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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. I don't believe there will be an application to rejoin. If there were an application, i dont believe the UK would be back in during the 2030s. The EU will make it painfully slow and expensive for UK to re join.
  2. The source is on your post. A link to Wikipedia. No need to click.
  3. Thanks for confirmation. Snobbism? Just I believe Wiki is not cast in stone? Funny.
  4. If the authors are respectable, why not quote directly from their source rather than Wikipedia? A website that anyone can edit at anytime. Anyway, do you have the facts I asked for?
  5. Well done. Although quoting Wikipedia is laughable. However, I requested facts to prove the comment " there are no economic benefits to Brexit"
  6. You are correct. Done to death, by opinions. I'm failing to see any facts. As with the other threads.
  7. That's a bold statement. Would you care to elaborate? Facts to back up your statement might be a good idea
  8. I have never had any issues getting photos to the required specifications.
  9. I believe I spoke about waiting times too. You quoted me, I responded. No obsession.
  10. That would be a personal opinion, I guess. An opinion that differs to my experiences.
  11. Really? So the OPs post about waiting times at the hospital he will use should be ignored? Your links generally show "averages". It stands to reason personal experiences will differ and sharing them is beneficial.
  12. If that is the only link you can find. It would help, wouldn't it? If no such universe exists, you'll just have to accept we will never know the true effects of the first few years of Brexit, and stop banging on about it.
  13. Exactly. So, when you post heresy, you should start with " in my experience" just to show you are not speaking about a subject, in this case NHS, in general.
  14. I wonder if you could post a link to prove those facts. What i mean is, you say Covid and the war have masked the effects of Brexit. Please show links that confirm the effects Brexit would have had on UK economy if Covid and the war had never happened. I look forward to an interesting read.
  15. You can fly in UK for that, if you so wish. However, both UK and European flights are not as frequent and not as cheap as they look once you add luggage fees, etc.
  16. I called my doctor yesterday morning. Had a phone consultation at 17:30. No further consultation needed. Had I needed one I would have been at the surgery this morning.
  17. A quick, 30 seconds search online. Same day, today, London to Liverpool.
  18. They clearly did not shop around. The first tickets I bought for 22 years. 2 Brighton to Victoria returns. £7.50 each. Bought online. Soooooo much cheaper than buying at the station. For travel, always look online. It's simple and cheaper.
  19. Some good points. The issue with Brexit, through no fault of anyone, was the timing. Soon after Brexit the biggest health issue for over a century occurred. Worldwide economies were struck down. Factories closed, output down, governments paying out billions to help the public but collecting minimal tax back, retail sales collapsing......everyone gets the point. Then the war in Ukraine and the energy crisis caused by it. Had there been a clean run of a few years following Brexit we would have had a clear view of the effects. As we didn't, we don't. Brexiteers and Renainers can argue until they are blue in the face but, at the end of the day, nothing can be proved either way.
  20. I returned to UK after a 22 year sabbatical in 2019. I was given the doom snd gloom out look by some. To be honest, nothing much has changed at all. Sure, there are a few foreign languages being spoken on the street, there are certain groups of people that deem it necessary to demand equal rights (when mostbof the time they get them anyway) and things that we thought normal back in the day (you mentioned clipping kids around the ear) that in some eyes is deemed abuse. The job market is good, prices are a bit high at the moment but manageable to those willing to get off their a$#ses and work. As has always been the way, keep yourself to yourself (with family and friends of course), don't worry about what others do (unless it directly affects you), don't worry about what others can earn or buy that you can't and you'll be fine. I hope you get your medical issues sorted. Sure the NHS are having a few issues right now but it's still the best healthcare you can get.
  21. The life and soul of any party. That's for sure. ????????????????
  22. He has already said the photo needs to be sent by post.
  23. We will never know. Corbyn's Brexit policy was all over the place. Starmer only ever criticised Covid policies after the event without offering his own ideas and now he and his front bench spend most of their resources going over and over events after they've been done and dusted. Some elections coming up in May. Labour might, only might, come up with some ideas and let people know what they are and how they'll pay for them I truly hope they do. Iw will be nice to weigh up their policies before I decide where to put my X.
  24. The OP is asking about extensions based on marriage. Therefore, 400k in the bank for 2 months before application. Many immigration offices require the money to remain in the bank during condlsideration period, which is usually about a month after application. After that, do what you want with the money. Just remember to get the balance back up to 400k 2 months prior to next application.
  25. I guess you are in Isaan. I think you'll find approval now comes from Khon Kaen.
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