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Posts posted by Opl

  1. "Trump, whose presidential campaign was of course fixated on the threat that undocumented immigrants present to American prosperity and security paid $1 Million–Plus Settlement to Undocumented Immigrant Workers on Trump Tower Project"







  2. "Trump himself for years followed in his father’s footsteps by lying about his heritage in order to advance his career, saying his family came from Sweden rather than Germany. “Our country was at war with Germany,” he told The Boston Globe last year. “So being from Germany didn’t necessarily play so well for a period of time.”



  3. "For the past 10 months, Kasparov has watched Trump’s interactions with the Russian president, and he thinks Trump is playing exactly into what the Kremlin wants while apparently refusing to understand Putin’s goals.I have no doubt that Putin’s dream was another big Crimea meeting, big Yalta to divide the world. Both of them despise playing by the rules, so it’s who will cheat first"



  4. On ‎20‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 2:41 PM, Thakkar said:


    Yeah, Skywalker. Trump was elected on a hateful message of misogyny, racism, assholery, bluster and buffoonery. As long as he keeps all that up, he’s good with his base.


    "Because Trump says so"


    "CNN Trump voter panel excuses Trump for not condemning Nazis because ‘they’re still Americans. Their ideology may make us sick, but that’s what’s wonderful about America!”




  5. Why Trump lies

    Lies are the way authoritarians exercise power. While in office, Trump has lied 1,628 times

    "Trump tells lies as a way to exercise power. He used lies to accumulate wealth as a businessman. He used lies to accumulate votes as a candidate. He used lies to accumulate power as a president. Now he’s using lies to keep himself from being removed from office. "


  6. "Trump, Who Once Bragged About His Own Sexual Assault, Tries To Distance Himself From Roy Moore "

    "They’re very serious allegations,” Short said. “And if true, then, yes, there’s no path forward.”



    "Alabama Republican State Auditor and alleged Christian Jim Zeigler used the Bible to defend Republican Judge Roy Moore from accusations of child rape, claiming that Joseph was an adult, while Mary, Jesus’ mother, was a teenager. Republicans can find any excuse to justify assault of women and girls. They called Trump’s assaults “locker room talk” and now, the Bible said it was okay. "



    Watch Mitch McConnell And Senate Republicans Silently Laugh As They Are Asked About Roy Moore "Trump isn’t leading the country, and the congressional majority is laughing about claims that one of their future colleagues sexually assaulted underage girls. "





  7. 2 hours ago, dunroaming said:

    Beat me to it!  Problem is whatever the facts his supporters will never see what a moron he is.

    They are consistent. Far-right " poorly educated" support those who flatter them shamefully


    "Trump is a flatterer and foreign policy neophyte. He’s going to say some stuff that Xi will like and make experts gnash their teeth. But look just a little below that surface and you’ll see an approach to Asia largely the same" as the Obama administration's Asia policy, tweeted Eric Gomez, an Asia policy analyst "


  8. 8 minutes ago, 348GTS said:


    That's a bit rich considering all the Lib Dems do is label people. They ran (and LOST) and election around it.


    Trump has not even been in office 1 year yet, with the amount of Dem obstructionism it is a miracle has gotten anything done. Just because something has not been done yet, does not make it a broken promise. He has accomplished a lot of things already, why not list those instead?


    "President Donald Trump made an appearance on Larry O’Connor’s radio show where he lamented his inability to control the many investigations into possible collusion or possible obstruction of justice: “The saddest thing is because I’m president of the United States I’m not supposed to be involved with the Justice Department, the FBI, doing the kinds of things that I would love to be doing and I’m very frustrated by it,” Trump told O'connor."




  9. 12 hours ago, impulse said:


    There's a tiny subset of just about every religion out there who will call up ancient texts to justify despicable actions.  Like the KKK and other racists groups throughout their history.  And those guys who bombed the King David Hotel. 


    Today, it's a tiny percentage of Muslims around the world that get all the press.  But they're certainly not unique.



    The risk is not linked to the percentage , the threat comes from the netwotk of terror cells spreading all  around the world.

    And yes,  a  "tiny percentage" but of a growing number,  all over the world - and in non-muslim countries - gets all the press.

    For good reasons , it's far more difficult to control, than a "high percentage" of a small number in limited parts of the world.



  10. "Couple planned terror attack after meeting on dating site, court hears. 

    Munir Mohammed and Rowaida El-Hassan are accused of preparing terrorist acts between November 2015 and December 20163. Prosecutor Anne Whyte QC said: “This is a case which reflects the age in which we live. It demonstrates the relative ease with which acts of terrorism can be prepared, thanks to the internet. "


  11. "Not all extremist activity is direct attack planning. UK-based Islamist extremists are supporting terrorism by:

    • Radicalising individuals to believe in the legitimacy of joining a terrorist network or carrying out a terrorist attack;
    • Fundraising for terrorist networks, often through criminal activity such as diverting money donated to legitimate charities;
    • Helping radicalised individuals to travel abroad to join a terrorist group and potentially receive training. Some of these individuals may receive direction to plan an attack back in the UK."

    The threat is constantly developing, presenting major challenges for the UK's intelligence agencies and the police.


  12. "Here are 10 revelations about how awful Trump is — from people who resigned from his administration. In attendance were Mike Cox, the ex-climate change adviser to the Environmental Protection Agency; Ned Price, former CIA agent and National Security Council spokesperson; Sharon McGowan, the former principal deputy chief of the Justice Department’s civil rights division; and Walter Shaub, former head of the Office of Government Ethics."



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