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Posts posted by Opl

  1. A timeline of treason” Watch Keith Olbermann connect the dots of Trump’s ties to Putin’s Russia

    “The sheer volume of information in this one thread of the Trump campaign conspiracy is so overwhelming that only when viewed chronologically does it make any sense,” Olbermann of the June 9, 2016 meeting at Trump Tower with Natalia Veselnitskaya. “Or does it become clear that it is, in short, a timeline of treason.”




  2. 13 hours ago, Grubster said:

    I can see it now, letting these pigs run free in western countries to spread the word. Most of them willingly joined a killing machine and now they are worried for their safety. Cant wait to hear the sob stories told by the do good enablers of the west.

    We - I mean in Europe - have the same problem dealing with our national djihadists returning "home" from Syria, Iraq, with their wive(s) and kids ..   

  3. “This year’s Soft Power 30 results should raise concerns in the American foreign policy establishment, the rankings  reporting a fall in America’s global reputation and influence..Polling on the US was undertaken before the president announced it was withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement, a decision that is likely to have further damaged the US’s reputation. At the same time, President Trump’s drive to put ‘America First’ continues to undermine US soft power.”


    ( Soft Power 30 Index combines polling in 25 countries and objective digital data to measure a country’s impact. The polling looks at the perceived favourability towards countries. The Index is compiled by the PR firm Portland Communications in conjunction with the University of Southern California school of public diplomacy.)


    Explore results for 30 countries: http://softpower30.portland-communications.com/







  4. 18 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:



    Well dig out the graphical data on that, or any other new president.   I really don't care whom you compare with whom, but what is interesting is that often popularity/acceptance/etc falls for a new man in the chair and as he beds in, the level rises.  I'm sure there are exceptions, just as there are for every situation.


    I didn't comment specifically on Obama, but the trend when the leadership changes, so rather than compare Trump in his first months with Obama in his final months, it's more valid to compare with other presidents at the same stages of their administrations.




    “The ABC/Washington Post Poll, even though almost 40% is not bad at this time, was just about the most inaccurate poll around election time!” Trump tweeted.


    Obama's almost 40% was not bad at that time...  





  5. "Because of  their authoritarian impulses and conditioning by the conservative media, Trump’s supporters may actually back him even more enthusiastically once the facts about his betrayal of American democracy are made public.In all, the Republican Party, its voters and the right-wing media have chosen political power over loyalty to country. In that context, Russia’s meddling in our presidential election to put Donald Trump in the White House is but a means to an end. "


  6. 7 hours ago, Berkshire said:

    It's reassuring that these legal bills are being paid by idiot Trump supporters (i.e., campaign contributions) and not the taxpayers.  Trump also makes out when these fundraisers and rallies are held on Trump properties.  The guy is like the teflon Don, he never has to pay for anything and always makes out...at the expense of the minions.

    "While it may seem odd that President Donald Trump has already formed a re-election campaign, it is less surprising that his re-election campaign has given a great deal of his fundraising money to the president’s own interests.Of the $6.3 million spent by President Trump during the first three months of 2017, nearly $500,000 went to hotels, golf clubs, and restaurants owned by the Trump business empire, according to campaign finance disclosures reported by The Wall Street Journal."




  7. 38 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

    when all these downright crazy allegations and the amateur detective work of creating ever more bizarre connections daily have crumbled into nothingness, this thread is gonna read like pure comedy

    Trump governs beautifully ( does not have time to watch TV,  Putin said Trump appeared satisfied during their meeting when told that Russia didn’t interfere in last year’s election.)

    WH "works perfectly" ,  everyone hurries to hire a lawyer ( chek old agendas, in case a Russian contact would be mentioned)

    Trump Jr, (close adviser to his father during the campaign), had never ( " a hundred percent no") discussed government polices related to Russia with Russian nationals


    Pure kerkuffle




  8. iiilafay.jpg 



    Captain Charles E. Stanton, GHQ
    Speech manuscript

    " ... The fact cannot be forgotten that your nation was our friend when America was struggling for existence, when a handful of brave and patriotic people were determined to uphold the rights their Creator gave them -- that France in the person of Lafayette came to our aid in words and deed."



  9. According to the press, it is Ivanka's husband who, to cover himself, revealed the interview with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya when he completed his form of security clearance (after the first version revealed numerous "omissions").

    It's this second reviewed form that would have put the investigators on the trail of the interview.  
    (Jared Kushner is targeted by the special prosecutor for attempting - after his father-in-law's victory - to set up a secret channel for communication with the Kremlin).
  10. Russian foreign minister defends Trump Jr. against ‘wild’ criticism over Kremlin-linked lawyer meeting " In a statement made during a visit in Brussels, as reported by The Straits Times, Lavrov said it was ridiculous to criticize Trump Jr. for the meeting, which was pitched to him as part of an effort from the Russian government to help his father’s presidential campaign."



  11. 14 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

    Unfortunately, while I understand your glee at finally having an actual Russian in the collusion story, it looks likely to amount to nothing.

    A single meeting set up under a false pretense, to push their own agenda (some adoption policy).

    No info, no followup, no collusion. 




    Negotiating with a foreign power involved in hostile maneuvers is a mere detail... The Trump family has now given a whole new dimension to the terms "incompetence", "corruption" and "treason".

  12. ““Ned Price, who was a spokesman for the National Security Council in the Obama White House and worked for the CIA during George W. Bush’s presidency: It used to be the case that Americans would assume the Russians were just lying, but after Donald Trump’s unsubstantiated claims about everything from mass voter fraud to illegal wiretapping, that credibility is in doubt. you are left wondering which side is more credible, and it’s not only with regard to Russia.”


  13. 9 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

    Did you read the "reactions" at the bottom of the article?  Apparently, most Americans see it the same way as I do. 


    special quote dedicated to JHolmesJr who surely will appreciate this - from your shared link -  reaction  

    TwitterMeThis "TwitterMeThis

    54 minutes ago

    Trump and his troop can do no wrong. Just ask them. It was always someone else's fault. I'm sure Putin thought it was just fine. Besides there's no proof it really was Ivanka. Could have been an imposter. The Dems made her do it. Merkle in a secret meeting asked her to sit in. Trump has the tapes."
  14. 21 minutes ago, iReason said:


    It must be nice dwelling in that simple, fact-free world of the small minority.

    Deflecting reality away.


    Meanwhile, simply put, the wheels of justice continue to turn: :thumbsup:



    It's gonna be great watching all the duped supporters shrink away when reality hits them.

    Just a matter of time...


    Reading Trump supporters just here, it does not look they'll shrink away.... reality has no influence as long as Trump became POTUS by virtue of not beeing Obama - reason why Trump constantly refers to Obama and has no other Policy than to undo Obama's legacy.  Trump supporters identify with all what Trump represents VS  Obama. 

  15. 1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:

    what nonsense….he had an awesome G20…gave a great well respected speech….no faux pas…except the fabricated one by the msm on a vague notion of body language. the tools at time actually said putins left hand is covering his heart indicating trust issues, trumps left hand is covering his pelvis indicating he wants to protect himself against the alpha male putin…..these guys'll spout any garbage to sell magazines.

    Donald Trump 'behaving like a dictator by leaving underqualified socialite daughter to fill in for him at G20'

    (The picture - tweeted by a Russian official - was later deleted)


    " Nicholas Kristoff, a columnist for the New York Times, said: “Ivanka fills in for her dad beside Xi Jinping. To me, it feels banana-republicky for the US to be represented by an inexperienced daughter.” 





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