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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 1 minute ago, RocketDog said:

    The tragic thing about the USA is that the Republican party, the President, and several State Governors have been doing all they can to suppress the electorate they cannot capture and to invalidate the process this very day to discourage voters. Houston Texas is part of Harris County, a huge county. The Governor of Texas just forced the closure of all ballot boxes except for a single one in every county in Texas; case in point. I lived in Houston for 5 years and know that it could well take me several hours to drive across Houston itself and perhaps another few hours waiting in line to put my ballot in the box. This is conceived and executed by a Republican Governor of a Red state.


    A democratically elected presidency would have seen Clinton elected in 2016. The sad truth is that an antiquated device called the Electoral College meets well after the election is over to 'certify' the winner. This process is only vaguely related to the popular vote in each State.


    It has become painfully obvious that America is a democracy in trouble. When a minority party seizes control of the government that is surely NOT a democracy.

    and once you managed to insert your ballot in the box, how is the Box's integrity monitored?  

  2. 1 hour ago, Lacessit said:

    Trump has personally guaranteed debt of $421 million coming due over the next 4 years. He needs cash flow from the government to service that debt, which is why he charged the Secret Service protecting him $765,000 for golf buggies, and a further $950,000 for their accommodation while he was playing golf at his Doral complex. That property has a $125 million debt falling due in 2023.

    If he loses, that cash flow dries up. Why else would he have fought so long and hard against the release of his tax returns? His creditors can pull the plug any time they want.

    In Australia, a bankrupt cannot hold public office. Maybe he is not bankrupt, but he looks awfully damn close to me.

    how much would it cost for each Trump supporter to contribute to the $421M "relief fund" ? More than what a MAGA hat is sold for? 

    • Haha 1
  3. 20 minutes ago, serenedion said:

    Some psychologist did an experiment where he played a recording of a basketball game to viewers. Afterwards, he asked them if they noticed anything out of the ordinary. Most didn't. It turns out that during the game someone in a gorilla suit ran out onto the court. But the viewers were blind to that gorilla. Much in the same way that they are apparently blind to Trump's appalling behavior. The same behavior that they denounce in others.

    This is the problem. i have come to the conclusion maybe it's because Trump is the first White President  while Obama was the exception.   

  4. 5 minutes ago, donnacha said:

    A rather tenuous theory. By that logic, the presidents of Guatemala, Hondurus, and Bolivia would all have to be populists too, along with Prince Charles and Micheal Barnier, the chief EU negotiator.

    Perhaps the more decent thing to do, when another human is unlucky enough to get infected, is to pause the hate and express some sympathy.


    facing facts isn't comfortable, you went out of topic, you got the reply you asked for because I'm polite, and I'd appreciate you not to alter my post when you quote it

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