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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 14 hours ago, riclag said:

    Can you imagine being poked and prodded for almost 3 years by the media,dems and Gop and still keep on ticking. lol .Tweets, insults,dietary habits,collusion ,mental fitness and his mistakes and he's still the President.Wow, amazing!  


    For years,  Trump & Friends criticized and mocked Obama with misleading comments,  can you imagine GOP plotting to obstruct Obama from day 1, and Obama was reelected President? Wow, amazing!

  2. " The Dangerous case of Donald Trump" 




    "“Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart,” Trump tweeted. “I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius....and a very stable genius at that!” he said.


  3. "For Trump's human deplorables, it is neither reason nor a desire for good governance and stewardship that guides their political decision-making, but rather spite and contrariness. For them, any criticism of Trump by "outsiders" (captured by the empty, catch-all phrase "political correctness") is more reason to rally behind the great leader. This is the logic of a cult. .When Trump sends out his missives on Twitter, liberals and progressives retreat to the fainting couch in shock. Trump's base instead hears the trumpets of battle. In a contest between the two camps it is clear enough who will win."


  4. "Trump has made sure that every person in America who pays attention to politics is going to know the details of the book."


    Wolff on book's early release date: 'Thank you, Mr. President'



  5. "If ever there were a man who deserved to get Wolffed, it’s Donald Trump.

    Wolff’s penetration of the White House presents two equally damning conclusions about Trump—that’s he’s too much of an egoist to care who might be loitering around the White House, gathering string on him, and that he’s too incurious about the world to spot a potential danger to his presidency."




  6. "Ivanka thought she'd be president': the top revelations from the new book on Trump"


    ""Balancing risk against reward, both Jared and Ivanka decided to accept roles in the West Wing over the advice of almost everyone they knew. It was a joint decision by the couple, and, in some sense, a joint job. Between themselves, the two had made an earnest deal: If sometime in the future the opportunity arose, she'd be the one to run for president."




    Trump hits back at Steve Bannon: 'When he was fired, he lost his mind"



    "Donald Trump Didn’t Want to Be President. One year ago: the plan to lose, and the administration’s shocked first days.


  8. Bannon tells it , ... so this can't be fake news !

    "Mueller will use Jared Kushner’s ‘greasy’ money laundering deals to ‘<deleted> Trump’: "



    Trump Tower meeting with Russians 'treasonous', Bannon says in explosive book : "It goes through Deutsche Bank and all the Kushner shit. The Kushner shit is greasy. They’re going to go right through that. They’re going to roll those two guys up and say play me or trade me.”






  9. 4 minutes ago, Meljames said:

    Members of the public berating the president is  completely different than the President berating individuals, businesses, countries etc. via his official position. Plainly obvious to most. 

    "Donald Trump reminded the nation why he is the least popular first-year president in history by releasing hate-filled message wishing the country a happy new year."




    As our Country rapidly grows stronger and smarter, I want to wish all of my friends, supporters, enemies, haters, and even the very dishonest Fake News Media, a Happy and Healthy New Year. 2018 will be a great year for America!

  10. "Carl Bernstein claimed that sources within the White House have told him that President Donald Trump’s lawyers are lying to him about how bad the investigation into Russian collusion is going because they fear he will fire special counsel Robert Mueller."



  11. 7 hours ago, rudi49jr said:

    It’s sad, really, that the most powerful man in the world doesn’t know his ass from his elbow when it comes to nature and/or physics. Just google ‘Trump’ and ‘hairspray’ and you will see how ignorant that man really is.


    Thanks! I missed this nugget !



    "Let's see, I'm in my room in New York City and I want to put on a little spray, right? Right?  But I hear where they don't want me to use hair spray. They want me to use the pump! "bing, bing, bing".. And then it comes out in big globs, right, and it's stuck in your hair. I want to use hair spray. They say, 'Don't use hair spray, it's bad for the ozone. So I'm sitting in this concealed apartment, this concealed — I really do live in a very nice apartment, right? — but it's sealed! It's beautiful. I don't think anything gets out. And I'm not supposed to be using hair spray."   

  12. 1 hour ago, Silurian said:


    Right back at you. You must like the term "cognitive dissonance" as you used it in two consecutive posts. Did you learn a new phrase recently? It is funny since I would apply the term to Donny John - "the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change". If anyone suffers from it, it is most definitively the man-child POTUS himself. Maybe that is where you heard it?


    The Cognitive Dissonance Presidency



    Or maybe it is Donny John's supporters that have it too? Head down to #7 in the article below.


    Trump Supporters Are The Way They Are Because Of These 7 Reasons



    You're right , Thanks for sharing  these links ...

    how Trump contributes to damage brains is frightening   




  13. 7 hours ago, simple1 said:

    Usual rubbish from you. Reading your posts and others from your clique is similar to being subjected to the stench of sewage. 


    I personnally am from the clique that does not kill Innocent people  - muslim or non muslim -  in the name of political Islam.

    I am not from the clique of muslim migrants inviting themselves -  whatever the reason is - in non muslim countries for free lunch - who then rapidly put their feet on the table  

    I,  finally put the blame on MUSLIM countries and their tribal mentality  for these killings ...  an eye for an eye - and the world is blind.   

  14. 15 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

    Easily offended, thin-skinned Arabs and Turks aren't going to ask me what should be priority in their miserable countries, .....but if they did, I'd recommend:


    >>>  aim for zero population growth, including free condoms to everyone over the age of 16, and free surgical tube-tying for everyone over the age of 20, who request it.


    >>>  Democracy.


    >>>  Allow people to believe whatever belief system they choose.


     muslims are the victims of their faith - 

    >>>> tolerate atheism, forget about apostasy and blasphemy 

    >>>> give up polygamy


  15. 3 hours ago, KhunMhee said:

    Easy to show.


    Today marks one year since Donald Trump was elected president. Over that time the stock market has boomed, GDP growth has improved and unemployment is at an almost 17-year low. Exactly what I was saying


    We have also developed a publicly available Google document, which tracks over 100 indicators to help evaluate the progress and potential of “Make America Great Again. More from the article. You know you're making this too easy



    Trump Ranks Sixth In Stock Market Performance Behind Obama And Clinton



    "The market's cheerleader-in-chief never mentions that he inherited a bull market -- one that began long before "MAGA" hats started showing up on the campaign trail.



    bull market sp 500 1011



  16. 4 hours ago, KhunMhee said:

    SO a quote from a leftie website is supposed to TRUMP (you see what I did there) an article from Forbes? I do like your looking for proof but lets look at the validity of the source as well. Forbes is in no way bias its facts on how the economy if moving. If you took the time to find the changes he has done economically rather than just hating him for being him (and his big arse mouth) you would see the growth.   


    Truth hurts, this is the reason why Trump needs to lie.

    You do not need to dislike him to doubt his claims, you just need to understand the kind of human beeing he is .

    Everything is not what he wants you to believe and repeat to keep your faithfull support.  



  17. 3 hours ago, KhunMhee said:

    Lets have a look at facts. The GDP is up and he is financially making America great again.




    And before you add that's from Obama. No no it's not....

    "Trump builds his 2018 political message by rebranding Obama’s economic legacy After disputing economic gains under his predecessor, the president is seizing the same trends as his own. But looking at it coldly and rationally, there is very little the administration can say at this point is really down to them in terms of the economy.”



  18. 10 hours ago, janclaes47 said:

    2020 is still 3 years away, 3 long years of results that no other recent president could achieve.


    He's unpopular now because the democrats have put all their horses in the race to discredit him, but they will run out of horses soon.


    “I believe — and you would have to ask those folks who will know the real answer — we have more legislation passed, including the record was Harry Truman a long time ago. And we broke that record, so we got a lot done, Trump said. According to a GovTrack analysis, though, just the opposite is true: Trump has signed the least number of bills of any president since Dwight Eisenhower, who was in office from 1953 to 1961."


  19. 7 hours ago, Meljames said:

    So no great agenda or projects to tout regarding a second term, just a big global reaction of dismay at Trump's reelection. Sad. Apropos  though.


    ""I think he's running a criminal enterprise out of the White House and I think that's what Bob Mueller's on the track of, "Why wouldn’t I stay at his hotel blocks from the White House, so I can tell the new president, ‘I love your new hotel!’ Isn’t it rude to come to his city and say, ‘I am staying at your competitor?'" one of the diplomats told the Post."






  20. "
    Israel is to name a planned new railway station close to Judaism's hallowed Western Wall in annexed east Jerusalem after US President Donald Trump, the transport minister has said.

    The station close to the holiest site where Jews are permitted to pray will be called "Donald John Trump", the minister ordered, in tribute to his "historic and courageous decision" on Jérusalem."




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