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Everything posted by mauGR1

  1. I'm referring to all thoughts. If you want to deny that thoughts are energy, I'll listen.
  2. ???????????? Look, i understand, just relax, everything is ok.
  3. Ill will ? You are kidding. Yet, you don't answer questions, but you complain of people not answering questions. You write long posts ( which i read) than you complain because people quote parts of it. When inaccuracies are found in your logic, you don't answer, or you complain of people being too serious. In all honesty, are you interested in a conversation, or you're too busy playing the prophet with big mouth and no ears ? Never mind, i understand, the ego, the false ego and all that. I have monsters too to deal with. ???? So, are you 100% free as you claimed, or perhaps would it be more correct to say that we are POTENTIALLY 100% free ?
  4. Much respect for your intellectual honesty, and i also have a lot of doubts about the intellectual honesty of some people. But, as they say " to please everyone is nearly impossible, but to pi** off everyone is easy". In other words, just say the truth and they will hate you.
  5. Perhaps he was expecting we plebs to bow down to his supreme wisdom... oops, i forgot that mockery is forbidden ????
  6. A Zen story: "Oh master, what is freedom ?" The master: "who did chain you ?"
  7. Thanks, that's my point. Actually is pretty easy to find out, but most folks are in denial.
  8. Are you repeating tbl's words? I asked you questions many times, but you never answer directly, and sometimes you don't answer at all. Are those questions too stupid for you? Just kidding ????
  9. He is right, and you are right too. 2 rights don't make 1 wrong. The topic is about beliefs in God or whatever. If i can ask, who is your God? ..or one can say, who do you love ?
  10. My generation was already showing signs of apathy. On the bright side, one can only save himself, same as in the old times, so let's not lose hope. We are responsible for what we do, not for others.
  11. Fair enough. But, personally, i find that i, and perhaps most people, need a sort of center, a fulcrum, and i find that, (one can see it clearly in the younger generations), in absence of the supernatural, that "power-vacuum" gets filled with material desires which easily turn into greed, which carries people away from the good values of cohabitation. In other words, what you wish for yourself becomes your God.
  12. Yes, i think that connecting all those different elements that you have, you should come to the obvious conclusion that there's an intelligent design at work. Yet, for some reason, you don't want to connect the dots. Perhaps it's just a matter of time.
  13. I tried psychedelic substances in my youth, and I've been pretty lucky and happy. That said, i know exactly what you mean about being on the edge between sanity and insanity. I regard that now as a precious experience, but it was scary. It's difficult to define insanity, many people look very normal, then one day they wake up and they explode.. others can be quietly sad their entire life... Also, there's undoubtedly a relation between genius and insanity, one could write entire books.. To answer your question again, I've been studying different beliefs/religions/philosophy for many years. Now, for example, if Jesus says something, and Buddha says the same, and the animist American Indians say the same, i assume it to be true. So, of course i am aware that my beliefs are debatable, and i regard " logic" as one best friend.
  14. Receiving and transmitting is not creating. Thought is created by various sources, and it's in theory possible to trace every one of those sources....even it could be said that everything is created by the great spirit ( God)
  15. That has exactly nothing to do with what we were talking about. Interesting, yes, but we're not talking about physical organs here. I compare the brain to a computer, the computer needs an operator, right ?
  16. It's not about being stupid or not. People considered stupid can be quite advanced spiritually. Perhaps it's "faith in the power of imagination ". After all the apparent solidity of the matter is just energy in motion, and no one can deny that thoughts are energy.
  17. Yes, sometimes it's been for me difficult to accept that in the past i occasionally behaved like a complete moron. Yet, a spiritual path includes a strict self criticism, total honesty, and possibly a very clean heart.
  18. Lol, thanks for the intellectual honesty, yes, you are right, and i was in fact suspecting that, despite living on the same planet, we belong to different universes. If it makes sense to you, but i think not ????
  19. As far as i know, souls choose to be born, perhaps they choose the parents too, and the time, and the location. Probably doesn't make sense to you, I'm just saying.
  20. The fact that we are using the same language, and yet we have problems understanding each other, is a reminder of a biblical tale, the tower of Babel. History repeats, let's see what's happening in the next few years.
  21. Perhaps you expect those scientific researches to benefit humankind as a whole, but i don't. Investors invest money for a profit, and if they are big investors, they invest for a big profit. The main interest of the leaders is to keep the people ignorant, that way it's easy to control them. If you don't believe me, just look at who made the biggest profits in the last 2 years ????
  22. Yes, i think so, we're just living a sort of dark age, but, as they say, after the night comes the day.
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