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Everything posted by Enoon

  1. "woman who had started a successful business" Loads of them in Thailand. Loads running food and retail businesses. Loads running farms on their own. Some looking for a Western husband with money to spare. I guess you've been looking (I don't know where) at advertisments from the latter, while completely failing to notice the prevalence of the former categories. Junk OP.
  2. Seers and soothsayers derive their credibility from attributing "scientific", causational results to mystical origins. In the case of the light......it will, possibly, deter burglars. Burglars who are under the influence of malevolent spirits......the spirits don't like bright lights. See?.....it works. But only on those who lack the thought processes to determine what is really going on and/OR those so intensely indoctrinated in ancient superstition and myth that they are incapable of excluding it from their lives. The intensely indoctrinated live in a state of denial/double-think, knowing how things are, but feeling there is something else. Those eminent, successful, intelligent, educated people, from all walks of life, who still espouse religious belief are, in reality, high functioning, delusional.......psychotics. Did I just describe a politician running for high office? Well, either that or they know that a politician, especially in a certain Western World Power, diminishes their chances of gaining office in direct proportion to the extent to which they identify religion as superstition and myth........hence not many of them, if any, do it.
  3. You're talking about a country that welcomed a WW2 collaborator/dictator leader back as Prime Minister a few years later. Such people were hung in Europe after WW2. And you would be quite happy to see the rule of the current ****bags extended....by any means. So quit the.......
  4. He expected, from the "get go", that the driver would to try to make off (like what they frequently do). He aimed to discourage the driver from attempting to drive away. It didn't work.
  5. Other news: "Thai Christians and Jews still winding down from, respectively, Easter and Passover......this year was especially exciting for blah, blah.....etc".
  6. Always read the small print: "Past product performance is not a guarantee of future returns"
  7. It gets worse. It's possible you will soon be expecting other people to be favourably impressed when you say/type "never heard of him". That is truly sad. Stay bright if you can. ????
  8. Let it go Hugh Cow. Use your imagination, open up your new world. Let the old one go.
  9. Alcoholics tell me that booze is great and they love it. And you, along with all your fellow....."hobbyists", say the same about cannabis, based on one single tenet, ignoring all else: People don't get violent. There is much to be concerned about besides that aspect, just as there is more than violence to be concerned about in the world of the drunks, but you are no more willing to acknowledge the broader aspects, and the science thereof, than the ****heads are to concern themselves about "collateral damage". You exist in the same self-absorbed, self-indulgent, self-justifying space that they do.
  10. You cannot comprehend because you were not born into any of the "cultures" wherein such behaviours have been common for generations. But......"that's what they're like". For your interest, check out the huge increase in "honour killings", of Iraqui Kurdish women, that took place after Saddams restraining hand was removed. They were, and are, enabled by the re-written laws..........It's a "culture" thing.
  11. Having dealt with a woman, face to whats-left-of-a-face (no eyes), attacked with acid by a husband, I would add a variation: Sit the perp in a weak solution of acid....up to the neck........immobilised, before throwing away the key. I don't consider myself to be a natural "hang 'em high" sort of person.......but acid flingers are my own "special category".
  12. Engine failure after take-off (EFATO) was the origin of the incident. Only a short distance from his T/O point, the shore, so not a "great height". Not sure how those things perform given the possible "over controlling" that might occur in such a situation. The big problem was that, even given a clean touchdown, he was strapped to a 20-50Kg (+?) weight which would have taken him straight under when he hit the water. Because it was not a closed fuselage he would have had no protection from the impact and would have been "taking on water" immediately. If not dead or unconscious at that point he would still have to contend with the parachute wing covering/smothering him......underwater. I wonder how many times he had practised that escape procedure? Death by Drowning.
  13. All sorts of criminals in Thailand, from highest to low, wrapping themselves in the flag.
  14. I am an extremly impulsive person. That is my......."limitation". ????
  15. I have never been able to restrain myself from intervening in the past. I have little confidence that I will restrain myself in the future.
  16. That's good. Shows that tourism is getting back to normal. Business as usual in the "Jewel Of The Eastern Provinces".
  17. "The Purge".......that's good, I like that. My perception is that one does not have to travel far to find it at any time of the year in Thailand. The frenzy is always just a wrong look/word away. Land Of Savagery?
  18. Really creepy. A bizarre, pantomime metaphor of his means of achieving power, the same chilling metaphor a thinly veiled forewarning for the future. Really ******* creepy.
  19. Defensive riding not much help when surrounded by what are de-facto "kamikaze" riders.......native and foreign.
  20. A few squirts would probably have been OK. Following (pushing) them like that forced the police to assert themselves. Som Nam Na fun loving **** heads.
  21. The Death Cloud c/o ASEAN SE ASIA ASIA (Please leave parcels in China if nobody home)
  22. Because it's far too small for any Walmart customer?
  23. The State and Sangha are hand in glove in Thailand. They run the place, which likes to boast of it's commitment to Buddhist principles. It's not dumb semi-Buddhist, tree worshiping, lucky numbers for the lottery peasants that are doing this. This is being done by a combined entity that is absolutely and firmly convinced that it is the flag-bearer of Buddhism "at its best". What **** they are, what complete and utter ***** they are.
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