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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. The point is, they are not. Only those that apply for asylum are
  2. No. They are deported as failed asylum seekers. There is a fundamental difference between illegal immigrants and asylum seekers. It seems you can't see that. A bit like chopping other's comments and misquoting. 😅😅😅
  3. Incorrect. Those in hotels are asylum seekers. Not illegal immigrants. That's the main problem here. People become so blinded by the mis information and propaganda they can't tell the difference between asylum seekers, illegal immigrants or legal immigrants.
  4. Illegal immigrants don't stay in hotels.
  5. The government doesn't lower interest rates.
  6. https://www.unfpa.org/resources/female-genital-mutilation-fgm-frequently-asked-questions#:~:text=And although female genital mutilation,and followers of certain traditional https://safeguarding.network/content/safeguarding-resources/harmful-practices/forced-marriage https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-63739951
  7. There are many issues that people disagree with that are carried out by a small percentage of people. That was my point. Why don't you link to all if them, regardless of who they are carried out by? Wrong is wrong. Simple. Is 11 "many"?
  8. There you go then. As I said. "They" is not solely for use in plural. Thanks for agreeing.
  9. A dork you say. Mirror mirror on the wall.... Let's see: There's a single handed robbery. The police arrive and question witnesses. How would they start? Something like "Did to see the suspect?". Answer: Yes. "Were THEY male or female?" Answer: I don't know. "How tall were THEY?" "Did you see what race THEY were?" "Did you hear THEM speak?" Were THEY alone?" See. Lots of "They" when referring to a single person.
  10. Friends who are Doctors and nurses should not be telling you these things. That's against their rules. So that comment is inane. Then you say most procedures are carried out in secret. Yet you know. Funny. That's that comment discounted too. The figures are representative of a thousandth of a % of the population you refer too. Hardly something to mention "often"
  11. This is one to start, as I pointed out. I can't believe you don't know how to use Google.
  12. I live in England and I know nothing about this. I'm not a lefty, as you call them, but I don't like people exaggerating for effect. If you can prove what you've said and the extents you are claiming, I'll take it on board.
  13. To suggest "they" can only be used in case of plural, shows a fundamental flaw in your knowledge of English language.
  14. Check your Islamophobia fire walls. 555 Here's one to start you off. https://mcb.org.uk/resources/muslims-against-terrorism/
  15. "Do try to keep up" was not an attempt to patronise. It was advise.
  16. Not quite the same as the post I was replying to.
  17. It's not the difference between OBEC and KSP. Any school that is governed by OBEC need their teachers to have a licence or waiver from KSP. There will be a list somewhere.
  18. Why not also quote atrocities that were carried out by non Muslims? I'll start. Oklahoma, Timothy McVeigh. 168 killed, 19 of whom were children, and 680 injured.
  19. You are speaking about legal immigration. That is controlled. Everyone who comes here needs a job or family. They need to prove they have a job, if coming here for work, and need a place to stay. They need to earn a qualifying amount of salary. If on a spouse visa they also need to prove they meet financial requirements and have somewhere to live. They also have to pay over £1000 for their visa, every 2.5 years, snd they need to pay £1065 per annum IHS. They cannot claim benefits. If it were not or immigration the NHS, health care and social care would be 1000 times more in trouble than it is now Be careful what you wish for.
  20. You need to watch more videos. Try some from different sites. IE, not propaganda sites.
  21. Correct, although requirements for real international schools will be tougher than KSP requirements.
  22. I don't believe anything belongs to everyone. Also, every member of the UK public over 18 had a choice to buy the shares. I don't see those that bought complaining. Only those that didn't.
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