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Everything posted by Enoon

  1. What colour is the sky on your planet? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-68079726
  2. A) Would probably not get further than "Local News"......if it got that far. B) Not many would give a **** if it did get further than local.
  3. Give the man a coconut. In order to perform the maneuver she has to twist her upper body clockwise, and throw her arms clockwise around behind her, and then twist and throw everything back around anti-clockwise in order to build up enough momentum/torsion to bring her lower body and legs into the air. A real fighter, which I am not, would/will, now that she has showed it off, see it all coming. They'd lay her out during the build up. It a gymnastic display maneuver, nothing more....very pretty love. I'm guessing that's all she is about.
  4. Him have very strong witch-doctor friends in Nigeria. Strong so they reach across the oceans and tear your heart out if you not give him Kaow kaow moo and a Sprite.
  5. The victim wasn't a neighbour.......it was someone hired by his neighbour. More hallmark, Pulitzer dodging........"reporting".
  6. Headline should read: "Internet Fraud Murders Gardener"
  7. Brilliant.......well done.....you've deduced that they might be insane. Did you never think to read what it says on the label?: Ya ba (Thai: ยาบ้า, Lao: ຢາບ້າ, literally 'crazy medicine') https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ya_ba
  8. How about current categories are merely being re-grouped under different headings? Fewer individually identified main categories, but several previously individually identified now become sub-categories? Noting more than re-labelling/paper shuffling? 😄
  9. SETV has a validity of 3 months, but can only be utilised ONCE during that period. SETV can be extended ONCE by 30 days, new visa ONCE by 180 days. The new visa may have the same mechanics as SETV, but over a 5 year period instead of 3 months. OR It may be utilised every year for 5 years....but only extended ONCE during that 5 year period. OR Usable every year for 5 years and extendable once every year. OR Something else? Anyway, either of the three possibilities postulated above may have been calculated to appeal to some sort of the typical "digital nomads" strategy.......or it may just have been the result of some obstruse "brainstorming" sessions on the part of the visa designers.....who knows? I'm not making any assumptions right now about how it works It OBVIOUSLY needs to be clarified by somebody who knows for SURE.
  10. "I watch one old guy every morning sit at that mini mart opposite Arcadia resort with the other drinks he then waddles up to his room in a stupor" That sounds very much like a typical example of an alcoholics routine. The truth is that you are a lost soul who does not know where they belong. That is the reason for your non-stop posting tirade against every situation and individual that you have encountered on this visit to Pattaya. How times change:
  11. As is invariably the case with incidents such as this it was not actually about the money. It was about a history of insult and contempt from the person he killed. The money was "the straw that broke the camels back".
  12. What's wrong with these guys? : You really do have your head right up your ****. 😉
  13. George Melly was threatened by a couple of muggers one night in Manchester after he had been doing a show. He was very enthusiastic about Dadaism/Surrealism and starting reciting this Dada poem as loudly and dramatically as he could........it got rid of them:
  14. Her and the other donors get a huge chunk of "Merit" for doing this........that's the deal. That is their thinking.
  15. It is a "Travel Advisory", which is not the same thing as the specific security warning that the US gave to Russia. UK Foreign Office has a standing travel advisory warning UK citizens against visiting the Southern provinces of Thailand. The FO warning is about a permanent danger in a specific geographic location. The SD warning is about increased danger at a specific time of year........unfortunately that is the way things are. The SD warning should be taken as a "seasonal reminder" about the potential dangers around Pride events, rather than suggesting evidence of specific plans and intentions of the usual suspects. Equivalent of "Don't Drink and Drive" messages during New Year etc.
  16. Author couldn't spend 3 minutes fact checking before declaring Chatham "peaceful"?: "Chatham is the most dangerous major town in Kent, and is among the top 20 most dangerous overall out of Kent's 331 towns, villages, and cities. The overall crime rate in Chatham in 2023 was 161 crimes per 1,000 people. This compares poorly to Kent's overall crime rate, coming in 78% higher than the Kent rate of 90 per 1,000 daytime population. For England, Wales, and Northern Ireland as a whole, Chatham is among the top 10 most dangerous major towns, and the 271st most dangerous location out of all towns, cities, and villages." "The most common crimes in Chatham are violence and sexual offences, with 4,427 offences during 2023" https://crimerate.co.uk/kent/chatham What a mess "The Thaiger" is. We were supposed to cheer when it took over AN?
  17. The style was all too evident in "The Thaiger " long before AI authorship came along. That individual still churning it out. Grotesque, melodramatic, overwrought, mannered, self-indulgent. This being the third post critiquing it, and not discussing the notional "story", is evidence as to how inappropriate and distracting it is.
  18. A simple "not like" emoji (thumbs down) would forestall a lot of invective. Having 4 different emojis expressing approval, and none to coldly express the opposite, is ridiculous.
  19. "Perhaps I am a minority but I enjoy Gamma's posts and think he would be interesting to talk to over coffee." You would not talk to him. You would be treated to a monologue. You would learn something from the experience........and you would be far from being the first person to undertake to avoid him in future.
  20. https://climate.copernicus.eu/copernicus-global-temperature-record-streak-continues-april-2024-was-hottest-record Could an idiot please step up and post that it always gets hotter at this time of year?
  21. Off you go, have fun: https://onlyfans.com/989157618/dafdarktrailer
  22. If he had been wearing a seatbelt we would still have been watching a video of him. The difference being that we would have been seeing a demonstration of how seatbelts save your life. But they're too ******* clever for that aren't they? Not like us silly westerners.......only good for smirking at when we buckle up. "Som nam na".
  23. The National Insurance act of 1946 stipulated that pensions would not be paid to UK citizens abroad unless they were in one of the "Dominions" of the UK In 1948 the first pension increase was awarded.......but not to those living abroad. It has been the same since then except where reciprocal arrangements have been made with particular countries. Any UK citizen who has not taken the frozen pension into account when planning their future specifically in Thailand (no reciprocality in place) is indeed guilty as you have charged. It was never going to be a good idea for anyone to rely solely (or even primarily for many) on a UK pension to live in Thailand.
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