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Everything posted by Enoon

  1. And the same book to understand how China works?
  2. Previously rather difficult for Free West to give direct materiel support to the resistance. Whereas China has direct land access to Myanmar and covets access to Indian Ocean. Chinas huge change from Regional Suzerainty to Global Ambition also makes Myanmar a greater area of concern for the Free West (and India) than it was. Ideological changes in Thailand may modify the situation.
  3. This is not the first time that I have said that Thailand is, for many of a "certain sort" of Westerner, what South American countries were, after the Second World War, for a "certain sort" of German. Evidenced daily on these pages.
  4. "But, my impression is that there are lots of Thais who look like Farangs, at least partially. Or maybe I've been in Thailand too long." Your "impression" is yours. What really leapt of the page at me is that you didn't use the term "Luk khrueng", The second thing was the clunky, awkward way that you expressed your ugly, sour, spiteful attitude. Hence my "impressions" of you are, first, that you are not familiar enough with Thailand for your "impression" of anything in or about it to be worth much, if anything, at all. And, second, that you are just the sort of White foreigner that I stay as far away from as possible. Really unpleasant contribution from you. I hope that a mod will kill it very soon.
  5. I don't think buying him a load of dogs and killing them would have much effect. He'd probably want to join in with the mutt murdering. Maybe find out what his favourite animal is and buy him some of those instead? Hope it isn't elephants. I really hope it isn't Capybaras.......i love them.....that woman who punched one should have been hung, drawn and quartered. Dear God.....please don't let it be Capybaras!
  6. It's no big deal, perfectly normal in Issan. Bun Bang Fai celebrations 2010:
  7. Yes move on.......you first. 'Coz you certainly sound like you very much haven't.
  8. Whoever thought that it would prevent transmission or infection? I don't know anyone who ever thought that was the case. I certainly didn't.
  9. Be prepared to be disappointed. This from my CC terms and conditions: 6 Payments to your account You must allow enough time for your payment to reach your account by the payment due date and for it to clear. Please see your statement for details. You must not deliberately make payments that put your account in credit. I think you will find that my provider is by no means unique.
  10. Saw about 5 explode when I visited that festival. More dangerous than "stick" rockets so the safety zone was larger and enforced/observed. The are a wonder to see/hear......the only Thai event I would want to attend again.
  11. It would certainly be nice to know how many were in the group. Also how many of them, if any, were Army.
  12. I'll get you started: First you type into Google "How to track airpods" That will give you a list headed : "Showing results for How to track airpods" Then choose one of the many entries on the list that tell you how to do it. ????????
  13. After they have spent a lot more time reading about border problems than the OP has. That's the only reason that you know......idling in Thailand, spending your life flicking through this and the other forums on AN. Why would a new tourist visitor, doing what he thought was the right thing (and he had no problem with it up until then) be bothering to find out the best crossing? Once again.......some people have real lives to live.
  14. Good one Jack.....Haar, haaar........haar.
  15. "Speak of the devil and he will appear" How long before "war" becomes war?
  16. Believe Or Not I bought some electronic kitchen scales from Big C. After using them I found that the mix (flour, eggs, marge, sugar, milk) that resulted did not have its usual consistency. I eventually checked the scales against 2 pence coins (7.12 grams each) The scales displayed exactly double the weight of the coins. Standard Thai scale setting?
  17. Maybe they will. Maybe they will point their guns the other way. Let's watch.......and see what happens.
  18. No.....he was making sure the world knew what a "great guy" he is. That's his job "Professional Good Guy" for 30 seconds. Then **** off and leave the stooge where he was...... ........while he continues to reap his % Cheap, self-indulgent, "fun", virtue signalling investment for him.
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