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Everything posted by Enoon

  1. Marxism, Nazism, Fascism are all "Collectivist" political philosophies. Something that they have in common, probably their most unifying characteristic, is their hatred of Liberalism. F A Hayek describes their origins and their characteristics very well in his book "The Road To Serfdom" Liberalism is an "Individualist" political philisophy.......he makes that very clear. Conservatism is also an Individualist philosophy. There seem to be a depressing number of ignorant Americans who do not understand what Liberalism means, and how far removed it is from Collectivism........they, for sure, are the people who have "not done their research". Show me a Liberal hater and I will show you a Collectivist. Nazi, Marxist, Fascist, MAGAist.........they are all as bad as each other.
  2. Thank you for providing yourself as an "Aunt Sally" on AN......your presence will be even more appreciated if Bob Smith is true to his word and departs.
  3. Inhaling charcoal generated Carbon Monoxide has become a very popular method of suicide in Asia. Possible accidental/deliberate inhalation of CO had something (everything?) to do with the poor chaps death. Unfortunately rural/agricultural workers in many countries frequently work alone and their difficulties/accidents/misadventures go unnoticed until they don't phone or don't come home. "Farming, forestry, and fishing and hunting top the list of America's deadliest jobs, a recent analysis shows. Those professions have the highest rate of employee fatalities, at 18.6 deaths per 100,000 workers, the AFL-CIO found in the study, which is based on labor data from 2022 (the latest year available).30 Apr 2024" https://www.cbsnews.com/news/dangerous-deadly-jobs-list-2024-osha/
  4. I doubt very much that they are foreigners. They would almost certainly been described as such if they had been. They look like a couple of Thais on a day trip from the city.
  5. Price fixing is the absolute opposite of Liberal economics. "Economic liberalism is a political ideology based on strong support for a market economy, private property in the means of production and opposition to government intervention in the economy, e.g. opposition to public ownership and opposing the regulation of industries." https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_liberalism And yet people such as you miraculous conflate Liberalism with Marxism/Communism! Have you ever, for one moment, thought about reading something.....anything.......about the origins, history and principles of Liberalism? Jesus ******* Christ, what fools you people make of yourselves. Un****** believable!
  6. As you are going airport to airport this is, undoubtedly, the "best" way to travel; https://vipluxuryservices.com/helicopter/ If you wanted to add "adventurous" to your specifications you could try taking a mix of taxi, bus, BTS, river bus, khlong bus, longtail, cycle rickshaw, tuktuk, Airport Link........ "Easiest" would be taxi. 🫠
  7. 1a. I want to buy her things. She is a decent person. It has been getting more like that for the same amount of time as in the first answer you got. Sounds like 2011 was a good harvest year.
  8. The other Tilapia varieties are safely enclosed on farms, whereas Blackchins were released into the wild after tests on their suitability for farming proved disappointing and the test fish were supposed to have been destroyed. I presume the other varieties would be just as damaging if they got into the wild.
  9. There are 93 countries whose citizens are eligible fro 60 day VE. That leaves plenty of countries whose citizens are not eligible for 60 day VE. The only African countries eligible are Mauritius, Morocco and South Africa.
  10. That makes a change......it's usually "Cobras" slithering out of teachers trousers that make the headlines.
  11. "General Aviation" refers to what an aircraft is used for, it's "operation": "General aviation (GA) is defined by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) as all civil aviation aircraft operations except for commercial air transport or aerial work, which is defined as specialized aviation services for other purposes. However, for statistical purposes, ICAO uses a definition of general aviation which includes aerial work. General aviation thus represents the "private transport" and recreational components of aviation, most of which is accomplished with light aircraft." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_aviation
  12. He should have been executed 30 years ago but due to appeals he got to live all those years extra. He hasn't been "punished".......he's had a bonus. Lucky him. NB. I am speculating about the appeals because you have given no references or information whatsoever about what the circumstances were.
  13. "Coroner Michelle Brown reported that it’s believed Morgan accidentally hit his head, leading to a fatal fall into the water" He seems to have had a head injury. Something else nor being said is that it could have been inflicted by another person. Also not being said is that his phone was missing.
  14. As reported on AN a month after the incident. And only then because the UK "Mirror" had published the story and AN picked it up:
  15. The television mediated world is very different to the real world. As with many old people you spend a lot of time in front of the television. Thus you have become, as many old people do, "TV Stupid", while the real world is no more risible or stupid than it has ever been.
  16. Had I been a Thai tourist I would have got off at Paris for sure!
  17. An incident of one person carrying 8 suitcases of cannabis was part of the story......there for all to read. Why should it should not be commented upon given that it is all in an item that was pretty much cut and pasted from "Birmingham live" and/or "BBC News". https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/5m-birmingham-airport-cannabis-bust-29818291 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c935vp0q83po
  18. Because Putins Russia is far, far worse. "My enemies enemy is my friend.".........Defence Policy 1.1. That's why USA allied with Soviet Union in WW2. You really needed it explained to you?
  19. "In China, xiaomianhu, or “tiger with a smiling face,” is used to describe people who appear to be kind, friendly and endearing but pursue their ambitions with dangerous intent and ruthless planning." https://www.shine.cn/feature/art-culture/2303247688/
  20. "Most JEV infections are mild (fever and headache) or without apparent symptoms, but approximately 1 in 250 infections results in severe clinical illness.. The majority of cases occur in children below 15 years of age. Most adults in endemic countries have natural immunity after childhood infection, but individuals of any age may be affected". https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/japanese-encephalitis Could you have already had it without noticing and are already immune? "Infection with JE virus confers lifelong immunity" https://www.health.vic.gov.au/infectious-diseases/japanese-encephalitis I don't know.
  21. Was it not part of the 60 day VE deal announcement that a person on out/in trip would have to spend one day out of the country before returning? Isn't having one border control not bothering and another demanding 2 days out sort of "normal" for Thailand?
  22. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 57 seconds  
  23. I just completed this quiz. My Score 90/100 My Time 105 seconds  
  24. "More than half (54 percent) of all aviation accidents in the NTSB's database involve either a Cessna (25,865 crashes), Piper (14,105 crashes)or Beech (5,098) aircraft" It's not surprising that Cessna, Piper and Beech make up so many of the incidents given the huge numbers of those makes, compared to others, in American skies. Highlighting their record, given their numerical dominance, seems somewhat disingenuous.
  25. You think those rivals were not also similarly "endorsed"? They would not have been able to get within a 1000 miles of power if they had not been so. Everyone who voted MF, and many who voted for PT, know exactly who, why and what is to blame for the majority of Thai people being "run into the ground"......year on year, decade upon decade, generation upon generation.
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