thought provoking post, in fact, why the absolute, otherwise known as "all that is" would have a purpose apart from existence ? Of course, i agree that not only we can give our life a meaning, but arguably, life can be better if we give it a meaning. Perhaps I'll have a better answer in a few hours.
  4. Basically, we have very limited power to change other people's mind, but truly unlimited power to change and improve our own. I find Plato's allegory of the cave enlightening in this regard, we have some sort of moral duty to warn those who are chained in the darkness, but we should not expect a medal for that effort.. instead we are often treated as fools, well, I'm getting fairly used to that ????
  5. That's well spotted. Actually i find extremely interesting to try to find out where ideas come from. I believe there are a lot of powerful forces at play, and one has to deal with them, and choose wisely. Perhaps we are part of a minority who prefer some uncomfortable truth rather than comfortable lies, but, as I'm finding out quite often recently, many folks simply don't want to hear different opinions, and they are just ok with their daily materialistic routine. How to deal with them, that's something i have to work out everyday, not always with a lot of success ????
  6. Well, i guess it's subjective. While i am slightly uncomfortable to be ruled by liars, i find also a lot of joy in meeting people who are tired of the lies and look for solutions. Looking things in a spiritual way, we have been warned aeons ago that while our physical reality is a reflection of spiritual reality, it can be quite deceiving. Good questions btw.
  7. Yes, it's a world of lies, and in recent years, i guess that some of us find increasingly difficult to deal with it. Individualism is good, and so is the sense of community, and every single human being should be free to find his own balance between the 2 polarities, without coercion. Easier said than done. These times though, are not going to last forever, there's a light at the end of the tunnel.
  8. That's what religion, spirituality and meditation are about, I'd guess. Once one ends up in the wrong bar, the best thing to do is try to get out of there ???? As for your story about the elephant, most, if not all animals are wired to defend their little babies at the cost of death, but interesting nonetheless the belated revenge.
  9. Thanks for your honest reply, in fact, sometimes I'm wrong and I'm happy to be corrected. That said, i won't call hyenas ( or any other animals) vicious. As far as i know, animals obey to their own instincts, and they have no idea about good and bad.
  10. I don't think i was totally wrong, as you seem so eager to point out. I said, there are not many " hyena lovers ", which is generally true, with some rare exceptions, secondly, humans generally feel more pain than other animals in giving birth. Perhaps, ( i didn't bother to check) hyenas feel more pain than humans in giving birth, but I'd guess this is a rare exception.
  11. I have serious doubts there are many hyena lovers, so we should be safe. In fact, where i come from, a very unpleasant woman is often called "a hyena". On behalf of the hyenas ( not to be confused with unpleasant women) , i would say that they are useful, as they like to eat carcasses, so despite them not being exactly beautiful, they are undoubtedly environment friendly.
  12. Take this flying lizard, for example, it resembles very much the dragon of ancient tales, except for its size. It's quite possible that the change in the speed of earth's gravity, provoked by an "asteroids shower" has had some effect on the size of plants and animals ( including humans) living on the planet.
  13. That's surely in the realms of possibilities. I find even more intriguing the possibility, if time is a loop, that "aliens" visiting planet earth might be evolved humans travelling from the future into the past ????
  14. The theory of homo sapiens having been engineered by so called "aliens" is not completely nonsensical imho. No other animal, as far as i know, feel so much physical pain in giving birth. That might be a clue about humans' evolutionary trajectory having been somehow "sped up".
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