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Everything posted by Enoon

  1. Yes, it's probably the huge hair, excessive make-up, false breasts and outrageous costume doing that. For Christs sake, what the **** are you on about?
  2. They have visited Thailand before, in secret, on "fact finding missions" to the "entertainment areas". It was a regular thing a few years ago. I met a bunch of them in the Diamond Beach hotel........is it still there?..... it had a Soapy on site as I recall. One of them, a CPVPV bloke......bonkers, huge fun to be with, absolutely stonked on "Baileys", told me all about the visits Obviously that cannot be publicly stated.......keep it to yourself. If you ask anyone concerned with creating the stats they will just smile sheepishly at you, say nothing, and look a bit uncomfortable.........Thainess!
  3. Dalai Lama reaction when he heard what Phra Phrayom Kalayano said: (If I ever go the path of enlightenment it will be the Mahayana one, **** the miserable Theravadas!)
  4. Is this how you spend your time? Looking at things that you didn't think would be interesting/amusing/enlightening and then questioning why the thing that you took the trouble to read is being looked at by people who obviously did think it would interesting/amusing/enlightening? It's perfectly ******* obvious, from the headline, that it's a stalker story! It you don't like ******* stalker stories why the **** did you click on it? Same goes for those who thought your comment was worth a positive reaction. It's all there in the headline.......what the **** were you expecting?
  5. And next door, in Burma, the nationalists did/do the same. Thai nationalists would just love to unleash that sort of horror upon their "restive"........subjects. Subjects 2. "to bring (a person or country) under one's control or jurisdiction, typically by using force."
  6. ???? It is not "an area right next to both borders". It is an homogenous area that the NATIONAL border bisects, that the border cuts through, that the border divides. The borders are artificial, the TAI ETHNICITY is not. That is the CURSE of NATIONALISM. THAILAND is resultant upon a powerful TAI sub-group, who had their power base in and around the central region, imposing their ideas of a NATION STATE upon everyone else. That is the cause of the Southern fight against THAI NATIONALISM. That is why Isaan LAO people resent the THAI NATIONALISTS That is why people from Wales and Scotland fume when a foreigner mistakenly identifies them as English, who historically imposed themselves upon their neighbouring ethnicities. The resultant BRITISH state was/is as artificial as the THAI state. The people of Ireland resented the English dominated state that invaded and occupied them so much that they fought a war to remove it. Thailand is a NATIONALIST construct, with borders that cut through and across many homogenous ethnicities that resent it. SIAM was a multi-ethnic political entity......too untidy for nationalists. It had to go. That is what NATIONALISM does......it is the ambition of the few imposed on the many......historically and presently, invariably, by FORCE. ????
  7. Doctors certificate not good enough? What if the guy had died the day before? Would they have had to take the corpse in? ******* idiots!
  8. The soldiers "unite" by forcing the population who disagree with them into a coercive "union" of fear. A union in which those who disagree with them will suffer retribution. Don't you think that Thaksin would have enforced exactly that sort of union if he was able to exercise power over the soldiers? By your reasoning you would have been pleased with that........you would have got your "union". Why not just come clean and concede that you are an advocate of military dictatorship? Don't be shy, Thailand has plenty of the home-raised variety, who will happily embrace you!
  9. "Always worries me when riding in one of these minibusses." You've ridden in them before........and you are still riding them?!!!
  10. "You probably have been lucky" Then I have also been "lucky"............every year since 2014 (except 2020 and 2022) I have flown to Thailand on a ticket with a return date after the expiry of the 60 day duration of stay that my initial entry on either my 3ETV, METV or SETV has allowed me. On one occasion someone at check-in asked me If had a visa........they didn't ask what sort of a visa and they didn't bother to look at it in my passport! They were probably "new".......had they asked I would have told them how it's done once you get to Thailand. Nobody has ever required me to explain my method of staying until the return flight (either 5 or 6 months after arrival in Thailand) There are about 3 regulars here who know the visa stuff.......you sound like one of the many others who "heard it" somewhere. I expect you're "new" as well.
  11. Why should they? Angry Tom deliberately rides into a couple, berates them (strikes the girl?) and ends up finding out that she is not quite the man she thinks she is. Som Nam ******* Na
  12. For the moment the name of the "road" remains a mystery. Police investigations are continuing. Big Joke may have to be called in if progress in establishing its identity falters.
  13. Thailand.......where the unwise and idiocy collide.
  14. Regenerative braking systems replenish some of the charge. "Or why is not ALL the body work of an electric car solar panels ?" ............In development. You think R&D need your help?
  15. No, this one apparently dedicated to the God of the One-Eyed Snake:
  16. "It’s not typical to perform a sexy dance around a sacred statue." Which is very strange, considering that Buddha always strongly emphasised how important "sexy dance" was to the achieving of enlightenment.
  17. He doesn't believe what he told you. He was just doing his bit, as a good patriot, to defend the "reputation" of Thailand. Everything you get from a Thai passes through that "filter". Never mind the particles, it's the omnipresent, choking miasma of servitude to that ideology that is the real "threat to life" in Thailand.
  18. They wanted the visit to be a surprise and it was a nice day for a drive?
  19. However it may provoke psychosis. Depending on THC content, and the vulnerability of the individual user, pyschotic episodes are not uncommon. He may have thought he was behaving perfectly normally if that was the case. "The use of cannabis, especially frequent use, has been linked to a higher risk of developing schizophrenia or other psychoses (severe mental illnesses) in people who are predisposed to these illnesses". https://www.nccih.nih.gov/health/cannabis-marijuana-and-cannabinoids-what-you-need-to-know
  20. Lucky? It's just a matter of "filling out the forms" to create an appeal. My cousin did it for a completely spurious "cause" and, quite rightly, got **** all.
  21. No, it's not compulsory. Neither is money received during an appeal drawn from anyones taxes. So nobody has to get all ****headed about the fact that people ask for money and people give money.
  22. ex- Democrat......now PPP candidate Fearlessly Dissimulating In Order To Preserve The "Reputation" Of The Incumbent Party Of Government.
  23. "However, this has brought a somewhat unforeseen problem….." Only "unforeseen" if one is a know nothing, ******* idiot.
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