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Posts posted by Opl

  1. "I am ready to stand for my principles': Double world chess champion says she won't defend titles in Saudi Arabia because of kingdom's inequality"

    The Ukrainian, 27, will not travel to Saudi Arabia, where she wouldn't even be allowed to walk down the street unaccompanied. 

    "In a few days I am going to lose two World Champion titles - one by one," Anna Muzychuk says. Just because I decided not to go to Saudi Arabia."





  2. Persona non grata ... 

    "Harry has made it clear he wants the Obamas at the wedding, so it’s causing a lot of nervousness,” a senior government official told The Sun. “Trump could react very badly if the Obamas get to a Royal wedding before he has had a chance to meet the Queen.”



    Government pleads with Prince Harry not to invite Barack Obama to his wedding


  3. Because Trump says so .... (Trump's private comment to his Mar-a-Lago friends may have contradicted his public statements)  .


    "You all just got a lot richer," Trump tells friends, referencing tax overhaul"

    -> Americans who make between $500,000 and $1,000,000 each year, according to an analysis by the Tax Policy Center. will see an increase of 4.3 percentage points in their income,

    -> those who earn between $20,000 and $30,000 will see an increase of 0.7 percentage points

    and so on..





    And because Trump does so.......Trump and Cronies Lie About How Capitalism Works in Claiming Tax Cut Will Lift Wages

    " Capitalists understand that corporate profits don’t determine wages but rather the dynamics of labor supply and demand do.

    In the case of Mar-a-Lago’s hiring practices, Trump’s resort is deliberately trying to undermine the forces that raise worker wages by bringing in foreign workers—because that’s how capitalism works. Corporations, like Carrier and Trump’s businesses, seek to pay the lowest wages possible."



    Merry XMAS!



  4. On ‎20‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 4:50 AM, dexterm said:

    Nikki Haley, has threatened that the United States “will be taking names” of those who vote against the US. And then what? Declare war on them. Stop trading with them. Some diplomat! Looks like the whole US admin has now descended to schoolyard bully tactics. 

    What an atrocious way to talk to those who stand on the side of international law.
    It's like taking the names of all your friends at the bar who tell you you're too drunk to drive and try to take your keys. That'll teach 'em!


    It may be far easier to write down the names of those who vote with you, Nikki.


    Listen up when your real friends are trying to tell you something.


    " will be taking names"... and it's not the first time , back in january 2017  "For those that don’t have our back, we’re taking names, we will make points to respond to that accordingly." 

    She probably thinks this atttitude opens the way for her to be elected next POTUS



  5. 6 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

    Well we all see he is the poster boy for political correctness. Trudeau and him will likely have a beetch fight over either which one is more pretty or who can lean further to the left without falling over.



    Well... Trump  ( 71 y.o)  is 3 years younger than Mick Jagger   ( I can't believe it..)

    Emmanuel Macron won the 2017 French presidential élections at only   39 y.o    

    now .. back in 1987trump at 40 .. compare with today's Trump 





  6. 44 minutes ago, Sir Swagman said:

    That tweet from DT about 'demonstrating the need for infrastructure update' was his first response in his usual 'it's all about me' way of seeing things. Whatever his shortcomings as a president they cannot even come close to his failings as a human being. He then (someone must have pointed this need out to him) expressed some concern for the victims. Sociopath.

    "As he calls for more infrastructure, Trump’s own budget slashes funding to Amtrak. The President has no idea what is going on around him, as he is only capable of regurgitating his campaign talking points on Twitter. The Washington Post reported in May 2017, “President Trump’s transportation budget slashes federal aid to the nation’s rail systems by cutting funding for long-distance Amtrak service and severely limiting money to help expand transit lines and build new ones."



  7. "Across the country, students have used the president’s name to mock or goad minority opponents at sporting events. In March, white fans at suburban Canton High School in Connecticut shouted “Trump! Trump! Trump!” as players from Hartford’s Classical Magnet School, which is predominantly black and Latino, took foul shots during a basketball playoff game. They also chanted “He’s our president!” 


  8. "Donald Trump Jr. Blames Obama for His Father’s FCC Chair Destroying the Internet

    The Trump family playbook never changes. When something goes right, they get the credit, even if they had nothing to do with it. When they do something that the majority of Americans hate, which is an everyday occurrence, blame Obama. Donald Trump Jr.’s stupid defies comprehension. This leaves Eric Trump as the smart one in the family, and that’s not encouraging."



  9. "9 revelations about Trump becoming unhinged"

    " Trump essentially thought winning the U.S. presidential election was akin to becoming king, per the Times report....

     Trump began speculating on who might run against him in 2020. He suggested Bernie Sanders would almost certainly run “even if he’s in a wheelchair,” and then mocked both the aged and disabled by “making a scrunched-up body of a man in a wheelchair.”



  10. "Is Trump or Obama Best for the Economy?"  

    Here's a comparison of their policies in seven critical economic areas: defense, recession recovery, health care, trade, regulations, the national debt and climate change.



    also interesting:

    Was Bush or Obama Best for the Economy?


  11. ""President Donald Trump is known for hurling insults and he's getting slammed right back. 'Idiot' is just one of a string of insults thrown his way by American voters," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll. In trying to find the right word for President Donald Trump, American voters are overwhelmingly negative, as 53 voters (not percent) say "idiot" is the first word that comes to mind when they think of the president, followed by 44 voters who say "liar" and 36 voters who say "incompetent,"





  12. 2 hours ago, tuktuktuk said:

    Jones is just as big a scumbag as the other 99 he’ll be seated with. 


    "“It might not happen on this earth right now, but Doug Jones will pay for what he’s saying,” Jerry Moore told Debbie Elliott. “And them Democrat people that’s out there and those Republicans in Washington. They’re going to have to answer to God.”


    Roy Moore's brother Jerry Moore







    Trump is Bannon's puppet

  13. 4 hours ago, PatOngo said:

    Stick that in your phone and Tweet it, Donald!


     “The reason I originally endorsed Luther Strange (and his numbers went up mightily), is that I said Roy Moore will not be able to win the General Election,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “I was right! Roy worked hard but the deck was stacked against him!”




    and Trump also is Commander in Chief... 

  14. 52 minutes ago, JemJem said:

    This video makes quite a sad and annoying viewing. 'Ignorance is bliss for some' should be its title, I guess. I couldn't watch it all the way to the end.



    These Moore supporters are totally disconnected from the "modern" world, brainwashed by Fox news every weekday , reassure themselves at the church on Sunday.

    And actually, they lead the " Free world" 

  15. "2017 Lie of the Year Readers’ Poll results.


    "It’s not so much that Trump trades in falsehoods — it’s more that he tries to create a different version of reality simply by asserting it."



  16. "Putin set out to show that there is nothing special about America, that it is just another country. Whether he is right depends in no small part on whether enough Americans—especially powerful or politically connected Americans—still believe their system is worth defending. What Russia showed in the 2016 election—and what it has continued to show in the election’s aftermath—is not so much its own strength, but American vulnerability: that it doesn’t take much to turn the American system on itself. "




  17. "Trump Likely Benefits from Tax Bills. The House bill would repeal the estate tax entirely in 2024. As we’ve written before, that would save Trump’s estate $564 million, according to a Bloomberg estimate, based on a net worth of $3 billion. Trump has said his net worth is $10 billion, and if so, the savings to his estate from a repeal of the tax would be $1.9 billion."


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