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Everything posted by Enoon

  1. At 53 I had hardly begun my relationship with Thailand, its people........specific individuals. It seems an age ago. Don't waste any more time where you are now.........Thailand is the easiest place in the world to "move on".
  2. This linked article, "Could the deaths of 20 school children help make Thailand's roads safer?" will explain why it is unlikely that it will: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c5y0jm7jpx8o Among other things: "Some blame corruption in the police force. Others blame the Buddhist belief in karma, putting misfortunes like car accidents down to bad luck rather than bad habits. Although there are posters graphically warning of the dangers of drinking and driving, there has also not been a sustained road safety campaign mounted by any Thai government. Some researchers believe this is because most fatalities, on motorbikes and on public buses, affect lower income groups, and not the policymakers who usually drive, or are driven, in high-end cars with high safety levels."
  3. Poor maintenance of vehicles........and an absurd, primitive reliance on amulets, prayer and luck. I guarantee there was no shortage of amulets dangling in the cab of that coach. I also guarantee she will do nothing to disabuse them of that stupidity.........nor will she do anything to challenge its primacy, or the primacy of the institutions that maintain it for their own hegemonic purposes.
  4. "The sad thing is that John Gummer daughter subsequently died of this - article here -" The person in the article, who died of CJD, was NOT the daughter of John Gummer. The person who died was the daughter of friends of the Gummer family. It's in the sodding headline!:
  5. Not really Catholic. He's an Anglican (although the C of E wouldn't ordain him when it came to the crunch) who wants the Anglican church to be more like the Catholic church. It's an in house dispute that has been going on for hundreds of years. He gets around: Anglican Catholic Church (since 2024) Nordic Catholic Church (2023-2024) Free Church of England (2022–2023) Church of England (until 2022) Obviously there is no significant audience for him in the UK because nobody there gives a toss about the controversy.......it gets no "press" and he doesn't get the attention he doth crave. Hence he's fetched up in the US where there is an abundance of alleged Christians to delivereth unto him that which he needeth.
  6. "Police Colonel Wisanu stated that the case is not complex" Too right it isn't. "Jilted boyfriend kills the woman who jilted him" story #14875
  7. The lesson has been learned. Nobody is going to invade Russia with a view to capturing its capital and occupying the country. Just as nobody is going to try and invade the other states with large, contiguous land masses as their power bases........India, China, USA, The European Alliance. Someone would have to be a ******* idiot if they hadn't understood the impossibility of trying to hold down areas/populations (as an invading/occupying force) that large in the modern world. Someone would have to be a ******* idiot to think that any high command would think it worth trying.
  8. If high water was at 3pm then low water would have been about 2.15am. She went swimming at 9am.....when the tide was rising and flowing inshore. It would have continued to flow in for several hours: "The woman, identified only as Junior, explained that she had been staying at a hotel in Najomtien and had gone for a swim at around 09:00," She was picked up.....the "incident" at about 4.00pm: "The incident occurred around 16:00 on September 25, when a local squid fishing boat spotted the woman floating in the open sea" The tide was indeed flowing out at that time, but the reason she found herself a long way offshore was that initially her, presumably, strong stroke, against an incoming tide, placed her further from dry land than she intended as the surfline crept further inland/up the shore behind her. I think it likely that she is not just any ordinary "casual" swimmer.
  9. Life can be very cruel sometimes. 🫠
  10. No, you can can copy the pdf onto a usb and take it a print shop or you can log onto your email at an internet cafe or, like me, a local library, and print it there. A lot of "corner" shops also have a facility to print from a usb as well. I've been "meaning to get" a printer for over 10 years, but "never quite got around to it".......settling for the solutions I have described instead!😄
  11. QR codes arrive in email. People with smart phones can show then on their phones, People who don't have smart phones can print off the QR code (pdf attached to the email) and show that to the reader. It's what I did with my "Thailand Pass":
  12. Instead of doing 3 VE entries just do 2 and extend each one for 30 days at local IO. Nobody is going to bother you about 2 VEs in 6 months. Keep tuned to AN to see what the situation is with regard to how much time you are expected to stay out after your first 60+30 day stay. I've been doing what you want to do since 2010.
  13. According to the voting intentions shown in the polls about 50% of them already understand.
  14. "Interpersonal mistrust and trust in informal sources of information were related with both paranoia and conspiracy mentality although the association of both trust predictors was stronger with paranoid beliefs." https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/psychology/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1023366/full
  15. “And the consequences will be such as you have never seen in your entire history.” Very scary.......as scary as being promised "The mother of all battles". Truth is that he has shot his bolt in Ukraine. Get those missiles flying Ukraine!
  16. It's the kid who zipped across the GoT earlier this year, and according to this he is 9 years old.: https://thepattayanews.com/2024/09/04/9-year-old-wingfoil-prodigy-from-pattaya-thanawat-shane-promwaen-takes-on-international-super-cup-kiteboarding-championship-in-south-korea/
  17. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 101 seconds  
  18. I just completed this quiz. My Score 70/100 My Time 105 seconds  
  19. Yes, you were wrong.........whoever and whatever you are. Best thing would be to walk away and talk to people........real live people, "in the the flesh", who are not themselves loaded with "issues". Good luck and best wishes,
  20. Well maybe paint a pastiche Jackson Pollock over the whole front of the aircon? The paint thickness should be enough to mask the contours of the sticker and you would have created a wonderful talking point for the members of your poetry group. 👍🫠
  21. "they have no other reason to be voted in other than to stop illegal immigration." Some people never learn.
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