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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. I've never paid more entrance fees anywhere. I have social security so don't know about hospital fees. Even before that I had Thai private health insurance. My tax was always at the same rate. I was on a Non B visa, sometimes on Non O. I used to go to the tax office myself to get the final statement. Buying land? No problem. I'm married so it's purchased under " Sin som rot" rules. I'm not pretending anything. Just pointing out your errors.
  2. Working in Thailand entitles you to join the social security scheme. In Thailand, free healthcare is available to foreigners. Kids of foreigners can get free education. Unemployment benefit is, aso available to foreigners.
  3. You've never heard of development, progression and aging workforce?
  4. My wife works as a health care and support worker. One of the careers that are exempt from the the new rules. Surely that means she can get ILR by being my wife with £18600 salary.
  5. I did read what you wrote. Who are victims? Even now the " low lifes (no apostrophe)" you speak of need a fixed address and a job with a salary of £18600 for at least 6 months prior to application. They also need to maintain that salary for future applications. I'm confused how you define "low life" as you now say it has nothing to do with salary.
  6. Nice to know you consider nurses as low life. Takes one to know, I guess.
  7. So, they fit into your " not fit to support a spouse" bracket. I'm sure they'll all be very happy for "Doctor" Tom to brand them in such a way.
  8. As I've previously mentioned, nobody appears to be complaining about restrictions. It's the rise in restrictions. There is no logical reason for the level of income required to more than double in one hit. Whether the changes will affect those already on visas in UK is yet unconfirmed. If it is confirmed, this too is illogical. My wife and I have been happily living in UK for 4 years over the old threshold but we'll below the new one. We've never claimed a penny from the government, my wife works hard, pays double bubble on NHS +NI, we managed to buy our own property outright, yet this is possibly not going to be good enough. It's not a point of we can't meet them , putting "you" in capitals was obtuse, because we can with a little change in routines. It's a point of the hike in requirements and fees is too much in one go with little notice. I wonder who would complain if the income levels for income support or tax credits or other benefits moved by so much. Those who are actually costing the government money as to those who are not and are actually contributing.
  9. The disagreements aren't with the sentiment. The disagreement is with the £20100 rise in requirements.
  10. Would that be the same for a UK citizen marrying a UK citizen? No one who earns less than £38700 can get married or have a family. You heard it here first.
  11. You are correct. I went to Thailand as a teacher to teach English as a volunteer in the North East. Liked the job so much I stayed and ended up making a good career out of it. Having said that, I've also visited some stunning temples.
  12. You think £101 for a double room for two nights is a level of luxury? No wonder you think the asylum seekers live in luxury.
  13. £101 for 2 nights. If that's double, must have been great before. Around 9600 hotels in UK. Around 300 hotels being used for Asylum seekers. I think you need to look harder. Try Booking.com or Trivago. Loads of available rooms. Great prices too.
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