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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. In 21 years of teaching, I've never had a co teacher and have never "shared" points. You have a habit of suggesting things that happen to you, or things you make up, are widespread. If you really hate teaching so much and believe the system is so against you, why do it? Valid reason to stay in Thailand long term and legally?
  2. Accent or nationality matter not. In UK everyone will receive at least emergency attention and treatment. On a trip to UK my wife had an excruciating pain in her ears. It turned out to be a fungal infection. On arrival at A and E I completed a form for her as a foreign patient. No NI number or NHS number. I wrote details of travel insurance too. A second visit the following day for further treatment. We only paid for prescription medicine, as we would have done if she were a UK citizen. No claim was made on insurance
  3. Top ten richest. many of most richest, are not driven by money, neither do they love it. They are driven by success. Driven by striving to be the best. Money is a by-product.
  4. Correct. Only recently, about 8 years or so ago. Usually for initial application only.
  5. Quite possibly. I've seen many "sexy nurses". Some that turned out to be my side of 40.
  6. Spouses of government employees, including nurses, get free health care covering all sicknesses, injuries and accidents. Speaking from experience.
  7. Still no mention of age. Are you suggesting there is an age limit to looking "hot"? For that matter, are you suggesting one has to be a certain age to be bald? Even you misinterpreted in your post when you wrote "sexy little nurse". You likely did it for effect.
  8. I guess you've spoken to him. What exactly did he tell you?
  9. Murderers quite often return after fleeing to check the scene. To see if they've got away it.
  10. It is not I that made an assumption. I merely asked for proof of yours. It would be interesting to read.
  11. She inherited upon her first husband's death. That would be a legal agreement. Happens everyday snd everywhere. Nothing about what %%%% of his estate she received. Working on the second one? It's seems he was the one doing the working on.
  12. Generally speaking, if one commits a murder and subsequently leaves the area hurriedly, it would be considered fleeing
  13. Some Thais. Just like some Brits. Some Americans. Some Europeans. Some............
  14. You mis understand. You say "Provinces". Therefore, all over Thailand. Bangkok is the only place in Thailand not deemed to be in a province. Or did you mean something else?
  15. Correct. Then, for extension purposes, your degree would have been verified by the TCT, if you were working for a school governed by OBEC. If not, it's likely it was not checked again. Those arriving with a NonB, or going to a Consulate in a neighbouring country don't need to go through what you did with MFA.
  16. I don't recall age of either in the relationship, or health status, hair style......being mentioned. Assumptions? You know what "assume" does?
  17. Spouses if government employees get full medical insurance coverage. If she is a nurse in the public sector, he's covered.
  18. It's water buffalo they eat. Indian water buffalo is considered a delicacy. I got that info from the horses mouth, so to speak, during a visit to India.
  19. That would be "Indian Style" curry. Based on British Indian Restaurant curries. Indian food doesn't include Gau Mata. It's a sacred animal. Sorry to split hairs.😁😁😁
  20. It only takes 5 minutes, but there you go. Tam arai = what are you doing?
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