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Everything posted by Enoon

  1. ......and use the words "jaw-droppingly stupid" instead?
  2. That's a shame......she looks like she really fancies you.
  3. Silly police......Tuesdays and Thursdays are "Transnational Crime and Overstayer" nights. No wonder they didn't get anyone.
  4. In a land where so many children are routinely abandoned by one, or both, parents, it may be BPD. Oversimplification: It starts with early childhood abandonment/trauma, manifests in late teens/early adulthood with desperation for attachment/terror of abandonment, very poor emotional regulation (rapid onset extreme anger), and has a high rate of suicide (10%) among those diagnosed with it. It does not go away with age. Without attention it gets worse as time passes. It requires very careful management throughout the life of the sufferer. I recently had cause to investigate it and it seems, to me, to have a remarkable "fit"for many of the "explosive" incidents that take place in Thailand. I would be surprised to find that any attention has been given to its possible prevalence in Thailand.
  5. I think it very likely it did. Depending on how many others witnessed what you saw, you may be able to provide useful information to the Air Accident Investigation team.
  6. Reading the posts on here it's like nobody noticed that things changed in the past to create a world that would be unrecognisable to people from that past. A world that those people couldn't conceive of......and wouldn't believe if you showed them a video of it..........****, they'd think the video was "witchcraft" It's like they can't conceive of a world that would be different to the one that they cling to. It can't be different to the one that their imaginations (if they ever had any) have shriveled away to nothing in? Like it all stops here? Is that what they really think?.....It all stops just they way they like it?.......really? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  7. Hey, Mr Yesterday.....registrations went up.......and they will continue to go up........THAT'S IT......END OF. Death knell is sounding for IC byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyebyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye.
  8. They heard a Tsunami Warning.........they **** themselves! They were not "mistaken". Your siren was/is ******* faulty......not the reasoning of the terrified people! ******* Thai bureaucrats!
  9. She didn't give them any details. Clicking on the link allowed the thieves software to access and suck out all her details without her knowing.
  10. Banks in the UK are forever sending out information to their customers about how these scams work and telling them not to trust anyone asking , in the name of the bank, for account details. Inland Revenue also telling people to beware of people impersonating them. Core defense is to hang up and take ones usual/normal communication route to the bank or agency to ask what's going on. A lot of people have been caught out. Remember, these people are not being offered a chance to make millions.......they are just following what they think are procedural requirements from a trusted institution. I doubt very much that Thailand is up to speed on this.
  11. I said: "Man portable anti-aircraft missile", during security check at LHR, and got away with it. I nearly **** myself when the supervisor pulled me over. (I'm usually very well behaved in airports.........but I'd had a very bad day)
  12. So it's OK to contest the election.......but not to win it?
  13. Flights not cheaper if you take inter-province bus/songthaew to get to border. ie: Roi-Et to Mukdahan about 300baht each way, I think it's less than 500bt each way Korat-Nong Khai. But then you would be mixing with a lot of Thai people, that can be a bit scary for some. You know, strangers talk to you, ask you where you are from, Milfs chat you up......all the smiling can be a bit of a problem. And of course every time you get on a bus you're "playing Russian roulette" (rolls eyes and ????)
  14. "......like a regular western GF ........"
  15. "They would say that" to prepare the way for the ban on street demos when the ultra **********/military/conservative bloc see their vote collapse in the upcoming election, and resort to the "usual means" to stay in power.
  16. Because nobody is buying the tickets.
  17. Nice lamp posts......your idea Khun Kongsri?
  18. Possibly that sex dolls, artificial vaginas and other "toys" result in a more rewarding/satisfying male masturbation experience and a consequent reduction in rapes?
  19. "stuck........when it was low tide." I do hope that nobody says anything stupid like: "So the best thing to do was get out onto the sandbank, without life jackets, and hope that the rescue boats arrived before the tide rose again?" Because obviously they would take the duration of slackwater and likelihood of adverse weather conditions into account.........wouldn't they?
  20. At what point did they re-package her into the red cello case and pass her on to their three accomplices? The wonder, the never ending wonder of what used to be TV, and is now AN, picture editing.
  21. “I will just go home. Where else could I go?” Everybody knows what you and your confederates could do.....
  22. COVID long since relegated in UK media: Nobody gives a ****.
  23. Or you could be Bob Guccione in Colombia???? Any more "could be in....."? Maybe the thread "could be" fun?
  24. Yeah, just noticed that I completely misread you to be a user of cannabis, and failed to notice that you don't drink either! Well done on both counts! Unfortunately, as I have grown older, and witnessed the damage that both substances have caused to family and friends, the (blinding) red mist has tended to descend more rapidly when I read positive comments about them........and off I go. Sorry about that.
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